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Day #4
Psalm 34:4


The Benefits of Seeking God

Hey ladies!

I hope you enjoyed your reading of Matthew 6! I've been hearing some powerful testimonies and it's only the first few days!

I know I originally said I would get this email out to you all last night. But, after seeking the Lord, I realized the importance of sending these emails on a daily basis in the morning time. 

God wants us to enjoy His presence in the morning before you've had a chance to get into your day, your cell phone, your assignments, and your e-mails.

So, in honor of His desires, these emails will now be sent to you every morning as a reminder that God must be the first thing on your mind in the morning and throughout the rest of your day. He must get the first bit of your time!

Quick recap: In the last email, we learned how to properly seek God through Matthew 6:33. When we are seeking God correctly:

1) Our motives are in the right place
2) He is the first requirement in our lives.
3) We are intentional about pursuing Him with our time

If you or any of your friends missed it, click here to read the email from day #1.

Now that we have a better understanding of what it means to seek God, I want to move on to the benefits of seeking God through today's scripture. 

Today's scripture reading is Psalm 34:4

"I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears" 

How to read this scripture: 

1) Meditation- First, I started out reading each word in the scripture very slowly.  I gave myself at least 5 minutes to meditate on the scripture with a clear mind. 

2) Ask- After you finish with your meditation of each word, it's always great to ask God how the scripture applies to your life. So, ask God, "Dad, how does this relate to me?" "What are you saying to me?" 

3) Dig Deeper-
It's important to know that the word "sought" in this scripture is another word for "seek."

Now, let's get a deeper understanding of what God views as fear: 

According to a concordance search that I did, the Bible's original translation also defines fear as being "anxious, worried, or concerned."

People often email me expressing their concerns about how worried or anxious they are about a situation. 

Generally, my first response is always, "How much time have you been spending with God?"

Your worries, fears, anxious behavior, and concerns all represent that God needs more time from you. 

If you trust God, you have no worries, concerns, or fears. You are anxious about nothing

Once you've spent ample consistent time with Him, you will trust Him because, as today's scripture tells us, o
ne of the benefits of seeking God is being delivered from all the fears in your life.

What are you afraid of? What constantly worries you? What are you anxious about?

Unlike the world's way of thinking, Christians aren't supposed to have any concerns. 

It's possible for you to live a worry free, fear free life. But, you're going to have to put the time in. Also, you'll have to be patient. Spiritual maturity isn't an overnight process. 

Give your children, your job, your boss, your spouse, your love life, and your future to God. Then, trust that the situation is in His hands.

After you've given Him the situation, don't take it back. That situation is no longer your concern because you should have no concerns. If God isn't worried...why should you be?

For the rest of today, we are meditating on today's scripture. When you are finished with today's scripture, move to other scriptures in Psalms as God leads you. You all are welcome to study the same scriptures as us or move on elsewhere as God leads you.

Can you help me spread what God is saying in this message by using the buttons below to share it with at least one friend via email or social media? Let's encourage and inspire each other!

Use what you've learned in this email as a guideline as to how to study the Word. Don't overwhelm yourself. Take only 1-3 scriptures each day and then apply them to your life! Don't just read to read…read to live

Remember…let's get in at least one hour or more of uninterrupted time with God! Don't forget, your prayer life is just as important as your scripture reading! So, get more time in with prayer, too!

Reach out if you have questions! I'm so proud of everyone for growing in God like never before! I'll send out the next email tomorrow morning...

I love you!


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Read more about my book by clicking here.

Other blogs on this topic:

  1. How to Read God's Word
  2. How to Spend Time with God
  3. 3 Ways to Get What You Want From God
  4. 4 Ways to Deepen Your Relationship with God


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