
Opportunities and challenges for
Smart Farming in the EU

Photo: Linford Miles/Unsplash
A recent scientific paper by Manlio Bacco of UNIPI, together with other authors, overviews research initiatives and scientific literature on the topic of Smart Farming (SF), looking at recent technologies and techniques being used or pushed for adoption. The work shows how research projects across the EU are exploiting digital technologies to change the rules of the game, while considering the challenges ahead.

DESIRA Steering Committee gathers in Brussels

First meeting of the year for DESIRA project brought together the Steering Committee to overview current status of the project and agreed upon the organisation of the first EU Rural Digitisation Forum. Read more...

Joint work for rural success!

Coordinators of four Horizon 2020 projects launched last year under the Rural Renaissance call organised a meeting to foster cooperation and synergies among the projects. Read more...

DESIRA at the DigiMetis Symposium

One of DESIRA partners from James Hutton Institute, Leanne Townsend was invited to speak at the DigiMetis Symposium held on 26 November 2019 at the Wageningen University and Research in The Netherlands. Read more...

Stakeholder Perspectives

Digitising Agrifood

What is the state of play of digitisation in agrifood and how can we make sure it contributes to building sustainability? The report ‘Digitising Agrifood – pathways and challenges’ addresses just these considerations.  Read more...


Smart Villages and rural mobility

The recent thematic briefing on rural mobility produced by ENRD, overviews how Smart Villages can support the development of sustainable initiatives and the testing of new solutions in this area. It highlight factors and conditions to be taken into account when designing the future policies. Source: ENRD

Europe advancing in 5G

The Commission has launched 7 trial projects under the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnerships. These projects are focusing on various industrial sectors, including agriculture. This will further reinforce Europe's capabilities in creating socio-economic value from 5G technologies. SourceEuropean Commission

Internet of Things in arable farming

A recent scientific article is looking at the application of technology in Smart Farming to ounter challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Yet the application in arable farming poses particular challenges due to farm size, the more frequent use of vehicles, large amounts of data, and highly variable conditions. Source: IoF2020

Prague INSPIRE Hackathon 2020
28-30 December 2020
@Prague, Czech Republic

EIP-AGRI seminar: New skills for digital farming
5-6 February 2020
@Aranjuez, Spain

Salon International de l’Agriculture
22 February - 1 March 2020
@Paris, France

Digital Connectivity for Rural Areas
27 February 2020
@Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

Connecting the dots in the agri-tech network
9-11 March 2020
@Bucharest, Romania

Forum for the Future of Agriculture
31 March 2020
@Brussels, Belgium

Agritech and Climate Smart Agriculture Conference
2-3 April 2020
@Krakow, Poland

La Ferme Digitale’s Day
2 June 2020
@Paris, France

RSA Conference: Transformations - Relational Spaces, beyond Urban and Rural
17 June 2020
@Ljubljana, Slovenia

Smart Farming Conference
23-24 June 2020
@Venlo, The Netherlands

EEAE Congress: Raising the Impact of Agricultural Economics
25-28 August 2020
@Prague, Czech Republic

Agriculture and Food Summit
24-25 September 2020
@Paris, France

URP2020: Sustainable & Resilient Urban-Rural Partnerships
25-27 November 2020
@Leipzig, Germany

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