
Dear Moms and Dads
Wow! What a super morning we had on Saturday. The weather was terrific and the support from you the parents was amazing!
A HUGE THANK YOU, to Chantal, the class reps, parents and teachers for all their hard work on the day-transporting all the equipment, tables, chairs, bikes, and for manning the food and games stalls.
Your children and this school are so privileged to have your support as this enables our school to progress and grow with all the necessary equipment and facilities on hand.
MOM’S DAY AT FHPPS-Friday 5th May between 8am and 12 noon.
Our next exciting event is on Friday this week. Our Marvellous and very precious moms are invited to come and spend an hour or two, between 8am and 12 noon, or even the whole morning with their children doing some art and other fun activities. The children will also entertain you with a short ‘sing-song’ at 10am, followed by tea and cake.
If you are unable to attend please see if you can send an aunty or special friend along for part of the morning, as children can become quite upset if they do not have a special person for an hour or two.
We wish our wonderful MOMS a very Happy ‘Mother’s Day’ on Sunday. We hope that you are spoilt with love and good memories.
A very special Pamper party for our moms and their children has been organised for Sat 18th May from 9am-12am. Invitations were put in your child’s message pockets last week. Only R100 for mom and child! Snacks, goodie bag and loads of good company awaits you. Please contact Jimina -0728551975 / or Jane in the office for tickets. 
Please sign up for the 2nd Parent workshops entitled- Behaviour modification. It is a must for each and every one. The cost will be R40 per couple. A babysitter will be provided at an extra cost of R10. The 2nd workshop is  Thursday 16 May at 7pm.
We are in the process of organising our classes and numbers for next year. Please fill out the reply slip, that has been put in your child’s message pocket asap, letting us know if your child is returning to our school next year 2014.This is most important as we have many prospective children waiting for spaces and we need to fill them.

Medicine book.

Please note any medication that must be given to your child ast school, must be handed to the teacher and written up in the medicine book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The nurses will be here this month or in May. If you would like your child to be given the polio drops or the measles vaccine please hand in the completed form that was in your message pocket as soon as possible. Only children under the age of 5 can have the vaccine.
We had a very successful day here on Saturday meeting new parents and their children. Please note any prospective parents wanting to have a look at our wonderful school, can come on a Wednesday at 9am. It is a fantastic opportunity to see the school in action. Please share this information with friends and family that may be looking for a spot for their child.


Whitney and Trevor had a super Wedding on Saturday. Congratulations to them both and we wish them loads of love and happiness.
Alexi and Me Campaign
Fundraising for Epilepsy Research and Education
Gillian is organising a drive to knit little Elephants for the children at the Epilepsy Centre at Red Cross. We have the wool and the pattern, all we need is some knitters to do the rest. If anyone is interested in helping, please come at chat to me.
They will also be having a Quiz Night at ‘The Red Herring’ 7pm on Fri 17th May 2013  
Our newsletter reaches 125 families and is an excellent means of advertising. If you would like to, or know of any business that would like to advertise in our newsletter please let me know.
Advertising rates:
R250 per advert per month for a period of 6 months with the 7th month being free. (The advert will be placed in the newsletter each Monday and also on our website)
PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!
1.        Mama Patience is looking for any 2nd hand furniture to furnish her new RDP home.
2.        Cornelia from Rainbow Educare is looking for a double bunk.
3.        We are looking for a plasterer who can help plaster a wall for her as well.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget to have a look at all the news, photos, messages and links that are updated regularly. Visit


Dolphins & Sharks: Senses sight and hearing
Starfish: Touch
Angelfish: Sight
Penguins: Autumn/Brown in Nature
Rainbows: Shapes



Theme: Senses sight and hearing
Letter: ‘x’
Number: 1-5
Skill: Address and phone number and shoelaces.
Saturday was such a lovely day. The weather was perfect and the children enjoyed themselves immensely.
Have a good week.
Irene & Elraine


Theme: Senses sight and hearing
Letter: ‘x’
Number: 1-5. Before, after between. More than, less than and equal.
Skill: Days of the week. Yesterday, today and tomorrow and shoelaces.
Thank you for your support @ our stall on Sat. Children’s news today was about the fun they had @ Tour de Fish Hoek. Have a good week.
Dad’s remember Mother’s Day on Sunday!!
Dee & Elraine


We are learning about our sense of Touch this week.
Please encourage your child in every way to use their senses when exploring their surroundings.
Thanks to all those parents who supported or helped at our Tour De Fish Hoek. Please remember ‘Mother’s Day’ on Friday, We look forward to you joining us between 8am and 12.30pm for some fun!
Many Thanks
Colleen & Mastoera 


Hi every one.
A huge thank you to all the moms, grannies and dads who helped on Sat with the hot dog stall. I appreciate it!
Our theme this week is sight. The Angelfish and Starfish classes will be going on an outing to the Arboretum on 24th May. We’ll need moms and dads to help lift on the day.
I hope to see all the moms on Friday morning.
Bonita & Nawaal


  Hi All
Don’t forget to sign the outing form to allow your child to go to the library on Thurs 9th May.
 If you are able to help with lifts that would be greatly appreciated.
Our theme is Autumn/Brown in Nature. Please encourage your child to look for items for our table.
.Please make sure you have a warm top etc in your child’s bag as the weather can be unpredictable at times.
Have a great week.
Linda & Lara


Hi All
Theme: Shapes
 It was so good to see so many Rainbows at the cycle rally. We all had such fun!
Thank you to all who helped. We appreciate it greatly!!
 Molly & Thelma
Hearing screening tests
Anne Carr will be back once again at our school to do hearing tests on the children. These hearing tests are screening tests to see if there are any hearing problems.
These screening tests are aimed at the Grade R children, but anyone else who would like their child to be tested are more than welcome.
The cost is R45 per child.
Anne will be at school on Friday 7th June.
Reply slips will be sent out next week with the newsletter.
Please Help
We are in desperate need of A4 paper. Please if you have some at the office please bring it in. It can have something on the one side and the children will draw on the other side!
We are also looking for purity bottles.


Fear is generally the only thing that holds people back from achieving personal success. Regardless of what you do, set aside your fears and be who you really are.
If you are looking for a reliable locally qualified plumber with many years of international experience contact J-P.

084 650 6060
We all had such fun at our recent fundraising event, 'The Tour de Fish Hoek' held at False Bay College on Saturday morning. The weather was superb and the parent support outstanding. Once again a huge thank you to Chantal and her team of class reps as well as all the teachers and parents who helped man the food and games stalls. We were very pleased to reach our target of R2000 raised for the morning.Below are a few more pics for you to enjoy!


Lets share our wonderful school with family and friends. Fish Hoek Pre-Primary will be giving prospective parents an opportunity to come and have a look at the school in action. Interested parents are welcome to pop in on Wednesdays at 9am for a school tour and chat.
Please spread the word and let more children benefit from our fabulous, warm, caring and educational environment.
We cater for children 2 years until 6 years which includes a Grade R year. Our Grade R's follow the WCED curriculum. (CAPS)
The Dolphin, Shark and Starfish Classes at Fish Hoek Pre-Primary are very lucky to receive drama lessons once a week on a Wednesday.
Jean Glass a well qualified and very experienced drama teacher who still has classes every Saturday at the Masque Theatre, comes to do drama with our children every week.
They have loads of fun and learn valuable techniques and life skills.
Here they are expressing another emotion!!!!!!!! Oh what fun!!!!!


The theme for this month is Friendships.
Lets celebrate our wonderful moms!
A Mother’s love, is sure to find
A way to comfort, ease your mind
 She knows just how, to build you up
When you’re so down, and can’t look up.
You love the way, she makes you feel
Like you’re so special, her ideal.


Parent workshop with Lisa Pedersen our Education and Support teacher.
Please join us on Thursday 16th May from 7pm-8pm for a worthwhile evening. Please note a baby sitter will be provided if necessary at an additional cost of R10.
Please RSVP Jane in the office.


Ingrid, Whitney, Daphne, Andre and Patience.
Ingrid’s cell number in case you need it is 0835053451.

Menu this week:

Tue-Chicken stew and rice
Wed-Fish cakes, mash & corn
Thurs-Macaroni Cheese
Fri-Hot dogs and curls
 3pm snack each day.


  • Fri 10 May: Mother’s Day between 8am and 12 noon. Join us at school!
  • Thurs 16 May: Parent Workshop 7pm-8pm
  • Thurs 30 May-Rainbow Educare visit.
  • Fri 7th June-Hearing tests
  • Fri 14th June-Angelfish Cake Sale.
  • Mon 17th June-Public Holiday
  • Fri 21 June- Dad’s Day /sasuage Braai at school. Last day of 2nd Term.School closes at 10.30am
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