
October 2016

The good word about DASH Network was shared with family and friends from throughout the DFW metroplex at the first annual Dessert Reception Ask Event. Designed to educate and inspire people to get involved in the ministry, the event was a big success.

Fundraiser nearly meets financial goal; educates and inspires many to action

To God be the glory, great things He has done!
With a financial goal of $75,000 in annual recurring gifts, DASH Network's inaugural Dessert Ask Event was a whopping success! A total of $71,065 in recurring gifts has been raised, with another $15,150 in one-time gifts toward the ministry.

"It's so amazing the way God is providing. Gifts just kept pouring in even after the fundraiser. We're so blessed to have our prayers answered, and so thankful to each person who has partnered with us to give," Ashley Freeman, DASH Network founder said. "We only need $4,000 more in recurring gifts to meet our fundraising goal before filing for 501(c)3 status! That could happen any day."

"And, what a blessing to get to share the stories of the amazing things God has done through DASH," she continued. "Many people were both educated and inspired. That mission was thoroughly accomplished. We plan to do this every year now."

Giving her testimony of how the plight of asylum seekers first impacted her life, Ashley told of lives and dreams put on indefinite hold.   
                                                                                                        Ashley Freeman            
When I learned the horrific injustices asylum seekers go through – kidnappings, rape, torture, family members murdered – it personally impacted me so profoundly that their story became part of my story," she said, noting her career helping refugees opened her eyes to the shadow population of asylum seekers. "I formed DASH Network with this vision: that every forgotten, isolated and homeless asylum seeker in Dallas-Fort Worth would have a place to call home and people to love them."

Ashley's Pastor, Chris Taylor of City Church, said he saw her passion and it became the church's passion as well. Members of City Church not only make up the majority of DASH volunteers, they banded together to invite their friends to the event to spread the good news about DASH to friends and family.

"In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus told about a man who  was just trying to obey the law. While two religious men did not stop to help a wounded traveler in need, the Samaritan, an outsider with nothing to gain, helped the wounded man in the ditch. That man was Jesus," Pastor Chris told the large crowd, inviting them to join the mission to help the helpless in Jesus' name.

Guest speaker attorney Bill Holston, Executive Director of the Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, told the crowd that DASH was an answer to his prayers.

"We were trying to help asylum seekers through the court process so they could get asylum, but our agency was struggling to find housing solutions. With their entire future on the line in immigration court, our clients were left to their own resources, living entirely on the kindness of strangers, couch surfing, sleeping in their cars and homeless shelters," Holston said. 
                                                                                                                                 Bill Holston
Then DASH Network was born.                                

"I remember thinking, 'Do they know what they're getting themselves into?' But I knew whatever it was, it was going to be more than what was currently available for asylum seekers, which was basically nothing at that time," Holston said, praising Ashley's pure heart to serve the least of these. "DASH and City Church are the perfect example of what a small church of committed people can accomplish."

Speaking for the asylum seekers DASH serves, Ashley told of the atrocities that caused them to escape their homelands.

"These are people who, for example, were journalists or political activists speaking out about government corruption. Some were Christian pastors in countries where people are killed for their faith," Ashley said. "In such immediate danger, they had to flee for their lives. Alone, in secret, they found a way to get out of their country using a visitor or student visa. Once they get here, few have someone to contact. Most are alone not knowing where to go or what to do."

With no government support for asylum seekers, not even a permit to work, these people find their lives in jeopardy here in America as they wait, and wait, for the legal process.  

"How are they supposed to survive? I was shocked to learn the harsh realities, but I learned the most through inviting these people into my home," she said. Married for all of six weeks, she and husband Kurtis, both 22 at the time, took two asylum seekers into their home. "Our parents and some friends thought we were crazy."

Seven years and 16 asylum seekers later, Ashley is still opening her home to those in need. She says she is so very grateful for her partners in DASH for doing the same, as well as funding apartments for 24 asylum seekers, meeting their daily needs and loving them like Jesus.

So far, DASH Network as housed about 70 asylum seekers with a high success rate – 98 percent of asylum seekers are launched into financial independence within 6-8 months of receiving their work permit. But more wait. Ashley says there are 100 or more asylum seekers in DFW who would qualify for the DASH program and are in need of services. DASH has the funding to help only 24.

"We want to do more, and with the generous gifts we have been given and new partnerships we're forming, we're hoping to be able to truly solve the problem of homelessness among the asylum seeker population here," she said, adding that DASH Network becoming a 501(c)(3) non-profit will play a large part in making that dream a reality.

"That is our next step. That and finding more churches and groups to partner with," Ashley said, noting there is a DASH 101 Informational Event coming up at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 at the DASH office, 2640 E. Lancaster St., Fort Worth. "If you know of a person or a church that might want to partner with us, bring them to this event."

With much more to do, Ashley said she is more certain than ever of DASH's mission. "In response to the compassionate, welcoming love of Jesus. DASH Network exists to love asylum seekers by serving their physical and relational needs. Please join us."

--Kyp Shillam

True Christianity shown by DASH

MJ grew up in a ghetto in Africa. Surrounded by violence, fear and rebellion, he lived in a world where "people want to oppress and suck the life out of you," he said, testifying to the evil of this world and the goodness of God at the first DASH Network Dessert Ask Event.
"I had been broken, humiliated, lost. I had lost my sense of manhood. It was taken from me. Friendship was an answered prayer."
– MJ, Asylum Seeker

Hoping that education would lift him out of his circumstances, MJ worked hard in school and earned a business degree. Working in sales, he saw his life improve, but could not abide by the way the government continued to oppress the masses.

"I was a believer and worked in children's ministry at my church, My uncle was part of a political action group seeking change. Being a Christian and seeing the injustice around me, I joined my uncle and became part of the movement. In 2008, the government launched a terror campaign to stop us from speaking out."

With leaders and members being kidnapped, tortured and killed, MJ and his uncle fled to the countryside where they hid. When the campaign ended, they went home and, again, began to speak out.

"This time, we were taken by the ghetto militia. My daughter was only a week old. We were beaten and tortured. I have never experienced such terror. I was totally shattered. Life was sucked right out of me, and I would not have made it but for God's grace they released us," he said, noting he stopped protesting, for a while.                                                                              

The pain in his nation was so great, the injustices so horrific, MJ again stepped up to call for change. Again, his name was put on a hit list. Knowing his family was in grave danger from the militia, he made the only move he could.

"It was a hard decision to make to leave my wife and small daughters. I fled the country and came to the United States," he said.

Thinking that all would go smoothly and he would be reunited with his family soon, MJ was shocked when America did not welcome him. He was, again, fighting for his life.

"There was so much instability here. I moved from one friend to another. I never knew where I was going to be or what the next day would bring. It was a nightmare. Then someone introduced me to Ashley. I knew that I found a stable place where I could actually belong."

In April of 2015, MJ was given a home, food and most dear to him, true friendship through DASH Network and City Church.

"I had been broken, humiliated, lost. I had lost my sense of manhood. It was taken from me. Friendship was an answered prayer. God began to bring men and women who met this need at it was the beginning of restoration," he testified. 

Though he has not seen his wife and young daughters in two years, he says God is pouring out blessings on him and his family, and keeping them afloat.

"I stand here as a testimony of what God can do through faithful believers. They call me and pray with me. They stay with me when my wife calls crying that my daughter is sick and may die. They care for me, and the practicality of their love is a testimony of selflessness," he says of his DASH family and the hope of Jesus Christ they carry.

Required to volunteer while awaiting the courts, MJ proved himself smart, resourceful and caring at a refugee resettlement agency. Receiving his work permit just recently, MJ was hired as a permanent employee where he can bring hope to those fleeing war across the globe. He says it is only a matter of time and God's grace until his family is reunited. 

"We will be back together. God is good and my prayers, and the prayers of my friends will be answered."
– Kyp Shillam       


Ways to Help

Give of your time, talent or treasures


Saturday, November 19, 4:30 p.m.
2640 East Lancaster, Fort Worth

We are so thankful for all our blessings! In the spirit of the first Thanksgiving where natives and new immigrants came together to give thanks, join us to celebrate with volunteers and asylum seekers. Bring a holiday favorite to share!

Friday, November 11, 7 p.m.
2640 E. Lancaster, Fort Worth

Do you or someone you know want to hear more about asylum seekers and the work we do in DASH to help them? This event is designed as the entry point for any potential volunteers, donors or partners.
Much of the same material from our dessert reception ask event will be covered. We will hold DASH 101 at least quarterly, so invite your friends!
Hot beverages and cookies provided! 

It is open to all, but please RSVP to Ashley Freeman at We're saving a seat just for you!


Trauma Healing Group Facilitators

Mature believers are needed to go through a weekly, 6-week training program through the American Bible Institute to become equipped as Trauma Healing Group Facilitators. The leaders would then lead a weekly, 6-week small group healing workshop for asylum seekers. Apply today.

Free/Donated Storage Space
Needed for furniture. At your home or contracted at storage facility.

Housing – Host a single female or mother with children; organize apartment setups; pick up furniture donations; gather and store gently sided furnishings and household items; help with transition to independence (job & apartment applications, utilities setup, etc.).

Food – Pick up food at food bank; take seekers shopping and purchase food; organize food/toiletry drive; chop, freeze and distribute food on delivery days.

Friendship – Plan events and outings; attend weekly small-group fellowships; befriends asylum seeker to help with practical needs; be a mentor (application on

Outreach and Development – host a DASH 101 event at your church, office or living room; connect DASH to your church group or gather a team to serve seekers in your area; connect us with others who could contribute time, funds or fundraising opportunities.

CALL 214-724-0580

Furnishingscouches, mattress sets, bed frames, kitchen table and chairs, couches, lamps, end tables, working television

Kitchen – Utensils, dishes, pots, pans, baking dishes, mixing/serving bowls, knives, can opener, rice cooker, crock pot

Linens/Household – shower curtains, towels, sheet sets, pillows, alarm clock, light bulbs, trash can, laundry baskets.

Cleaning – Dish soap, cleansers, sponges, rags, paper towels, laundry detergent, mop, broom, bucket, trash bags.

Pray for...
  • Abundant financial provision for expansion
  • God's wisdom and guidance as we expand
  • Blessed transitions for two more men launching out of DASH into financial independence
  • Family reunification for Marvin and the other asylum seekers separated form spouses and children.

DASH Dessert Reception

 Mission    Statement

In response to the compassionate and welcoming love of Jesus...
DASH Network exists to love asylum seekers by serving their physical and relational needs.

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