General newsletter April 2017
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Best place to work? Garment workers Indonesia can make industry more transparant

Many garment factories in Indonesia fail to comply with minimum wage and labour law. Meanwhile, not having access to such information on these factories makes it hard for workers to make sound decisions on where to work. To change this, WageIndicator adapts its Decent Work Check to collect information directly from garment workers. It will then publish their feedback to enable workers to compare data between factories, thanks to C&A Foundation. Learn more about the Transparancy through Mobile Internet project.

Pregnant women in Europe better covered by collective agreements for multiple employers

Which collective agreements contain maternity clauses more often, those for multiple employers or those that only cover one company? If you are pregnant or just became a mother in Europe, sectoral agreements do a better job of covering your situation.

An example to others: best new collective agreement found in Estonia

15 new collective agreements for Europe

Decent Work Check updated, now also for Mali and Chad

WageIndicator Foundation collects, compares and shares labour market information through online and offline surveys and research. Its national websites serve as always up-to-date online libraries featuring (living) wage information, labour law and career advice, for employees, employers and social partners. In this way, WageIndicator is a life changer for millions of people around the world. To learn more, visit or your national website.
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