
VPC is a not-for-profit ACNC registered Charity Organisation.

For almost 60 years now, VPC has been the voice of non-government school parents in this state. That we are still here today is a testament to the hard work and support of parents, schools and parent associations across Victoria.

We are a not-for-profit, ACNC registered Charity organisation and are driven by commitment of a small group of volunteers. If you or anybody you know is interested in volunteering with VPC, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Whether it's once a week or once in a while, we welcome your involvement.

Last chance to purchase your ticket, only a few places left

Important message: 

All attendees need to bring a current ‘Working with Children Certificate” and show this on arrival at registration, as the event is held during school hours at the Brighton Grammar School premises.

Please listen to the VPC Podcast with Debbie Pushor, as part of the "VPC Parent Podcast Series"

We are thrilled to welcome international guest speaker Professor Debbie Pushor as the lead speaker and facilitator at our next event on 23 August 2018.
Debbie Pushor speaks to the importance of both 'parent knowledge' and 'teacher knowledge' in student learning outcomes and of the need for mutually supportive relationships and decision-making. Highlighting contemporary approaches to engagement, this seminar will appeal to: School and early childhood teachers, Principals, Parents, Family support workers, Education advisors and student support staff, including psychologists and chaplains, Policy officers, Community liaison and support workers

Please see below your invitation.





VPC Parent, School and Community Engagement in Student Learning Workshop-Seminar

A co-hosted event with the Australian Parents Council   

This is your invitation to an exclusive opportunity to meet and work with international parent engagement expert Professor Debbie Pushor in a personal workshop setting, with strictly limited places (max. 30 attendees).

Debbie will be joined by some of our Australian parent engagement practitioners and additional speakers and panellists: Jacqui Van de Velde (Education Consultant), Caz Bosch (Chair, Parents Australia Inc.), Catherine Meynell-James (Stakeholder Manager, Department of Education & Training), Aynur Simsirel (Principal Advisor, Independent Schools Victoria) and Rachel Saliba (Executive Officer, Catholic School Parents Victoria).

This “one-day parent community engagement experience” is an opportunity not to be missed.
We invite teachers, parents with children of all ages, early learning educators, school liaison officers, community engagement officers and anyone interested and or working in the parent, school, community engagement space to this rich day of information and interaction.

A certificate of attendance is available on request for professional development and other purposes.

Please see try-booking for more information and contact me for any inquiry.
Looking forward to meeting you on Thursday 23 August 2018.

Eveline Jona
VPC President

All attendees need to bring a current ‘Working with Children Certificate” and show this on arrival at registration, as the event is held during school hours at the Brighton Grammar School premises.

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