This is an A&WMA Ontario Section communication providing important information to our members.
June 6, 2013 A&WMA Ontario Section Newsletter

In This Issue

Message from the President
Annual Luncheon
Welcome To Our New Members
ACE – The 2013 Annual Conference & Exhibition - June 25-28th, 2013 In Chicago, Il
Canadians at ACE
A&WMA Ontario Section Fall Workshop
A&WMA Young Professionals Update
AQMS Update
Federal PCB Regulation SOR/2008-273
Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 452/09 – Lessons Learned and Challenges for Reportable Facilities
Noise Notes
A&WMA Leadership Training Academy
Ottawa Valley Chapter Update
Diane Freeman Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient
Members on the Move
Member Contact Information
Our Next Newsletter

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Message from the President

I would like to welcome the new members of the 2013/2014 Board of Directors for the A&WMA – Ontario Section and I would like to thank the 2012/2013 Board for volunteering  their services.  It has been another successful year of new initiatives, conferences and growth in our membership.  As members of A&WMA, you are invited to learn more about all of our board members at

From time to time we review the relationship between the International organization and its Sections and Chapters.   The multilevel organization offers the chance to optimize benefits to members. The International has a paid staff to create two periodicals, organize the Annual Meeting, the website, the Career Center, and numerous specialty conferences, webinars, training programs.  The International provides support to local units.  The Technical Council, Education Council, and the Young Professional Advisory Council assist members of similar interests, regardless of location. The Sections and Chapters provide programs with regional and local focus, respectively, and encourage networking, professional education and community service events. 

Ciara De Jong
President, A&WMA Ontario Section

Annual Luncheon

The President and Chair of the Board cordially invite all members of the Ontario Section to the annual informal luncheon meeting before the summer recess.   Once again we will host our luncheon at Eden Trattoria, 58 Marine Parade Drive, Etobicoke (near the Gardiner and Park Lawn) on June 20.  Lunch is free for A&WMA Ontario Section members.

If you are interested in attending the lunch, please RSVP to Paul Complin ( or Ciara De Jong (

Welcome To Our New Members

We welcome the following individuals to the A&WMA Ontario Section.  These people joined the A&WMA since our last newsletter in December 2012.
  • Martin Adomait, Adomait Envmtl. Solutions
  • William Allan, AECOM
  • Richard Alsop,
  • Allison Barrett, Golder Associates Ltd.
  • Darryl Chartrand, CH2M HILL
  • Manon De Montigny, newterra
  • Unam Ejaz, University of Windsor
  • Akhter Iqbal, AMEC
  • Zhe Li
  • Hong Liu, Dillon Consulting
  • Kate Liubansky, Golder Associates
  • Hassan Mohseni Nameghi
  • Waseem Musbah
  • Trang Nguyen, AMEC
  • Huda Oda, University of Windsor
  • Darren Richarz
  • Andrea Roddy, AMEC
  • Terri Rutty, The YMCA of Greater Toronto
  • Michael Shaw, Pinchin Environmental, Ltd.
  • Uwayemi Sofowote, Ontario Ministry of the Environment
  • Kathleen Spence, ORTECH
  • Christina Wasilishin, Chubb Insurance Co. of Canada
  • Chris Webb, SNC-Lavalin Environment
  • John Willms, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

Note:  Existing members are considered "New" if they renew their membership after their renewal date.

ACE – The 2013 Annual Conference & Exhibition
June 25-28th, 2013 In Chicago, Il

Join us in Chicago for the environmental industries’ premier education, networking, and solutions event where you will enhance your knowledge and network with fellow environmental professionals from around the world.   The conference will feature a technical program boasting over 500 speakers, hundreds of exhibitors displaying the newest products and services, social tours and networking events, and professional development courses taught by leading instructors.

Canadians at ACE

Tony van der Vooren

The International A&WMA has launched a “Canadian” focus for the Association’s Canadian members.  We will have more to say on this welcome initiative in future articles.  For now the focus is on the Annual Conference in Chicago (June 22 to 25).  The Association has set aside two special Canadian panels for Wednesday afternoon to bring Canadians from across Canada together at ACE and to discuss Canadian issues.   The panels are listed below. 

Also and not to be missed, the Association (with some sponsorship from the Ontario Section) is hosting a Canadian social event on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM at Bella Buccina’s near the conference. This is an important networking event for Canadian representation at A&WMA, so please do attend.  There will be munchies, excellent conversation and a cash bar.

See you at ACE!

Extended Producer Responsibility: Where are we?  (Wednesday 1:20 PM to 3:00 PM)
Moderator: Tej Gidda

  • Tej Gidda, CRA
  • Duncan Bury, EPR
  • Paul Steenhof, Canada Standards Association Group
How are Multiple Sources in an Air Shed Managed and Considered?  (Wednesday 3:40 PM to 5:20 PM)
Moderator: Rob Kemp

  • Rob Kemp, AMEC
  • Kathy Preston, Metro Vancouver
  • Cindy Toth, Town of Oakville
  • Jeffrey Lee, Town of Oakville

A&WMA Ontario Section Fall Workshop

Join us for a full day technical workshop.  There will be two parallel sessions, one on Air Dispersion Modelling and one on Environmental Acoustic Modelling, as well as suppliers table top exhibits.

When: Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Where: DoubleTree by Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel, 655 Dixon Road, Toronto

Stay tuned for more details!

A&WMA Young Professionals Update

Camille S. Taylor
Golder Associates Ltd.
The Young Professional Advisory Council (YPAC) released its 1st Quarter Newsletter for 2013 this past March.  To download the file click on the link

With the success of the YP MembershipToolkit last year, YPAC members are already working on the next version.  The video from the toolkit can also be seen on YouTube YPAC AWMA.  For more information about the toolkits and how to obtain one, or to sign up to receive the YP newsletter, please contact  Next Stop A&WMA ACE in Chicago…

AQMS Update

Linda Lattner

In October 2012, Ontario agreed to implement critical components of the Canadian Air Quality Management System (AQMS).  This means MOE will participate in setting Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) and establishing Base-level Industrial Emissions Requirements (BLIERs) for industrial sectors and equipment types.  Ontario has committed to managing air quality by Air Zones and airsheds and reducing emissions from the transportation sector. 

The Oakville - Clarkson area has been selected as the first pilot Air Zone in Ontario.  Thirty-five recommendations to improve air quality have been formalized into an action plan for this Air Zone.  Expanded Air Zone Management and reporting is planned for 2014.

New CAAQS for PM2.5 and ozone will come into effect in 2015.  They will be more stringent than the current Canada-wide standards.   The parties are progressing with the development of CAAQS for NO2 and SO2. 

Multi-stakeholder consultations are being held finalize the BLIERS instruments for targeted industrial sectors and equipment types. For example, the Pulp and Paper sector will be required to adopt an Code of Environmental Practice for SO2 and total particulate matter and an Environmental Performance Agreement for qualitative emissions reduction. 

For details on the development of CAAQS and BLIERS refer to a November 2011 MOE presentation at

For an update on the status of implementation Click Here.

Federal PCB Regulation SOR/2008-273

Crystal Hart
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (CRA)

Environment Canada published PCB Regulation SOR/2008-273 on September 17, 2008.  Enforced by Environment Canada, these most recent federal PCB Regulations govern storage, labeling, inspections, reporting, decommissioning, disposal and other requirements and set specific timelines for removing PCBs in use, storage and/or equipment.  PCBs at concentrations greater than 500 ppm in use or storage were to be sent for destruction by December 31, 2009, unless an extension was granted.  For materials containing PCBs between 50 and 500 ppm, the end date is December 31, 2025.  For the text of the regulation please click on the link below.

Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 452/09
Lessons Learned and Challenges for Reportable Facilities

Douglas Smith
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates (CRA)

Since signing on to the Western Climate Initiative in 2008, Ontario has stated that GHG reductions will be achieved through a cap and trade system, based on sector by sector benchmarks.  This is consistent with approaches taken by Quebec, British Columbia, and California, which have implemented their own greenhouse gas emission reduction programs.  A cap and trade system will put a price on equivalent units of carbon dioxide.  With a price tag attached to every tonne of greenhouse gas emissions, it is now more important than ever to accurately manage greenhouse gas emission data.

In 2011, Ontario MOE first required major GHG emitters to report emissions in accordance with O. Reg. 452/09.  In 2012, MOE stepped up reporting obligations with the requirement for “verification”.  The learning curve has been steep.   We understand that some facilities struggled to obtain positive verifications, and some received adverse statements.  Common pitfalls were lack of stringency in data collection and quality control.  Challenging as the requirements may be, we expect the pressures to tighten data management procedures to report accurate values will intensify over the next several years.  Facilities must ensure adherence to the sampling and data management procedures specified in O. Reg. 452/09.

Noise Notes

Rob Stevens
HGC Engineering

There have been no earth-shaking developments in the regulation or management of environmental noise since the last A&WMA Ontario Section Newsletter.  There is still no new news about the draft consolidated noise guideline, NPC-300, although we have received reassurance from the Ministry of Environment that the document is moving through the various stages toward final release.

In the realm of renewable energy, contention over sound from wind power generation sites continues to abound in Ontario, with various appeals to the Environmental Review Tribunal concerning Approvals granted under the Renewable Energy Act.  The process continues to evolve.

MOE has recently amended the rules for EASR registrable standby generators, heating systems and automotive refinishing facilities.

The sound level emission limits for emergency generators that are subject to Registration have changed slightly with the advent of O.Reg. 346/12.  (Thanks to John Georgakopoulos of Willms & Shier for clarifying the legal relationship between O.Regs. 245/11 and 346/12.)  The original regulation governing Registration of equipment, as an alternative to Approval, was O.Reg. 245/11, and when it was released, it contained sector specific “eligibility requirements” and “performance requirements” for comfort heating systems, emergency standby generators and automotive refinishing facilities.

The more recent O.Reg. 346/12 revoked and replaced the majority of O.Reg. 245/11, such that O.Reg. 245/11 only contains general procedural requirements.  O.Reg. 346/12 and O.Reg. 347/12 contain the eligibility and performance requirements for heating systems and standby generators, and for auto refinishing, respectively. 

Whereas O.Reg. 245/11 stipulated maximum sound pressure level of 70 dBA at 7 metres for outdoor generators with a rated capacity of 150 kW or less, and 75 dBA at 7 metres for outdoor generators with a capacity in the range of 150 to 700 kW, O.Reg. 346/12 takes a slightly more lenient approach of stipulating a limit of 75 dBA at 7 metres for all outdoor generators having a capacity of 700 kW or less.  Generators with a capacity greater than 700 kW are not eligible for Registration, and must obtain traditional Approvals. 

O.Reg. 347/12 specifies minimum distance separation and acoustic barrier requirements for spray booth exhaust stacks and fans.

A&WMA Leadership Training Academy

Nicholas Sylvestre-Williams
Aercoustics Engineering Ltd.

Every year, the A&WMA holds a Leadership Training Academy (LTA) in Pittsburgh, PA for volunteers at the many Sections and Chapters around the world.  The purpose of the LTA is to strengthen leadership skills, share ideas for their respective Sections & Chapters, and provide outstanding networking opportunities. 

The LTA drew more than 50 attendees from more than two dozen US states and at least two provinces in Canada.  Each volunteer gave up their weekend to attend this event.  This year, the Ontario Section sent 2 attendees, Ms. Jennifer Ahluwalia and Mr. Nicholas Sylvestre-Williams, both active board members.  The Ontario Section also sponsored Emily MacKay, a member from the Ottawa Valley Chapter.

The Ontario Section had significant representation.  We were proud to have both Tony Van der Vooren and Diane Freeman as official trainers.   This is especially noteworthy given the training started the same day the GTA area was surviving the major April snow storm.  I’m happy to say everyone arrived safely and returned safely on the Sunday.
The training sessions covered over 20 topics as diverse as the history of the A&WMA and its status today; finances of non-profit associations; and Dealing with Social Media.  The sessions ranged from lectures, to skits - such as a skit on “the worst meeting possible” during the How to Run an Effective Meeting session, and to interactive exercises - such as completing a Meyers-Briggs Personality assessment by trading “personality trait” cards.  The evenings were rousing with the first night consisting of a trolley tour of Pittsburgh followed by a group dinner at Pittsburgh’s famous Lidia’s Restaurant.  The second night’s event was an outdoor baseball game, getting to the Pittsburgh Pirates vs. the Cincinnati Reds, concluded by an outstanding fireworks show put on by the City.

It’s a good reminder that the challenges one faces as an A&WMA volunteer are shared by many people. The value of having so many like-minded individuals together to share thoughts & ideas and stimulate new interest cannot be understated.

Ottawa Valley Chapter Update

Camille S. Taylor
Golder Associates Ltd.

The first Ottawa Valley Chapter (OVC) breakfast meeting was held May 29th, 2013 at the Metropolitain Brasserie, 700 Sussex at Rideau.  To find out more information please visit our website  Our speaker, Cathy Smithe from Waste Management discussed how to successfully manage community relations.  Cathy is the Community Relations Manager for Waste Management (West Carleton Environmental Centre) an Executive Board Member of the Kanata Chamber of Commerce and a board member for the Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre.

Annual Workshop – The Value of Waste
Stay tuned! The OVC is also in the midst of planning for their Annual Workshop.  The Annual Workshop will be held October 8th with a topic of “The Value of Waste”.  More details will be released on LinkedIn and on our website as soon as the preliminary program is finalized.

Diane Freeman Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient

On March 18, 2013 Diane Freeman with Conestoga-Rovers & Associates and A&WMA Ontario Section Secretary was honoured to receive a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.  Created in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was a tangible way for Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to the country. At the same time, this commemorative medal served to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians. During the year of celebrations, 60 000 deserving Canadians were recognized.  To be eligible recipients must have provided a significant contribution to a particular province, territory, region or community within Canada, or an achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada.  Diane was nominated by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities which recognized elected officials for their exemplary work in the community, their home Province and across Canada.

The obverse of the Medal depicts a crowned image of the Sovereign, in whose name the medal is bestowed. The reverse marks the sixtieth, or diamond, anniversary of the accession to the Throne of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The anniversary is expressed by the central diamond shape, by the background composed of a pattern of diamonds, and by the two dates. The Royal Cypher consists of the Royal Crown above the letters EIIR (i.e., Elizabeth II Regina, the latter word meaning Queen in Latin). The maple leaves refer to Canada, while the motto VIVAT REGINA means “Long live The Queen!”  The medal can be worn at ceremonial events, such as those held on Remembrance Day and Canada Day. As well, it can be worn to other formal events where invitation card mentions “With Decorations.”

Of interest to some, Diane’s father, Fred Freeman was also a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his volunteer work in his home community of Woodstock, Ontario and across Canada with The Royal Canadian Numismatic Association of which he is a Fellow.

Information about the medal including the image of the medal is copied from the Governor General of Canada website: 

Members on the Move

If you have made a career move that you like to share with the membership, please email and we will share it on our website and in the next newsletter.

Member Contact Information

On another note, please keep your A&WMA membership information up to date.  You may do so on a self-service basis:
  1. Go to
  2. Select the “Log In” button at the upper right.
  3. Enter your member number and password (or follow the password help instructions).
  4. Select “Membership” from the menu at the top of the page.
  5. Select “My Account” from the Member Services memo on the left of the page.
  6. To update your address or email address, select “Address” and “Edit” at the bottom of the “Address” page. 

Our Next Newsletter

If you have an idea for a future newsletter article please email

Tony Van der Vooren, Newsletter Coordinator

John Willms, Content Editor

Sarah McQuaig, Design Editor
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