Phragmites information sessions
Lambton Shores community invites you to join fight against invasive Phragmites affecting agricultural lands:
Practical solutions for controlling Phragmites on farmland and drains to be shared at community information sessions on Wednesday, August 5 at Grand Bend Community Health Centre and Thursday, August 6 at Legacy Centre in Thedford; Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) President Don McCabe to provide opening remarks; other speakers to present.
People in the Grand Bend and Port Franks areas are continuing their fight against what may be Canada’s most invasive plant, Phragmites australis (European Common Reed). Phragmites is a tall, thick grass that a local community group has recognized as a threat to area farms, homes, and people. This plant needs to be controlled or it can develop into a dense mass that clogs drainage tiles and ditches, prevents water flow, and even causes flooding, according to the Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group.
The community group and other local partners are hosting community information sessions on controlling Phragmites in agricultural and rural areas. Experts on Phragmites control will offer practical solutions to help combat, manage, and control the problem on farm lands and drains. The information sessions take place on Wednesday, August 5, 2015 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Grand Bend Community Health Centre, 69 Main Street East, Grand Bend and Thursday, August 6, 2015 at the Legacy Centre, 16 Allen Street in Thedford.
For more information click this news story: Phragmites information sessions.
Turtle back home after injury
Huron Stewardship Council returns Snapping Turtle to local waters: Children at Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s Summer Nature Day Camp witness release into Morrison Reservoir of turtle rehabilitated after being hit by vehicle.
An adult female Snapping Turtle, restored back to health after having had her shell cracked by contact with a vehicle, is back home in local waters.
Denise Iszczuk, a conservation educator with Ausable Bayfield Conservation, was on her way home from work in June of 2015 when she found the injured turtle on the middle of Highway 83. Turtle Haven, a wildlife custodian organization in Kitchener, rehabilitated the turtle after the injury. Huron Stewardship Council released the turtle into Morrison Reservoir east of Exeter on Thursday, July 23.
Twenty-two local children (ages 5 to 9) from throughout the Ausable Bayfield watershed, and even outside of the watershed, are taking part this week in Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s Summer Nature Day Camp. The campers were present to witness the turtle’s return to the watershed. The young people named the turtle Selena. Jory Mullen, Lead Species at Risk Technician, Huron Stewardship Council, released the turtle into Morrison Lake (or Morrison Reservoir), located at Morrison Dam Conservation Area east of Exeter. The care for this turtle, and its release back into the wild, are examples of how local people can help to protect these important species, she said.
For more information click the link for this news story: Turtle back home after injury
Job posting – GIS Assistant – Four to six month co-op
Employment: The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) is taking applications for the four to 6 month Co-op student position of GIS ssistant. This position may be suitable for recent graduates wanting experience in their field of study.Please provide your résumé and cover letter (via post-mail, email or fax) clearly marked GIS Assistant by Monday, August 17, 2015 by 9 a.m. local time. For complete details please visit this link: Job posting – GIS Assistant.
W.I.L.D. Nature Camp
August 17 to 21: W.I.L.D. Nature CAMP takes place August 17 to 21. Campers registered for the W.I.L.D. Nature Camp will ‘Wonder, Investigate, Learn, and Discover’ the world around them by focusing on what is in their own backyard. Much like Ausable Bayfield Conservation’s popular Summer Nature Day Camp, W.I.L.D. Nature Camp is all about combining fun, learning about nature, and the experience of discovering new things in the great outdoors. Each day will have new nature-based adventures, field activities, and active projects led by experienced educators. In addition, there are two days and one night overnight at Camp Sylvan. Contact Ausable Bayfield Conservation at 519-235-2610 or toll-free 1-888-286-2610 or email info@abca.on.ca to find out about availability.
For information visit this page: WILD Nature Camps.
For information on Summer Nature Day Camp visit: Nature Day Camps page.
Conservation Authorities Act under discussion and review
Conservation authorities have announced that they are pleased to participate in the discussion and review of the Conservation Authorities Act as announced by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. “The role of conservation authorities around Ontario’s natural resources has changed significantly over the years in response to increasing challenges to our water and land resources,” said Kim Gavine, General Manager of Conservation Ontario. “Stresses such as climate change, rapid growth, and changing land uses significantly challenge the health of Ontario’s watersheds. The work of conservation authorities has had to change in order to reflect this and we expect to see this discussed through the review of the Conservation Authorities Act.”
For more information visit this news story link: Conservation Authorities Act Review Discussion Paper.
Grant for local wetland creation
The Healthy Headwaters Wetlands Initiative works with landowners in Huron, Middlesex and Lambton counties to enhance, create and restore wetland areas: Enbridge announced it is proud to support the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority with a donation of $5,000 toward the Healthy Headwaters Wetlands Initiative. The donation was presented to Rachael Scholten, Stewardship Technician, on July 23, 2015. The Initiative aims to restore five wetlands, complete two erosion control projects, and provide four community planting events to educate 100 students and community members about the importance of wetlands in rural landscapes. For information on adding creating and restoring wetlands in Huron, Middlesex and Lambton counties, visit: Wetlands web page. For more information on this donation visit this link: Enbridge supports Healthy Headwaters Wetlands Initiative.
Keeping drinking water sources clean
In highly vulnerable aquifers, significant groundwater recharge areas, and other vulnerable areas: We thank you for all you do to protect local municipal sources of drinking water. If you live, work, or own property in a highly vulnerable aquifer or significant groundwater recharge area, you are in a vulnerable area. That means that what you do at home and at work has a greater chance of having an impact on your local municipal drinking water sources than if you were not located in a vulnerable area. Everything that goes onto the ground or down your sink and toilet or septic system could affect water. Help keep your community’s drinking water safe. Visit www.keepingwaterclean.ca for some ways you can help to protect your local supply of clean, safe water. Find out if you are in a vulnerable area.
Tenth charity golf tourney for trail August 31
Friends of South Huron Trail to host annual golf tourney for tenth time; golf tournament moves to August 31 date; $10,000 hole-in-one prize added this year for special anniversary edition; funds to support pedestrian bridge along trail: The organizers of the Friends of the South Huron Trail Annual Golf Tournament are celebrating an anniversary this year with the tenth installment of the charitable golf tourney in support of the South Huron Trail. The fundraiser is moving to August on this anniversary year and organizers are including a $10,000 hole-in-one prize. This year, funds will go towards the community project to create a new pedestrian bridge on the South Huron Trail.
The Tenth South Huron Trail Golf Tournament takes place on Monday, August 31, 2015 at Ironwood Golf Club. Registration is 8:30 a.m. and shotgun start is 9 a.m. The event is a Texas Scramble format and is followed by lunch. Ironwood Golf club is located at 70969 Morrison Line, two kilometres east of Exeter, just south of Highway 83.
For more information visit the golf tourney page at southhurontrail.com.
Also, click on this news story for more information: Tenth charity golf tourney for trail August 31.
Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre upgrades exhibits
New volunteer museum steward Bob O’Donnell, Arkona Lions Club volunteers, donors, staff add new features to area tourist attraction known for displays of fossils, artifacts: Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre at Rock Glen Conservation Area is being upgraded with new donations of fossils and artifacts and six new display cases among other improvements. The museum has a new volunteer museum steward who is Bob O’Donnell, popularly known as The Fossil Guy. He has brought his decades of experience, knowledge, and hours of work to adding, classifying, and displaying fossils and artifacts. He has received donations of new fossils from the London Gem and Mineral Society as well as fossils and artifacts from individuals’ collections. He is continuing to seek new donations to grow the museum’s collection of local fossils and artifacts as well as fossils and minerals from around the world. The local community, volunteers, and businesses from inside and outside of the Arkona area have contributed to the museum upgrades. Club members have spent many hours building custom mounting for special items and installing attractive new display units along with making other upgrades. Ausable Bayfield Conservation staff painted walls among other improvements to the popular tourist attraction.
Planned upgrades include remounting of some displays, brass identification tags, and entering photos and collection information into a new computer database created by a volunteer. Some upgrades have been completed, others are to take place later this year, and others are to be completed over a longer term, according to Cliff Ryan, Past Chair of the Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre Museum Committee and a member of the Arkona Lions Club. For more information click on link to this news story: Upgrades to museum in Arkona.
New videos about Rock Glen Conservation Area
Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre also featured: As promised in our last newsletter, we have posted new videos about Rock Glen Conservation Area, and the Arkona Lions Museum and Information Centre, on the Ausable Bayfield Conservation video channel. The videos have already received more than 120 views ... we hope you enjoy watching them on your computer, smart TV, or other device.
Visit our You Tube channel at: Ausable Bayfield Conservation Videos.
There are two videos about Rock Glen Conservation Area:
New brochure for Huron Clean Water Project
Including new cover crop incentive category: Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority, along with Maitland Valley Conservation Authority, delivers grants for landowner projects in Huron County, on behalf of the County of Huron. Download Huron County Clean Water Project Brochure 2015 grant information and categories - including new cover crop incentive category - now or contact us for a copy or copies. For more information visit the Huron County Clean Water Project page.