Hello Friends,

As the springtime sunshine tempts us out of our offices, we are eager for the energized activity at the Afro Deli, and the exciting lineup of ADC events in the coming months!

The following are brief details of our recent work and upcoming events. As always, thank you for you interest and support of ADC, and we hope to see you soon.


ADC is the Proud Recipient of the
Transformational Fund Grant!!

After a very competitive process, featuring many of the state’s most impressive and promising nonprofit organizations, the African Development Center is proud to announce that it is this year’s recipient of the Transformational Fund Grant!!

The Transformational Fund is a unique program of “Minnesota Community Foundation” made possible by the Pat and Tom Grossman Family Fund. A one-time grant of up to $500,000 is given to a nonprofit organization that is poised for organization-wide, long-term, sustainable change in helping Hennepin County residents become self-sufficient. The grant is intended to improve effectiveness and efficiency, support dramatic growth and change in a promising organization and allow an organization to move to the next level.

ADC is proud to be just the second recipient of this fund, which will provide $410,000 to support our new social venture – ADC Business Consulting! This program will expand ADC’s culturally conscious technical assistance to better meet the new demand for such things as accounting services and tax preparation to a growing number of established immigrant businesses in the region.

The African Development Center is ecstatic to be chosen for this year’s grant! It will enable us to meet the growing demands of the community and help us to sustainably provide comprehensive community development products and services. Further, this grant means a lot for us as it recognizes the importance of our work, the potential and positive impact of our community served, and the strategy with which we are trying to transform neighborhoods and economies throughout Minnesota.

For more information about this exciting award, visit our website.
We are grateful for this opportunity and award from the Transformational Fund and the Minnesota Community Foundation.

Tom Horner to lead May ADC
Commerce and Community Conversation


The African Development Center is delighted to have Tom Horner lead this month’s roundtable discussion. With a deep knowledge and strong background in public affairs, this is sure to be a very insightful recap of the recent legislative session decisions and impacts.

Be sure to reserve your seat below, and join us for an in-depth look at the most recent policy and public affairs activities affecting all of us. What happened? What does it mean? Where to we go from here?

These community discussions were developed as the ADC Business Breakfast Roundtable in 2010 to better facilitate dialogue in our community, connect individuals who otherwise may not cross paths, and to increase knowledge of institutions, systems, laws, tools, etc. for a more informed community. Since its inception, the roundtable has been a great success, drawing together people from all backgrounds and touching on numerous topics – prompting us to rename them ADC Commerce and Community Conversations.

As with all Conversations, this session will be held at the African Development Center Main Office in Minneapolis. Normally held the third Thursday of the month, this event will actually be Thursday, May 30th from 7:30 - 9:00am.

Please sign up, and mark this date on your calendar. If you can’t make it in, this will be streaming live on the event page, as well as our Facebook page!!!

You can signup by going to our website or contacting Matthew Holm at If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 612-333-4772 or 1-877-232-4775.

A special thank you to the sponsors of these community meetings:

A long-time supporter of ADC, this series is funded in part by the City of Minneapolis Great Streets Business District Support Program.

A new social venture of the African Development Center, this program provides such services as accounting assistance and tax preparation to the growing community of African-owned business in Minnesota.




ADC Gala Moves to November 8th

With sincere apologies for any inconvenience it may cause, the African Development Center has chosen to move this year's 4th Annual Gala to the fall. To be held on Friday, November 8th, this celebration will still be located at the Metropolitan Ballroom in Golden Valley, and feature the theme of Global Connections.

Again, we are very sorry for having to make this move, but do hope that you will be able to join us for what will still be a wonderful celebration. Keep an eye out for more details this summer!

Finishing Touches being Completed on

Here is just a sneak peak at some of the improvements being made on the website for the African Development Center. With the purpose of serving a broad and complex audience of clients, supporters, and funders, ADC has been developing a new and more user-friendly site to meet these diverse needs and interests. 

Keep an eye out for an official launch date, and more details of the new and exciting features and capabilities of this new site ( may include expert forums, webinars, community resource information, and client testimonials)!!

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If you have any questions about these or any ADC event, feel free to contact us at 612-333-4772 or 1-877-232-4775. As always, we greatly appreciate your time, interest and support of the African Development Center.

Your financial support for ADC is always welcome, especially as we expand the reach and impact of the work we are doing to assist the growing African community of Minnesota to start and sustain successful businesses, build wealth, and promote community reinvestment. Please consider providing a contribution through our website or Paypal:

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Thank you,

Executive Director