Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in face you are doing.  1 Thessalonians 5:11


* This is the second of a 2-part devotion on blessing the family of believers.

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.      Galatians 6:2

In last month's devotion, we were reminded that God wants us to carry each other's burdens, a task that often requires much emotional strength of a pastor's wife. Looking to our Savior as the example, we can rest assured that we will carry out that responsibility to the best of our abilities.  

God speaks through Paul to us, but also to our fellow Christians. God has put brothers and sisters in Christ in our lives to help us in times of need, to help build us up, and to help encourage us in the Word of God. When your husband is the pastor, somehow it feels a little different to be on the receiving end of that. Yet, help from members of our congregations--our brothers and sisters in Christ--is an important part of our mental and spiritual health. Do the members of your church carry out that Christian responsibility well to the rest of the church, including you and your family? If not, can you lovingly help them in this area without bringing the focus to yourself?

Jesus had close friendships while he lived on earth--the most obvious, his 12 disciples.  Within that group of 12, he had even closer relationships with Peter, James and John--the only ones whom Jesus chose to go with him up the high mountain at his transfiguration and into the Garden of Gethsemane to help him keep watch while he was in prayer. Jesus also had deep friendships with Mary, Martha and Lazarus, whose home he visited often. These friends walked with Jesus during his earthly ministry.  

God has put the people in your congregation in your life to encourage you and care for you and your husband. We thank God for these people, our fellow Christians, our church family. Yet there are times we might say, "I feel that what they do to help is not what I need or not quite enough." It is in these moments that I look inward and see that my discontentment really stems from me. My expectations, at times, can be unrealistic, therefore, unmet. It is not right of me to hold my fellow Christians to higher standards than what I hold myself. Am I able to tend to everyone's cares and burdens and stresses in life? Am I able to talk to, email or call every person I know who is struggling? Of course not. Then the members of my church will not be able to do that either. Nor do I expect them, or always want, them to know when I might be need a little extra care or support.  

But my close friends will know! The young mother who I've become close to because our children are the same age. The fellow Called Worker/spouse who understands this life. The caring grandpa who hugs me every Sunday. The pastor's wife in the next town who befriended me when we were new to the circuit. The family who has struggled through similar physical or mental challenges as our family. These are the people who will know when you need that extra chat, hug, or meal. They will know when you need to be reminded of God's promises and will be there to offer that encouragement.  

God desires for all his children to be well cared for, to be daily encouraged by other fellow Christians. God's people continue to care for each other because the gospel motivates them to do so. Jesus carried our sins, our burdens, our cares and concerns and he put them on himself. This message motivates Christians to carry out the responsibility to care for each other, continuing to build each other up and forgiving one another and offering God's forgiveness when our attitudes haven't been what he wants. The whole body of Christ works together to accomplish this. And what a blessing it is when we see that love in action--towards our brothers and sisters...and ourselves!  Praise God for placing these people in our lives!

Ask the Lord  
Dear Jesus, Risen Savior, you know my sins, my burdens, and my concerns.  Forgive me for the times when I have not come to you with these struggles.  Help me turn to you, my Best Friend! Thank you for placing wonderful Christians in my life to help support me in my walk of faith in you. Help me to continue to show and share the message of your love with others that they in turn may show love. Amen.  

Paula Sulzle

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3rd Women's Leadership Conference
July 19-20, 2013

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI
Registration is open and all the details are online.  We hope you'll join us and spread the word to the other women you know.

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Portland, Oregon this Fall!
And in the Midwest in 2014.

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Would you like to help PWR develop another devotional resource for pws?  We're looking for contributors in April.
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