Grow your forest
Free workshop for landowners to be held in Lucan on March 18
Local landowners are invited to attend a free workshop on forest management and stewardship, and financial incentives for tree planting and establishing and managing your forests. Trees Ontario, along with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and Upper Thames River Conservation Authority, is hosting the workshop at Lucan Community Memorial Centre, 263 Main St., in Lucan, on Tuesday, March 18, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Check-in begins at 6:30 p.m.).
Forestry experts will discuss and answer questions on a variety of topics, including:
• Cost-share programs and other incentives for planting trees
• Planning for and caring for young trees
• Invasive species management
• Windbreaks for working farms
• 50 Million Tree Program
• Wetland treatment systems for agricultural runoff
Light refreshments will be served. Registration is encouraged but walk-ins are also welcome. To register, please visit http://lucanworkshop2014.eventbrite.ca/
“It’s exciting that Trees Ontario is providing such a valuable workshop for local landowners,” said Ian Jean, Forestry and Land Stewardship Specialist with Ausable Bayfield Conservation. “Many people are not aware of the programs available or the need to plant trees. Forest cover in the watershed averages 13 per cent but is closer to six per cent in Lucan Biddulph.”
For more information on the Free Workshop for Landowners visit: http://www.abca.on.ca/event.php?ItemID=438 or http://www.treesontario.ca/

Bayfield and area groups to kick off World Water Day with rain barrel blitz
Getting more rain barrels in the area is one of the water quality and quantity protection ideas from a community advisory committee in their recently released Main Bayfield Watershed Plan: Local community groups and a high-school Green Industries class are doing their part for World Water Day by kicking off sales of rain barrels. Local people can use the rain barrels to save money, conserve rain water, and protect local water quality by capturing water runoff.
Getting more rain barrels in the area is one of the ideas from a community advisory committee in their recently released Main Bayfield Watershed Plan. “One of the challenges we identified in the planning process is stormwater runoff, which can carry a variety of pollutants with it,” said Ainslie Willock, a community member of the advisory committee.
The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association, Brucefield Community United Church, Vanastra Recreation Centre, and students from Goderich District Collegiate Institute (GDCI), are the four groups hosting this effort to conserve
rain water and protect water quality.
Rain barrels must be pre-ordered and you can get on a waiting list now online at www.RainBarrel.ca/BayfieldBlitz. You may also call 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 for information about the local Barrel Blitz.
Pick-up of pre-ordered rain barrels will take place in Bayfield, Varna, Vanastra, or Goderich (depending on which group you order from) on Saturday, April 26 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. noon. The rain barrels cost $50 each. Net
proceeds from the Truckload Rain Barrel sales will support the community group from which you purchase them: Bayfield River Valley Trail Association, Brucefield Community United Church, Vanastra Recreation Centre, or Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Buyers have a choice of colours and each rain barrel comes equipped with all the parts you need to set it up. Downspout diverters, dispensing hoses, and rain barrel stands are also available at an additional cost.
Rain barrels capture and store rainwater collected from a building’s roof through downspouts. This water is diverted from stormwater systems. Diverting water also helps reduce the pollutants and the speed of water entering local
rivers and streams. Reducing the speed of water reduces its ability to cause erosion. Collected rainwater can then be used for watering lawns and gardens, and washing cars. This can save you money on your municipal water bill,
stress on your well, and stress on stormwater infrastructure. For more information on the Bayfield River and Lake Huron area Blitz visit: http://www.abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=439 or http://RainBarrel.ca/BayfieldBlitz/

Honouring three anniversaries at conservation awards on March 20
Annual conservation award evening honours three watershed milestones in 2014: Ten years of MacNaughton-Morrison Section of South Huron Trail; 25 years of Conservation Dinner; and 50 years of the conservation program at Camp Sylvan
Please RSVP by Thursday, March 13, 2014: Each year, Ausable Bayfield Conservation hosts an early evening event to honour the Conservationist of the Year with an award, to thank community partners, to present board and staff service awards, and to provide conservation education. The 2014 awards evening is a little different. This year’s conservation awards night will do all of the above but it will also honour three significant community milestones taking place in 2014: the tenth anniversary of the MacNaughton-Morrison Section of the South Huron Trail; the 25th Conservation Dinner gala; and 50 years of the Sylvan Conservation Program at Camp Sylvan.
The annual conservation awards evening is being billed as a chance to ‘Celebrate Your Watershed Achievements’ and it is to be held on Thursday, March 20, 2014 at Ironwood Golf Club in Exeter. The organizers also say the event is a chance to celebrate “past, present, and future” watershed improvements. “We are looking ahead to a very special year with three important milestones in the watershed taking place,” said Brian Horner, General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer of Ausable Bayfield Conservation. “The 2014 conservation awards evening is a great chance to honour the local people, communities, and partners who have made these three remarkable achievements possible.”
For more information on the Conservation Awards evening visit: http://www.abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=443 or http://www.abca.on.ca/page.php?page=conservation-award

Conservation Dinner takes place April 10, 2014
Committee presents Early Bird Draw prize worth $250 to Staffa’s Robert Norris:
Conservation Dinner chairperson Janet Clarke announced the draw has been made from ‘Early Bird’ ticket buyers for a special prize worth $250. The winning ticket belonged to Robert Norris, of the Staffa area. The winner was presented with ten $25 gift certificates at Hensall District Co-op Gas Bar in Exeter. This year’s prize was generously donated by Barb and Bob Laye. The ten gift certificates are each a 25-dollar value to reflect the 25 years the community has been making the dinner a success.
The annual gala dinner and auction is hosted by the Exeter Lions Club, the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation, and other volunteers. The success of the dinner is possible only because of the generosity of donors, patrons, and volunteers, according to Clarke. Some tickets are still available for the gala charitable dinner and auction, according to the Dinner Committee. Those who buy a ticket to the event receive a charitable gift receipt, for income tax purposes, for $30 of the $60 ticket price. For more information on the Conservation Dinner, to donate, or to buy tickets, visit www.conservationdinner.com or www.abca.on.ca or call 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
The 25th Conservation Dinner takes place Thursday, April 10, 2014 at South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter. The gala event features appetizers, dinner, wine tasting, live auction, silent auction, Super Silent auction, special raffle prize packages worth thousands of dollars, general raffle prize packages, and some special anniversary features to be announced. Auction items include original art, signed sports and arts memorabilia, travel packages, jewellery, and more.
The community has actively supported this community fundraiser for 25 years. The Conservation Dinner has raised more than $870,000 in net proceeds over the past quarter of a century for projects in the community.
The Conservation Dinner supports projects such as the Foundation’s work to subsidize $1 for each student in the watershed who attends an Ausable Bayfield Conservation outdoor nature education program. The dinner also supports Commemorative Woods sites, where loved ones are remembered and forest conditions are improved, in five watershed communities: at Klopp Commemorative Woods (between Zurich and Hensall); Rock Glen Conservation Area (Arkona); Parkhill Conservation Area (Parkhill); Morrison Dam Conservation Area (Exeter); and Clinton Conservation Area (Clinton). Proceeds also benefit accessible trails and conservation areas in the watershed. The event also supports the conservation projects of the Exeter Lions Club including support for the South Huron Trail, parks, and fish stocking for the family-friendly fishing derby.
For more information on the Conservation Dinner visit www.conservationdinner.com or http://www.abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=440

Help deal with greenhouse gases
New website launched to give people an easy way to compensate for personal carbon footprint through local action
Trees can help to capture greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and help us to mitigate and adapt to the changes we are experiencing in weather and climate. People can support the planting of trees through a new website that gives people right here a way to compensate for their carbon footprints. Taking part in the Carbon Footprints to Forests program can help you tackle a global challenge with local action and local benefits. This will help the local area adapt to our changing climate and weather extremes, according to the partners in this project. “As trees grow, they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,” said Kate Monk, Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s Stewardship, Land and Education Manager. “Trees also provide shade and cooling effects when it’s hot out and limit the impact of snow and wind during the wintertime and that helps us adapt to extreme weather events in a changing climate.”
Your carbon footprint is the greenhouse gas emissions released by typical aspects of your day-to-day life, such as use of a car or truck or other vehicle, or energy to heat and run your home.
Trees help to capture carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This reduces the impacts of climate change on the planet and in your local area. Trees also provide other benefits such as habitat for diverse species and improved
water quality.
To try out the new website now visit: http://www.footprintstoforests.com/
For more information visit: http://www.abca.on.ca/page.php?page=carbon-calculator or http://www.abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=444
Tree Planters Required – Six-week ‘fairweather’ contract
To start in April – dependent on weather: The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is looking for energetic, enthusiastic people to plant trees through our spring tree planting program. For general information about the Conservation Authority please refer to www.abca.on.ca and for full details on job posting please download PDF job posting file.
For more information on the tree planting positions visit http://www.abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=441 or our employment page at: http://abca.iwebsmart.net/employment.php
Job Posting - Contract Position - Conservation Educator
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority is accepting applications for the Conservation Educator contract position, reporting to the Stewardship, Land and Education Manager. The successful candidate will work in a varied
and active program, teaching energetic students and delivering an excellent conservation education program in an outdoor setting.
Download Job Posting - Contract Position - Conservation Educator for full details.
For more information on the Conservation Educator position visit our employment page at http://www.abca.on.ca/employment.php or http://www.abca.on.ca/event.php?ItemID=437
Job posting - Assistant Water Resources Technician
The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is taking applications for the four-month summer position of Assistant Water Resources Technician. This position may be combined with a similar Summer Employment Opportunity (SEO) position.
For more information on the Assistant Water Resources Technician position visit our employment page at http://www.abca.on.ca/employment.php or http://www.abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=435