Re-engineering, Modernizing State Government
CIO’s Message
We are proud to announce the final agenda for the Hawaii Digital Government Summit, being held free and open to government employees on Dec. 16. Informative sessions will align with the state's strategic plan to's transform information technology (IT) and deliver increased value to all branches of government, touching on re-engineering business processes, modernizing IT Infrastructure, and increasing transparency and accountability.
If you participate in government technology decisions or implementation at any level and you haven’t yet registered, I encourage you to sign up today. Limited space remains. To see the full agenda and register, visit oimt.hawaii.gov.
In the meantime, in this issue of OIMT News, we offer a preview of some of the progress that we’ll be sharing with summit attendees.
– Keone Kali, Chief Information Officer, State of Hawaii
Accurate IT Inventory Key to Future Efficiency, Cost-Savings
The OIMT Enterprise Architecture Team is working across all state departments and attached agencies to compile an accurate and up-to-date IT Investment Portfolio for the Executive Branch. This due diligence will provide a complete picture of technology investments, which is necessary to make strategic decisions for future projects.
Capturing and reporting statewide IT investments are imperative to making enterprise-wide decisions to discover synergies and opportunities to leverage economies of scale. The overall objective is to achieve statewide improvements in government services with business and technology solutions that are citizen-centric, efficient and cost-effective in this digital day and age.
OIMT is placing special focus on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) functions such as payroll; time and attendance; budget and finance; and acquisition, asset and grants management.
For example, this data will inform OIMT’s current efforts to develop enterprise-wide time and attendance reporting capability (an electronic timesheet and more) that will greatly reduce the need to manually transcribe information onto paper. In addition to reducing the use of paper, automating this process will improve accuracy and speed up processing.
As part of the first phase of our Payroll Modernization Project, a new interim electronic time and attendance reporting solution is expected to begin rolling out within select departments by summer.
Team Member Spotlight
James Lum, IT Governance Officer & Chief Enterprise Architect
With more than 34 years in various business and technology leadership roles within the private and public sectors, James Lum has served the last three years as the IT Governance Officer and Chief Enterprise Architect for the OIMT.
Directly reporting to the state CIO, he is responsible for overseeing the Executive Branch’s IT Governance, Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Portfolio Management programs. These foundational programs represent some of the hard work being performed by our team now that will provide transparency and accountability through administrative oversight for all current and future IT investments in state government.
Prior to his role in OIMT, Mr. Lum served as the IT manager overseeing the state’s Data Center within the Department of Accounting and General Services. He also served as the CIO for the Department of Human Services overseeing the IT/Information Resource Management portfolio, and the IT manager for various technology consulting firms serving federal Department of Defense organizations in Hawaii.
State Sets ‘Cloud First’ Policy for IT Projects
To fully realize the efficiencies associated with consolidation and cloud computing, OIMT has asked state departments to implement a “cloud first” policy to begin leveraging the Hawaii Government Private Cloud (GPC) for all new IT projects as well as migrate existing applications, wherever feasible.
Hawaii is among the first states in the nation to implement a cloud first policy for IT projects. It sets a clear preference for use of the Hawaii GPC over existing and often outdated legacy systems for which further use and investment of tax-payer dollars cannot be justified.
The Hawaii GPC Project Team developed and launched the secure state government-wide private cloud as part of the state’s strategic plan. Having reached initial operating functionality, the Hawaii GPC offers infrastructure as a service to all state entities and will address relevant statutory and policy requirements associated with state IT systems, including information security and privacy along with federal compliance mandates.
For example, the Hawaii GPC will improve the state’s risk assessment in relation to disaster recovery, since applications and data on the cloud are less susceptible to site-specific incidents, whether natural or man-made.
The Hawaii GPC will continue to expand and improve functionality through fiscal year 2015.
In the News
Technology Brings Parties Together to Improve Custody Transportation Rate
As recently featured on KITV4, a collaborative project reaching across executive and judicial branches of state government is succeeding in improving timely transportation to and from First Circuit Court.
The Custody Transport Process Improvement Project, a public-private partnership involving the Hawaii State Department of Public Safety, Hawaii State Judiciary, and the nonprofit Hawaii Community Foundation, examined the challenges with communication and processes that impacted the safe, secure and timely transportation of individuals in custody. OIMT provided support for implementation.
State Department of Public Safety Deputy Sheriff Arnold Den Beste works with the new web-based custody transport program in the Circuit Court cellblock. (Photo courtesy of the Department of Public Safety)
A new web-based application was developed to improve the interface, communicate custody status, and track pick-ups. This application provides customized views for Oahu Community Correctional Center corrections officers, state Sheriff’s in the cellblock, and Judiciary staff. Each view provides the pertinent information for that staff person based on their role and permissions.
“The beta version of the web application was completed in spring 2014 and deployed for testing among the different state departments. Utilizing off-the-shelf, open source, and industry standard framework and libraries allowed for a cost-effective solution that can be easily updated and implemented on existing equipment.”
– Forest Frizzell, OIMT Business Innovation Officer
The initial meeting of stakeholders was the first time people from the different departments met to discuss all the steps in the process rather than focusing on their own portion.
Since implementation of the web application, the rate of on-time court appearances has improved, and calls to the Public Safety Department about missed court appointments have stopped. Furthermore, the amount of staff time spent answering questions on location of custodies decreased, coordination between the department and state Judiciary personnel improved, and overall communication allowed further opportunities for continued improvement to be identified. Collaboration and demonstrated progress has also boosted moral, improved attitudes, and encouraged staff to voice opinions and suggestions.
In this case, technology helped to bring the parties together. It also provides a model that can be replicated and expanded elsewhere in government.
State Inbox
Information Exclusively for State IT Personnel
Enterprise Email Update
To provide enterprise shared services, including email and unified communications, OIMT has entered into an enterprise license agreement with Microsoft for the Office 365 product suite for up to 12,000 state employees to facilitate the migration from IBM Lotus Notes (or any other current solution or product utilized for email).
As stated in the last CIO Council meeting and via interdepartmental memorandum, all departments shall budget for fiscal year 2016 and beyond at the negotiated yearly per seat rate. More information is available to department CIOs and IT staff on the CIO Council SharePoint site.
In addition, the following course available through the Microsoft Virtual Academy provides an introduction to Exchange Online Protection and the benefits it can provide your users:
Exchange Online Protection
Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is a cloud-based email filtering service that includes features to safeguard against messaging/policy violations. This course provides the details that IT professionals need to know about EOP; why EOP is necessary in your organization; how Microsoft has designed EOP to handle spam and malware; and how to deploy, configure and manage EOP.