I'm going to help others get a glimpse of God's work around the world!!!
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Next Steps...

Last Fall, the Lord provided me with an excellent opportunity to take a step back from 8 years of Oral Bible story work, and step into an Instructional Designer role.  This gave me a meaningful way to serve, and allowed me to feel safe and cared for during a time of transition.

During that time, I realized that I am not the best fit for the role of an Instructional Designer, and the role is not the best fit for me.  Through career counseling, a lot of conversations and prayer, the Lord has led me to step out of the Instructional Designer role at the end of May, and step into a new role.
Starting June 1st, I will be a Discovery Trip Coordinator for Wycliffe Bible Translators. 

This is something I am passionate about, and can actively use my past experiences and skills in.  I can't wait!!!
What will I be doing?

I will:
* coordinate overseas internship trips for groups and individuals 21 yrs and older.

* interview participants & help them raise support

* equip them to succeed on their trip & debrief the trip when they return.

* network with churches and colleagues overseas to create opportunities for participants to experience God’s work overseas, while contributing to the work there.

* travel as the team leader for Discovery trips!

Who will I work with?

* YOU!  I consider all of you my colleagues on this journey to bring God’s word to those who have never heard it!

* My supervisor (John) and his wife (Shevawn), who have served with Wycliffe for 30 years!

* I will travel to Santa Ana, CA (June 3-7), to receive orientation from both of them. 

* From a face-to-face skype meeting with them, I already feel ‘at home’ with them, and am excited to work with them.
Why do I believe God has called me to this?
1- Growing up, short term mission trips transformed my worldview. I now have the privilege to come along side of others on similar life-changing trips.

2- Eight years of service with Wycliffe, including living in strange places and travelling A LOT, will significantly help me to plan trips for others.

3- It is a need.  My role will provide more opportunities for people to serve in specific ways.

4- I will travel again!  My new role will allow me to lead teams overseas!

Why am I excited to share it with you?
Because YOU could possibly come on a trip with me at some point in the future!  How cool would that be?
Click here for an overview of a Discovery trip!
See where Discovery teams are going in 2013!

Photographic Praises and Prayers:

** I've enjoyed teaching 3rd grade Sunday school at my church (top left), as well as serving on Monday nights as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher this past school year (top two pictures).
** Praise for my brother, Mark’s graduation from Liberty University(above, left)
** Praise for the blessing of close friends in Orlando – (a “May the 4th be with you” Star Wars party!) (above, right)
** Pray for the transition out of my Instructional Designer and into the new role of Discovery Trip Coordinator.  Below are new colleagues, Christina and Tracy.(below, left)
** Pray for good connections with my new boss and his wife during orientation in California the first week of Jun
e.  (below, right) Click here to check out their awesome blog!!

Thank you for taking these steps with me!  And thank you for praying for me along this journey.

I'm very much looking forward to what God has in store for me through the Discovery Trip Coordinator role!

Please let me know how I can pray for you!
Don’t forget to
check out my blog for recent ramblings and insights into the experiences God gives me to know him more!

Until All Have Heard,


"And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come."
~ Matthew 24:14
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