Training, Relative visits, Scripture Celebrations, Staff Retreat, P&P
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Happy Easter!
I hope that your day was filled with joy and remembrance that Jesus is alive!
What could be more important than making use
of God's ultimate training tool?

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” ~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Since my position is an Instructional Designer at Wycliffe, I recently looked up what the Bible had to say about training in general.  I was challenged by this verse.

If God’s word is beneficial for learning and growing, and through it, I can be complete and made ready for every good work, then why don’t I read it more often?  What other thing has that kind of power on my life?  What could possibly be more important than investing time in that valuable resource?

As I work on 
training courses for Wycliffe, I want to remember that His Word is a readily available training tool waiting for me to take advantage of it!
Last week, my cousin, Roberta came to visit! (yes, that is Lady and the Tramp behind us!).

In March, I was also able to visit my aunt and uncle (Chuck and Sharon Betters), who were in Florida for a visit recently.  I’m so thankful for people who know me, love me, and also want to see me grow in my walk with the Lord.
My supervisor, Amy, and me - at an Instructional Design conference in Orlando!

It was refreshing to learn about new programs available to create training modules.

Right now, I am testing a new program that has potential to provide engaging learning avenues for my colleagues at Wycliffe!

Scripture Celebration

About twice a year, Wycliffe rejoices over completed translations during that particular time frame.  This March, we paraded 16 translations through the halls of Wycliffe Headquarters in Orlando.

Then we listened to stories of how the words of scripture have penetrated the hearts of both translators and mother-tongue speakers in places I’ve never heard of before!

How awesome it is to think of God’s glory and honor taking shape among a people group in the form of His Word!  (Read more here)

Staff Retreat!

Once a year, Wycliffe hosts a day filled with presentations and activities, designed to equip, challenge and encourage Wycliffe staff.

This year, a ‘spoken word poet' named David Bowden shared poetry on the spiritual disciplines.

It was refreshing to look at God’s word in that way, and consider how to grow deeper in my relationship with the Lord both individually and corporately.

Watch this
poem that he performed called, “I believe in the scriptures.”  I hope you enjoy it!


Praise for completed translations around the world!

Praise time with family!

Prayer for additional tweaking of my job role
Prayer for boldness in building relationships with my neighbors

*Let me know how I can be praying for you!

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