

Issue #147 // May 03, 2013 // View in your browser


Path texts my entire phonebook at 6am
//branded3 comments

The McDonald's Theory of Bad Ideas
//medium comments

"Older Is Wiser: Study Shows Software Developers’ Skills Improve Over Time"
//ncsu comments

Unheap - A tidy repository of jQuery plugins
//unheap comments

After 25 years in jail, the Internet blew my mind
//salon comments

Why the hell am I building a product with a tiny market?
//debuggex comments

My two-week review of Google Glass: it all depends on the price
//google+ comments

//paulstamatiou comments

Restoring the first website
//cern comments

Arduino Uno vs BeagleBone vs Raspberry Pi
//makezine comments

#Ask HN

Poll: Do you have a 3d printer?

Ask HN: How did you make your first $10,000?

#Show HN

Automatic weekly meal planner, also plans your leftovers //eatthismuch comments

Here is today //hereistoday comments

Introducing Heka //mozilla comments

Felt - Personal, handwritten cards mailed from your iPad //feltapp comments

Banyan, the "GitHub of Science", is now in public beta //banyan comments

A url-based API for images (my weekend project) //mebe comments

When designers code: Dots - a game about connecting //betaworks comments


My fellow geeks, we need to have a talk. //thingist comments

Carmack on why transatlantic ping is faster than pushing a pixel to the screen //superuser comments

Hacker News Disease //mattmaroon comments

For more, check out this week's Wayback Letter...


Light Table 0.4 released //chris-granger comments

Please, stay away from rebase //oneandoneis2 comments

Git pull --rebase until it hurts //jrb comments

Collection of the best fonts for programming //slant comments

Turn Gtalk Into A Command Line for the Web //zapier comments, a simple postal code API //zipasaur comments


How government sites should be designed (or not) //manchester comments

Show HN: Weekend project - Magnific Popup //dimsemenov comments

Flat UI colors //flatuicolors comments

Please help get rid of normalize.css //github comments


Hacker School User's Manual //hackerschool comments

Raspberry Pis hide narrative in the city to complete offline book //arstechnica comments


Stop Drawing Dead Fish by Bret Victor //vimeo comments

GIT is hard //vimeo comments

Videos from Code School's course on upgrading to Rails 4 //codeschool comments

Bitcoin videos by Brit Cruise //humbleware comments


Ask HN: Who is hiring?

Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer?

Get a job at Facebook //facebook comments

How to get a job after your startup fails //jamesmaskell comments


TCP/IP in Legos //righteousit comments

Making a game on the C64 //ludumdare comments

A D3 Visualization for Exploring the PageRank Algorithm //googledrive comments