It’s almost blossom time – finally! While the rest of Michigan waited impatiently for warm weather, the fruit growers at Riveridge Produce Marketing, Inc., were relieved about prolonged cold weather.
The warm temperatures of this past week, allowed trees to break dormancy rapidly. Bloom in Fruit Ridge area should begin next week and has already started in SW Michigan. This is about normal timing, and maybe a couple of days early.
As expected, Michigan fruit trees came through winter in excellent condition. We had no winter damage, because we didn’t have dramatic temperature swings or long or damaging below-zero temperatures.
Growers indicate that trees are well-rested and that fruiting buds are alive and ready to go.
We had an extraordinary amount of precipitation in West Michigan last month – 10.76 inches, which is the third-most on record for April. While some urban areas experienced flooding, our sloping lands and well-drained soils make this no problem for apple trees. Our aquifers are recharged.
Beehives are being brought into orchards ahead of bloom. While you may have heard news stories about the lack of bees nationwide, this scare story has not become reality in Michigan.
Most of our apiarists (beekeepers) are knowledgeable operators who use hive-raised bees from the South. They’re able to restock hives every winter, giving us vigorous bees each spring.
We hope this update has been useful, and look forward to answering any questions you may have. We look forward to talking to you soon.