Autumn News and Tips
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Clinic Update

Well, we've been flat out the past month implementing the latest research and testing into our clinic and treatment programs.  So far both the feedback we've had from clients and the results are speaking for themselves!  I admit I am guilty of bombarding you all with information.  I can't help it - I just get so excited!  So, I've made a decision to make sure that our treatment plans aren't just about information but implementation.  This includes everything from individualised eating plans to cooking demonstrations / lessons targeted at your specific needs.  Change is overwhelming at the best of time so making the transition as easy as possible will hopefully assist with better outcomes for you all.  

My dream for the clinic for a long time now has been to run food workshops
, but as you know the clinic doesn't have an oven or a massive kitchen, so I  needed a machine that could fill this need.  I researched and ended up purchasing a Thermomix  and what can I say, the love affair began!  I cook all my meals from scratch - even my dog's food, so I tend to spend a lot of time in the kitchen - the time I now spend is probably cut in half (or because I am slightly addicted to all the snazzy things I can do with it - the time has increased as I make more and more foods to stock up my freezer and pantry!)  Anyway, long story short, the reason I love it so much is because it combines 10 appliances into one.  As yet, I haven't used it to its full capacity but I regularly mill my own grains to make bread, make almond meal for our muffins and much to Jason's delight, have mastered a chicken and cashew curry with quinoa which I can make in less than 20mins!  

The focus of the workshops will be on education, showing you how you can make specialised, nutritious foods with less fuss and much less cost.   I will be using the Thermomix  in the workshops, but  if you don't have a Thermomix that is ok as well as I will tell you ways of making the dishes with your normal appliances.  
If you want to purchase a Thermomix then I can happily help you with that as well.  So, what I would like from you all is a list of topics you would like me to run workshops on.  Workshops will be run the last Tuesday morning and Saturday afternoon of the month.  They will be free and require minimum booking numbers.  So far the workshops have been booked out in advance so please let me know as soon as possible.   Some topics of interest so far have been gluten free, paleo, and kid's nutrition.

A little word on Cholesterol  
I recently went for my annual check-up at the Dr.  I don't have a regular Dr so just went to the one at the end of our street as I knew what tests to have done.  Anyway, on receiving my results she promptly said I needed to go on cholesterol lowering medication and immediately stop eating so much fat!  I nearly had a heart attack then and there, but instead asked if I could have a copy of my results.   My results were actually great!  My results were: trigylcerides 0.6, HDL (healthy, protective cholesterol) 1.8 and LDL ("bad" cholesterol) 3. HDL and LDL are the two types of cholesterol that make up your total cholesterol.  HDL is the "good" form and carries cholesterol from the tissues to the liver to be broken down and excreted.  It helps to reduce cardiovascular risk.  LDL's are the "bad" and can leave cholesterol deposits in the arteries when high and cause blockages known as atherosclerosis.  The ideal balance is to have a higher ratio of good to bad cholesterol.  Cholesterol is a type of fat that circulates in the blood and is essential for hormone production, cell production, the synthesis of vitamin D and bile acids which help the digestion of fats.  So, as you can see it is important to have cholesterol but it needs to be in a healthy balance of good vs bad. Often when our protective cholesterol is high this can push our total cholesterol figure higher which can lead to many people being prescribed cholesterol lowering medication unnecessarily.  There is a lot of conflicting information out there on cholesterol, so here's a few tips to keep your cholesterol in check.
  • follow the mediterranean diet. People eating this diet, have the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease in the world
  • choose lean meats and where possible organic or grass-fed meats
  • eliminate fast foods, pre-packaged baked goods as they are high in detrimental trans fatty acids
  • reduce sugary, refined carbohydrate and processed foods
  • choose full fat options as opposed to low-fat
  • ask how we can help if you are carrying extra weight
  • start moving.  Exercise can support good cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health
  • move away from unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption

Cinnamon, Honey & Ginger Tea

A fast way to boost your immune system this a cup or two of this delicious tea.

Add boiling hot water to freshly grated ginger, a tsp of raw honey and a tsp of cinnamon & sip!



Are you ready for Winter?

Don' wait until you start to feel sick to see us, we are happy to make you some herbs to help boost your immune system or if you shy of liquid herbs we can find a tablet alternative


Does it feel like you are bursting at the seams with all the medications you keep being prescribed?  We can help you find ways to "repair" and re-balance your body so you won't have to rely on a "pill" to deal with your symptoms.  Don't treat the symptoms, let us treat the cause.

Positive affirmation for the day
Every moment, I have the chance to make choices that either enhance or diminish my health. I choose to enhance my health.

Young love x


75a Groom Street
Gordon Park QLD 4031


Mon, Tues, Fri   Appt only
Wed                1pm-6pm
Thurs               10am-6pm
Sat                  9am-3pm

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