
Science and Technology Task Force Report
Both Australia and India have recognised the opportunity that emergent India offers Australia for trade, investment and research partnerships. Such research-based collaborations are dominated by funding opportunities provided through government-to-government bilateral programs. Collaboration with India led to...Read the Full Report.
Simi Garewal on Women in Indian Cinema - Tomorrow
The representation of women in Indian cinema offers unique insights into India’s modern history, and the shifting expectations placed upon them, both on screen and off. Join Simi Garewal, one of India’s leading female media figures, as she traces the often painful progress made since the time of 1913’s Raja Harishchandra...Read More and Register.
DFAT calls for submissions into Australia in the Asian Century
Broader and deeper engagement with our regional partners can only be achieved with the active involvement of all sectors of the Australian community. That is why DFAT is working with all levels of government, business, institutions and community groups to develop comprehensive country strategies...Read More.
Indian Diaspora react to India - Australia Poll

The poll commissioned by the Australia India Institute and Lowy Institute for International Policy found that while Indians ranked Australia second only to the United States as their preferred education destination, 62 per cent of respondents believed that despite recent improvements, Australia is still a dangerous place for Indian students...Read More.

Tiffin Talk: Geopolitics of Climate Change in the Arctic
In steadily proliferating popular, academic and official narratives of anthropogenic global warming, the Arctic – significantly marked by the imagery of ‘diminishing ice’, ‘opening sea routes’ and ‘scramble over resources’ - has come to geopolitically embody climate change. As power-political tectonic plates continue to shift in the post...Read More and Register.
Tiffin Talk: Entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystems

Arumugam Aramvalarthanathan will be giving his talk on the subject Entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystems. He will be exploring what has made some regions in the world hotbeds of high-value venture creation and the role of government intervention in catalysing this....Read More and Register.

Copyright © 2013 Australia India Institute, All rights reserved. The Australia India Institute is based at the University of Melbourne. Funded by the Australian Government  Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, the State Government of Victoria and the University of Melbourne.