October 2017 Newsletter

Growing Places - October 2017

This e-newsletter keeps you informed about important information regarding building consents and resource consents in the Waikato district. 

Staff update

Read about some of the recent changes in our Building Consents and Resource Consents teams so that you know who to talk to. 

Processing statistics

We’re continuing to see lower consent numbers coming in the door. Click here to read more

What's happening: Raglan - a town with plenty of soul

There's no denying that Raglan is one cool little town, with beautiful surf beaches, great shops and a relaxed atmosphere. 

The town has grown over the years, as people have realised that they could live on the coast and work nearby. As part of the growth there is a new development on the Rangitahi peninsula. The development allows for 500 more residential dwellings and will create its own infrastructure including new roading and the new bridge, currently under construction. Read more

Process focus: More details about the Resource Management Act changes

Changes to information required on subdivision applications – Natural Hazards
One of the big changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) is how natural hazards are assessed for subdivisions. If your site is subject to natural hazards you will now be required to provide a risk assessment as part of your geotechnical report submitted with your subdivision application to address the requirements of section 106 of the RMA. Continue reading.

Permitted Boundary Activities
From 18 October 2017 you may be able to apply to Council for a Permitted Boundary Activity if you meet certain criteria set down by the RMA. Read more

Fast Track Resource Consent Applications
You may have heard that there will be a new fast track process for resource consents. The RMA changes set down that this process is only for controlled activity district land use consents.Read more.

Changes to Notification Assessment
How we assess if an application needs to be notified will change significantly from 18 October 2017. Continue reading

Other changes to note

How to get the relevant forms
All relevant application forms have been uploaded to our website for your use on resource consents lodged on or after 18 October. Check them out here.

Changes to be aware of

District Plan review – what does a Draft District Plan mean for consent applications?
A draft of the new District Plan is proposed to be released later this year. To find out what this means for consent applications, click here

Making it easier for you to use our Duty Planner service  
Do you use our Duty Planner Service? You can now contact the Duty Planner by using our new online form. There's also some new information on the website about the services provided by the Duty Planner. 

Don't forget you can now submit your building consent electronically 
There are many benefits to submitting your consent electronically. However, we understand that some of our customers may be struggling with the changes. If you need some help or guidance, please contact us. Read more

Helpful tips and reminders

Each quarter we include some tips and reminders that we hope will be helpful for you when you are compiling an application or when interacting with us. This quarter we have tips on:  

Got feedback?

If you have any feedback about this e-newsletter, we'd love to hear it! Please provide it here.  

Free phone: 0800 492 452

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