We're creating more opportunities for even stronger connections: an online community, a private retreat, 1:1 support, and more
We're creating more opportunities for even stronger connections

A growing community

What if you could easily contact and learn more about other members of the Project Exponential community? We're considering an online platform for you to easily connect with others --- set coffee dates, post job opportunities, find a mentor, be a mentor, ask questions. If you'd be interested in this feature, let us know by clicking here.

A private retreat

You've told us: you're looking for more unique experiences, more opportunities to brainstorm and solve, more chances to build meaningful relationships, more conversations that matter. We have the antidote.

Stay tuned for a private getaway dedicated to authentic connection, project building, discussions relevant to your work and life, activities that foster real relationships, and, of course, delicious food. During this multi-day workshop, we're going to introduce you to those who can help you achieve your loftiest goals and inspire you along the way. Group size limited. Details to come!

Your work, supported

More and more folks are contacting us for help with their projects, businesses, and challenges. In order to best serve and effectively manage expectations, we've finalized a program to assist entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders. If you're interested in learning more and receiving 1:1 support, click here to send Michelle a note.

We're excited for what's ahead and look forward to building even stronger connections with you.

Michelle + Project Exponential

Upcoming Events

June 2013
We're sending out invitations to upcoming curated dinners. Make sure you're on our list.

Sign up here.

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