Hello Friends,

As the snow begins to recede and the songbirds return, we are looking forward to utilizing the beautiful new patio in front of the Main Office of the African Development Center. Spring is a time of activity, and ADC is certainly no exception.

The following are brief details on our recent work and upcoming events. As always, thank you for you interest and support of ADC, and we hope to see you soon.

SAVE THE DATE - ADC Fourth Annual Gala
Friday, June 14th

To be held at the Metropolitan Ballroom in Golden Valley, on Friday, June 14th, this year's gala will certainly be a memorable opportunity for you to celebrate the accomplishments and support the continued work of the African Development Center.

Keep an eye on your mailbox for an official invite, but if you can't wait - feel free to fill out this RSVP Form
For those interested in sponsoring these event and the efforts of ADC, please review these Sponsorship Levels, and return a completed Registration Form.
If you are interested in contributing a Silent Auction item, please download and submit this Donation Form.

The African Development Center relies on the support and contributions of a wide array of industries and community members to bring about the impressive positive impacts throughout our state. We look forward to celebrating these partnerships, and hope you join us as an event filled with live music from renowned African artists, a delicious dinner of African-inspired cuisine, and a silent auction of unique items highlighting the many Global Connections that make Minnesota such a vibrant and growing economy.

Daniel Wordsworth to Lead the April ADC Commerce and Community Conversation

The African Development Center is proud to announce that this month’s roundtable discussion will be led by Daniel Wordsworth, the President and CEO of the American Refugee Committee. ARC works with its partners and constituencies to provide opportunities and expertise to refugees, displaced people and host communities. We help people survive conflict and crisis and rebuild lives of dignity, health, security and self-sufficiency.

This mission is especially pertinent to ADC and the community in which we work, and we look forward to you joining us for an intriguing discussion on the many challenges facing ARC and its many important programs throughout the globe.

These community discussions were developed as the ADC Business Breakfast Roundtable in 2010 to better facilitate dialogue in our community, connect individuals who otherwise may not cross paths, and to increase knowledge of institutions, systems, laws, tools, etc. for a more informed community. Since its inception, the roundtable has been a great success, drawing together people from all backgrounds and touching on numerous topics – prompting us to rename them ADC Commerce and Community Conversations.

As with all Conversations, this session will be held at the African Development Center Main Office in Minneapolis. Normally held the third Thursday of the month, this event will be Thursday, April 18th from 7:30 - 9:00am.

Please sign up, and mark this date on your calendar. If you can’t make it in, this will be streaming live on the event page, as well as our Facebook page!!!

You can signup by going to our website or contacting Matthew Holm at If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 612-333-4772 or 1-877-232-4775.

A special thank you to the sponsors of these community meetings:

A long-time supporter of ADC, this series is funded in part by the City of Minneapolis Great Streets Business District Support Program.

A new social venture of the African Development Center, this program provides such services as accounting assistance and tax preparation to the growing community of African-owned business in Minnesota.


Seats still available for this month's
ADC Homestretch Workshop

Buying a home may be the greatest investment you will ever make, but for someone new to the country, it may also be the most daunting.The African Development Center offers first-time homebuyer workshops that have been adapted to the cultural needs of our community - with success rates nearly triple that of the national average!!

These classes are offered once a month at the ADC Main Office, and every other month in various locations throughout Greater Minnesota. Visit our Housing webpage, and sign up to learn about everything from the home search process to finding down-payment assistance resources.

While these classes are especially useful for those of the African-Minnesota community, they are open to everyone!

2013 First Quarter Report  now available.

Each quarter, the ADC Board of Directors meets to review the work of the African Development Center. In addition to the general discussions on finance and governance of the organization, we like to include a brief presentation on the activities and impact of our programs as well.
You can view this slideshow as well, and feel free to contact us with any suggestions or comments you may have.
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If you have any questions about these or any ADC event, feel free to contact us at 612-333-4772 or 1-877-232-4775. As always, we greatly appreciate your time, interest and support of the African Development Center.

Your financial support for ADC is always welcome, especially as we expand the reach and impact of the work we are doing to assist the growing African community of Minnesota to start and sustain successful businesses, build wealth, and promote community reinvestment. Please consider providing a contribution through our website or Paypal:

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Thank you,

Executive Director