February 2018

Reminder: we're reviewing our Development Contributions Policy and we want your feedback

Waikato District Council is currently reviewing its Development Contributions Policy and we want your feedback by Friday 23 January.

Developers are required to pay a development contribution to the council when developing or requiring new services for a property. The purpose of development contributions is to recover the cost of growth-related capital expenditures from participants in the property development process, rather than from general rates or any other indirect funding source.

Under the Local Government Act 2002 and its amendments, we are required to review our development contributions policy every three years. There have been no legislative changes since we adopted our 2015 Development Contributions Policy.

Has anything changed in our draft policy?

There are no proposed changes to the methodology but we are proposing wording changes for clarity only.

The proposed wording changes and clarification cover:

  • tiny houses
  • aged persons facilities
  • existing credits
  • special assessments
  • travellers accommodation.

These changes are a result of the requests we have received since July 2015: one formal objection and 43 requests for reconsideration - which is a small percentage of our overall consenting activities. 

The changes to our Development Contributions Policy will take effect from 01 July 2018. 

*Note; This review is of the Policy wording only so no appendices have been included at this stage. The new Development Contributions Levies and related appendices will be consulted on as part of the fees and charges under the Long Term Plan so look out for these in April/May 2018.

Here is a link to the Draft 2018 Development Contributions Policy for your consideration: Draft Development Contributions Policy 2018
Please share with your clients.

Here’s how to provide feedback on the wording of our draft policy:

•    enter it online at
•    email it to
•    post it to Waikato District Council, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia 3720
•    fax it to (07) 824 8091
•    deliver it to any Council office or library.

We would appreciate receiving your feedback by the 23 February 2018.

Free phone: 0800 492 452

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