Rolling out red carpet for 25th year of Conservation Dinner
Fine art still integral to charitable gala and auction but sports and entertainment memorabilia, jewellery, travel packages, and other items are increasingly popular: Dinner Committee:
The community committee behind the 25th Conservation Dinner is literally rolling out the red carpet this year. The red carpet will be one of the special features of anniversary edition of the charitable dinner and auction which takes place Thursday, April 10, 2014 at South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter. The gala event also features appetizers, dinner, wine tasting, live auction, silent auction, Super Silent auction, special raffle prize packages worth thousands of dollars, general raffle prize packages, fellowship, and some special anniversary features. Auction items include original art, signed sports and entertainment memorabilia, travel packages, jewellery, handcrafts, and much more.
The Conservation Dinner is hosted by the Exeter Lions Club, the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation, and other volunteers with the support of generous donors, sponsors, and Dinner guests/patrons. The event is a local success story with supporters having raised more than $870,000 in net proceeds over the past quarter of a century for projects in the watershed community
For information visit this link: http://abca.iwebsmart.net/news_item.php?ItemID=447
You are also invited to visit www.conservationdinner.com and www.abca.on.ca

Local rain barrel blitz growing with more groups, schools
Rain barrel drive is Win-Win-Win-Win - Save money on your water bill, support a local school or community group; conserve water; protect and improve water quality: The area blitz to get more local people using rain barrels has grown. The Bayfield Blitz rain barrel truckload sale started with three community partners and it has now grown to six, said Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds Technician with Ausable Bayfield Conservation.
The following schools and community organizations are helping to conserve water and protect water through the sale of rain barrels:
- Bayfield River Valley Trail Association;
- Brucefield Community United Church;
- Goderich District Collegiate Institute Green Industries Class;
- Seaforth Public School;
- South Huron District High School Eco Team;
- and Vanastra Recreation Centre.
“This was a community effort that started with the local advisory committee that developed the Main Bayfield Watershed Plan,” Brock said. “The people on the committee made recommendations on ways to protect and improve water quality in the area and one of the ideas in their plan was to get more people to use rain barrels.” The idea started with the community and now these six community groups, along with rain barrel purchasers, are helping to make the idea reality.
For information visit this link: http://abca.iwebsmart.net/news_item.php?ItemID=453
Local people invited to free rain garden workshop in Clinton
Workshop to be held for those who want to find out what a rain garden is; how to plan and plant one; and how a rain garden can create beauty at their home while also protecting water quality
Healthy Watersheds Technician Angela Van Niekerk, of Ausable Bayfield Conservation, will present at a free rain garden workshop to be held in Clinton on Saturday, April 5, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Interested people are invited to register in advance with Angela at 519-235-2610 or 1-888-286-2610 or e-mail avanniekerk@abca.on.ca to reserve their spot at the workshop.
For information visit this link: http://abca.on.ca/news_item.php?ItemID=452

Past successes guide future
Speaker honours watershed community for three major milestones: Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s Kate Monk thanked the watershed community for its accomplishments of 10 years of MacNaughton-Morrison Section of South Huron Trail; 25 years of watershed improvements supported by the Conservation Dinner; and 50 years of outdoor nature education through conservation program at Camp Sylvan. The Conservation Awards evening on March 20 featured a celebration of three Ausable Bayfield watershed milestones with representatives from different community groups attending to be honoured. More than 60 people attended the event to see the presentation of the Conservationist of the Year Award to Bob Norris, of RR 2 Staffa; and hear a reflection on past watershed community successes and a look to the future by Kate. The evening also featured presentations of years of service awards to directors and staff.
For information visit this link: http://abca.iwebsmart.net/news_item.php?ItemID=451
Watershed Management Strategy
Ausable Bayfield Conservation is at work in 2014 to develop a detailed Watershed Management Strategy which will help to implement the community's direction in the Conservation Strategy.
To see the Conservation Strategy visit: http://abca.iwebsmart.net/conservation-strategy.php
For copies of the Conservation Strategy for you or your community group please e-mail communications@abca.on.ca or phone 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610.
Conservationist of Year winner
West Perth landowner Bob Norris, of RR 2 Staffa, was named the Conservationist of the Year at the annual Conservation Awards hosted by Ausable Bayfield Conservation on March 20, 2014
Mike Tam, Chairman of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) Board of Directors, presented Conservationist of the Year award winner Bob Norris with a limited-edition conservation print of the Latornell Tree, by Bonna Rouse. The print is one of 310 made for a special edition by Conservation Ontario. Ausable Bayfield Conservation will also make a donation towards a tree and plaque at a Commemorative Woods site. “I certainly appreciate it,” Norris said upon receiving the recognition. “I’m honoured to accept the award.”
For more information visit: http://abca.iwebsmart.net/news_item.php?ItemID=450
Years of Service Awards
Directors, staff recognized: Dave Frayne, Past Chairman, ABCA Board of Directors, presented Years of Service Awards to directors including: Don Shipway, Six Years, North Middlesex; Ute Stumpf, Three Years, Adelaide Metcalfe and Middlesex Centre; Janisse Zimmerman, Three Years, Bluewater; Lorie Scott, Three Years, Lambton Shores and Warwick; and Mike Tam, Three Years, West Perth. Past General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer Tom Prout, now retired, returned for the evening to present years of service awards to the new General Manager, Brian Horner, for more than five years of service; and to Judith Parker, Corporate Services Coordinator, for more than 25 years of service. Other staff years of service awards were presented to: Dale Cable, 15 Years; Tracey McPherson, Ten Years; Brynn Upsdell Wright, Five Years; and Jenna Allain, Five Years.
For information visit this link:
Carbon calculator
Trees help to reduce the impacts of climate change and also provide other benefits such as biodiversity and improved water quality: You can tackle a global problem with local actions. Your carbon footprint is the greenhouse gas emissions released by typical aspects of your lifestyle, including vehicle fuel use, air travel and home energy use. To find out how much greenhouse gas you produce, use the carbon calculator to find out how much greenhouse gas you produce and how many trees can be planted to compensate for that, and how you can make that tree planting happen. Visit this link: www.footprintstoforests.com