
Digital Transformation
Ongoing digitisation and digitalisation processes

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By Kelly Rijswijk, Wageningen University & Research 
What do we mean when we talk about digitisation? What is the difference between digitisation and digitalisation? How is the digital transformation impacting agriculture, forestry and rural areas? This short article aims to give answers to these questions and others.

How will digitalisation be affected by coronavirus?

By Gianluca Brunori (UNIPI) & Manlio Bacco (CNR) 
Coronavirus is a game changer. It is disrupting the way we work, do shopping, learn, entertain, communicate, and have social relations. Coronavirus is also generating a deep transformation in the way the production systems are organised.  Read more...

Digital Game Changers in rural areas: the DESIRA conceptual approach

By Manlio Bacco (CNR) 
Digital transformation is a process responsible of profound changes in the economy and in the society as a result of the uptake and integration of digital technologies.  Read more...

DESIRA General Assembly meeting

Consortium partners gathered for a virtual General Assembly over three days, 12-14 May 2020, to advance work on the Horizon 2020 project, DESIRA. Much of the work undertaken by partners has been advancing smoothly.  Read more...

Rural Digitisation Forum - Join the online community!

The EU Rural Digitisation Forum (RDF) is an open EU-wide community of stakeholders with a common interest for which we have created an online community group. As part of the activities undertaken by the RDF, a first meeting will be organised on 10 September 2020.  Read more...


Digitalisation - Improving policy while transforming agriculture

A recent report by the OECD considers how digital technologies can be used to support agricultural policies, focusing on the different stages of the policy cycle, with a particular emphasis on policies to improve agriculture.  Read more...

Digitising the Solidarity Economy

In the new reality of physical distancing due to the Coronavirus, digital platforms like the Open Food Network have emerged as a lifeline for small producers to maintain and grow markets while also giving people the option to source their food directly from growers, farmers and producers.  Read more...


Digital Strategy for the EU

In February 2020, the European Commission unveiled its ideas and actions for a digital transformation of the EU. It presented a European society powered by digital solutions that puts people first, opens up new opportunities for businesses, and boosts the development of trustworthy technology to foster an open and democratic society and a vibrant and sustainable economy.  Read more...

The impact of using digital technology on rural development

A report published by the French Rural Network, overviews the impact of using digital technologies on the local development of rural areas. The reflections gathered in the document showcase examples of good practices from France in areas such as mobility, health, education, quality of life among others.  Read more...

Shaping the ethical dimensions of Smart Information Systems

The Horizon 2020-funded project, SHERPA (Shaping the Ethical Dimensions of Smart Information Systems), analyses how AI and big data analytics impact ethics and human rights. The project is developing novel ways to understand and address these challenges to find desirable and sustainable solutions that can benefit both innovators and society.  Read more...

White paper on Artificial Intelligence

The White Paper on Artificial Intelligence published by the European Commission in February 2020, sets out policy options on how to achieve the uptake of AI and address the risks associated with certain uses of this new technology. A public consultation is open until 14 June 2020 to provide feedback and contribute to the European approach for the AI.  Read more…

SmartAgriHubs Open Call - Respond to COVID-19

The SmartAgriHubs project has launched an open call for Digital Innovation Hubs and SMEs to participate in finding collectively digital solutions in response to challenges COVID-19 has posed on the agri-food sector. The call focuses on the organisation of hackathon activities, the proposal of tech solutions and use potential opportunities to fight against the pandemic.  Read more…

Ruritage's call for resilience actions in the face of COVID-19

The Horizon 2020-funded project, Ruritage, started a call for action in April 2020 to collect examples of actions of resilience intended to increase and strengthen rural communities during the current global pandemic. Relevant examples will be used in a final report on solutions and initiatives for enhancing resilience in rural communities across Europe and all around the globe.  Read more…

Slovenian Digital Innovation Hub

The 4PDIH (Public Private People Partnership Digital Innovation Hub) in Slovenia is a one-stop-shop platform for digital transformation and digital competence development. The partnership aims to create awareness and provide services to grow digital competences, share digital experience and case studies, and support the Slovenian government to adapt regulation and open its data to foster entrepreneurship.  Read more…

ENRD Thematic Group meeting on Smart Villages
2 June 2020

La Ferme Digitale’s Day
2 June 2020

Digital Hackathon: Innovating solutions for rural development in Georgia
5-7 June 2020

First Rural Digitisation Forum
10 September 2020

Agriculture and Food Summit
24-25 September 2020
@Paris, France

Smart Farming Conference
9 October 2020
@Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships
25-27 November 2020
@Leipzig, Germany

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