Greetings Camp Friends,
We have an important campaign update:
THE CAMPAIGN GOAL OF $1.8M HAS BEEN MET!! Praise God and thank you. Next steps include finishing out the building. Read on...
Many donors of money, materials, time and prayer made this possible. We see God working and continue to believe that with God all things are possible. The goal has been met. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Sometimes setting a goal and accomplishing it isn't all that's needed. The building is not finished. Unexpected changes in time and costs made the new pavilion more expensive than originally projected. But we met a goal that was the biggest goal ever set for a BBC campaign, and together we can do more!
We are thankful for a generous, unexpected donation from the Clemens Family Corporation Philanthropic Committee, With that donation in hand, we only have about $100,000 additional to raise, and then a loan of $250,000 to pay back.
We are now in the Lenten season. It is a time when many people make a commitment to give something up for 40 days, just like Jesus' 40 days of fasting. Maybe its chocolate, coffee, TV. What if you gave up coffee? What if you gave up buying Starbucks coffee? Let's be honest, giving up Starbucks, Dunkin, etc. coffee, even 2 cups a week, would save you $10 a week! If you did that for the rest of 2016, let's just say that's 40 weeks remaining - giving you a couple of weeks on vacation where you just might STILL buy your Starbucks - right there would be $450!
The tool of "fasting" gives you the opportunity to think beyond yourself and reflect on what's important, valuable, worthy and necessary.
Camp is like a Lenten fast (well, except you have really good food while you are at camp). You give up the comfort of home for a week and all electronic devices and digital connections. You make friends, build relationships, laugh, talk, sometimes cry - but always grow. You emerge the other end of camp a changed person.
Let's continue to support camp together, so that campers can continue to grow in their relationship with God, creation and each other, for generations to come.