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May 2013 eNewsletter

This month, we continue our online series of articles titled "It's All In You Mind". I have been thinking for a while about putting down in writing what I have learned working with people as a coach and consultant in the past 10 years, so this is my first go at it. I have posted the third installment as well as an MP3 on the NLP Tutorials website. See the links below under "Articles of the Month".

As usual, you will also find a list of upcoming courses as well as our monthly recommendations for interesting events, or visit our schedule of all courses. Note there are two 2 days courses starting next week.

If you are not yet a member and wish to receive special members-only discounts on courses, register now.

As always, if you have any question that you would like to see treated in one of those newsletters, let me know.

In this newsletter:
- Articles of the Month
- Useful links
- Upcoming Courses
Monthly Recommendations

It's All In Your Mind (#3)


In the series of articles “Reality is A Creation of the Mind”, we saw in the previous post how the human mind create an internal representation of reality, how this process happens outside of conscious awareness, and how because of this, we believe that the subjective internal representation that has been conjured up by our mind is in fact the true reality. The external world is a creation of the internal realm.

The reality that we construct is valid within a certain set of rules and assumptions, most of them completely unconscious (our internal filters). Together, they constitute what we call someone’s ‘model of the world’ (MOW in short). Your MOW is the sphere within which your mind moves around. Imagine that you were born in a small village. You spend your whole childhood there, and the only interactions that you have with the external world are with people from your village. Everyone knows you by name and you know everyone’s name, every family. Your friends were born in the same village, and like you, this is all that they know. Everything and everyone is very familiar. You live in a familiar and comfortable world, a world that you understand and that understands you. You live according to a routine that you know inside out. You know exactly how to behave, you understand what’s accepted and what’s not.

Click here to read the full article (or copy and paste in your browser and go to the post "It's All In Your Mind #3").

Useful Links

Join the member's list, receive articles on NLP and Hypnosis as well as special codes for members-only discounts for certification trainings and workshops.
Schedule of trainings and workshops
MasterMinds NLP Tutorials Public Blog, articles & tips on NLP Coaching & hypnosis on the public blog of the students-only NLP Tutorials.

Courses starting next week: Core Drivers

[Receive members-only emails with discounts on courses and invitation to members-only events. Register Now.]

Most coaching clients I see have the problem that they have because they are not aware of what is REALLY important to them.
Mark was spending 75% of his time on a job he found profoundly unsatisfying; it was clear to him that he had to do something about it, but... what? What were the other alternatives? When I saw him, his question was: shall I stay in Hong Kong, or shall I go back home? He could not find an answer.
The 'either-or' question usually will not help very much. If you ever had the experience of finding yourself in that loop, you will know that most of the time, there is no satisfying answer, because the formulation does not address the deeper yearning: 'what is REALLY important to me?'
Once Mark realised what were his core drivers, the answer came to him as naturally as taking a breath. We are usually blissfully unaware of our core value drivers by the way, and it's a bit of a bummer really, because they drive all our actions and thoughts! Talk about automatic pilot! :-)

This is where those two 2-days courses come handy.
Module 1 - You will learn WHY people behave the way they do, and HOW they change.  It includes 3 personal online assessments on which you will work during the course, so you get deep insights into your own drivers.
Module 2 - You will learn WHAT drives you from deep inside. You will not only learn to recognise what needs to be present in your work, your relationships for you to be fulfilled (and if you ask me, that's a great bonus), but also you will learn to make better decisions based on more informed choices.

From experience and the feedback that we get from participants, the knowledge will serve you immensely when you deal with people, in work situations (handling human resources, hiring, managing teams etc...) but also in relationships (increased understanding between partners, family etc...).
You will be able to adapt your own communication to achieve better results, be a better leader, a better manager, a better partner etc... If you are coaching others, this is really a must! You will be able to get results much faster, and empower others to change much more easily.
Many participants also told us how much they had (unexpectedly) learned about themselves during those courses.
Here are some of the reasons why you would want to take this course:
  • Understand why some people collaborate and some disagree
  • Cope with differences effectively
  • Understand differences in leadership, learning, management styles
  • Accept others as they are and yourself as well
  • Learn what marketers have known for year about people's minds
  • Explain your deep drives, and others' as well
  • Improve your relationships
  • Get a certification in NLP*
  • Take 3 online assessments (worth HK$3,000)
  • And learn more about yourself in one week-end than you did in the past 10 years.
* While you can attend this course without being certified in NLP, you will need to certify in NLP at the Practitioner level before you can get certified at the Master Practitioner and Master Coach levels.
Each module is a two-day course.
Both are part of the NLP Master Practitioner but they are opened to everyone, i.e. you do not need to be NLP trained to take it.
Module 1 Values Levels
Date: May 2-3, 2013 - 9:30am-6:00pm

Module 2 Values & Meta Programme
Date: May 4-5, 2013 - 9:30am-6:00pm

NB: Sign up for both modules at the same time to save on the cost of the training (select 'Module 1&2" on the sign up page)
Click here to receive discounts on trainings

Monthly Recommendations

This month, we recommend two events that are vastly different but equally enriching.

You are invited to celebrate World Laughter Day on the 05th May 2013, Sunday from 3 - 7 PM at the Pranic Healing Centre in Jordan, Kowloon.
World Laughter Day is celebrated every 1st Sunday of May worldwide . The celebration of World Laughter Day is a positive manifestation for world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. Its popularity has grown exponentially with that of the Laughter Yoga movement now counting over 6000 Laughter Clubs in more than 65 countries.

For details and to register, contact Veena Dansinghani at Space is limited, so sign up early!

And this from Susan Reingold, a well known expert in Japanese contemporary prints and owner of the Reingold Gallery.

"Dear Art Lovers:  Please join me at this beautiful show displaying the works of eight alluring artists whose use of color is delicious with some masters in beautiful black and white
as well. It's the perfect show for those who are new to the world of Japanese prints and those who are looking for an expanded view of this vibrant field and my ever expanding collection.
Display from Sunday April 28th to Sunday May 5th.
The Reingold Gallery is pleased to be welcoming the European Women's Management Development Group on April 29th and a special discussion group on May 2nd. If you would like  to bring a group of friends to take a fun and refreshing  look at something new in Hong Kong over drinks or tea, or to hold an event here, do let me know, I would be delighted to host you!"

Contact Susan Reingold at


To your success!

PS: Become a member (it's f.ree and you get special discounts on workshops and events)
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