First Jumpf for Joy! Photo Project Newsletter - Welcome!

Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world.


Jump for Joy! Photo Project
Showcasing the beauty of the human spirit - in mid air - around the world

Quote of the week:

"Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you." ~ William James

Featured Jumper of the week: SIERRA TASI-BAKER!  Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Sierra Tasi-Baker on Facebook
SIERRA TASI-BAKER  ... From: North Vancouver Works: Maijah Lewk Talent Agency, and I'm also a full time student up at UBC. 

Q: What inspires you to want to jump for joy?

Life! Creativity! Spunk! And if I jump enough that great feeling if exertion you get after a workout.

Q.What was your experience doing the jumping photos?
Awesome, the sun peeked out from the Vancouver clouds just long enough for us to do our shoot. Felt just like a wonderful sunny day with an excuse (well you never really need one) to jump around!

Q: What inspires you in life?

A: Creation, everything creative and collaborative. There's so much for me to still explore out there and that excites me. 

Q: What is your greatest passion?
A: Art, creating, collaborating. I love to draw, write, dance, perform, paint, sculpt, model, everything! 

Q: What is your driving force?
A: There has been an unnamed force pushing me towards something, and I suspect that force is curiosity. I feel so much drive and ambition, it's definitely taking me somewhere but I'm not sure where exactly. I'm enjoying the ride! 

Q: What is your philosophy?

A: If my heart can conceive it and my mind can believe it, it can be done. 

Q: If you could do anything in the world?
A: Change everything! I like this word change agent. I, like many others, want to make a difference. A big difference. My most recent project, other than getting my name out there, is starting an annual aboriginal fashion and cultural fair/event that will be taking place mid-August in Stanley Park. Stay tuned! 

Q: What work/art/projects are you working on?
A: An annual aboriginal fashion and cultural event. I will also be performing in Ignite Youth Festival May 8th for a dance show. I'm working on choreographing a number of dances that involve people from many different dance backgrounds. I'm constantly working on collaborations and I also am hosting and working in many fashion shows and photo shoots throughout the summer!

My Facebook page is: also follow me on Instagram & twitter for more updates! @sierratasibaker

Q: Mini bio, interesting facts about you or something special you want to share.

A: I grew up on the North Shore, I'm Aboriginal and Hungarian. Majority of my family is made up of artists and athletes. I graduated from Bodwell International Highschool. I'm currently studying at the University of British Columbia in General Arts.

I work for Maijah Lewk Talent Agency as a model and an actress. I am the choreographer for my dance company at UBC called Dance Horizons. You can normally find me gallery or café hopping if I'm not dancing or collaborating with the artistic community in Vancouver!

All photos of Sierra were taken in North Vancouver, BC Canada. Like Jump for Joy! Featuring Sierra Tasi-Baker on Facebook

Please email me at: if you have feedback and suggestions on how to improve the project.. I would love to hear from you.

For more frequent updates and jumping photos, stop by the Jump for Joy! Photo Project web page/blog

Help me to keep spreading the JOY! SUPPORT JUMP FOR JOY!!

Have a great week, with lots of fun and filled with joy!
Much love, Eyoälha

Self-portrait of Eyoälha taken in North Vancouver, BC Canada.
Copyright © 2012 Jumpf for Joy! Photoproject, All rights reserved.
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