Integral Yoga® Magazine, Issue No. 182  Listen to the Silence
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Listen to the Silence

Know that you are That. Be silent and find such inner knowledge for yourself. Young people say, 'To have faith, I should at least have a glimpse of something.' Be patient. Everything worthwhile takes its own time. Listen to the silence. To realize, go into deep, deep silence.

God bless you. Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.”    Sri Swami Satchidananda

(Photo: At a Buddhist monastery in England, mid-1980s.)

Fear Kills Us More
By Sri Swami Satchidananda

When your body is sick it needs the help of a strong mind to repair it. Your fear worsens the situation; fear makes the body weaker. Fear is not in the body. Fear is in your mind. When you don’t accept what is happening in the body, and when you identify yourself as the body, the fear comes. That drains you completely, so you lose your immunity. The mind over-thinks and that leads to anxiety, worry, and fear. As you face challenges in life, don’t allow yourself to become overcome fear. I always say that faith and fear never go together. If you have faith, what is there to be afraid of? There is nothing in this world to fear. If you have fear, if you’re afraid, it is because you have forgotten your faith. I will tell you a story: Once, millions of people were gathering at a religious place of pilgrimage. There was a very saintly old person who couldn’t really walk that far distance to join everyone. He had a small hut somewhere on the way, but it was hundreds of miles away. The pilgrims were passing through, and he had the opportunity to see all who were going to the pilgrimage. At one point he saw a kind of peculiar figure, not a human figure, going toward the place of pilgrimage.  MORE

In this video, Swami Ramananda shares 12 recommendations on how to integrate the teachings of Yoga into our daily lives. Swami Ramananda is a senior Integral Yoga monk and director of the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco.

Right now, all of us are whirling through space on this tiny ball we call Earth. It is our common home. With each spin, we mark a day. With each revolution around the sun, we all add a year to our lives. On this fragile ball—a mere speck in the inconceivable vastness of the universe—we are born, we grow, we strive, we have our successes and failures, our joys and sorrows, and then we pass from view. Our destinies are inescapably linked, yet often we forget how interconnected we all are. Sri Swami Satchidananda used to say: “We are interdependent, cells of one universal body.” The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. echoed the same truth: “We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Today, we may be on the brink of a global pandemic. The tiny virus that is wreaking havoc is no respecter of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nations, or borders. Personal philosophy, political persuasion, power or position are irrelevant as it sweeps across the world. It laughs at our bluster, our arrogance, our prejudice and the many ways we torment and subjugate one another.  MORE

As we gather for various events celebrating the 50 year anniversary of Integral Yoga in San Francisco, we are reminded again and again of the importance of spiritual community.  We have committed ourselves this month to making good use of the support and inspiration we derive from practicing Yoga together, and contributing to the strength of our community in any way that we can. Both the Yoga and Buddhist traditions use the word sangha to signify spiritual community—those who share the same spiritual values and offer a source of support to each other. In Buddhism, sangha is considered one of the three forms of refuge for a spiritual seeker, along with the Buddha and the Dharma. Yoga teachings also consider spiritual community to be an essential element of a spiritual path. Walking the spiritual path challenges us to examine the moments when we find it difficult to be at peace in ourselves and compassionate with others. It requires a steady effort to disengage ourselves from habitual, self-centered thinking and most of us need a regular meditation practice to be free of such deeply ingrained patterns.  MORE

We spend much of our lives trying to avoid our own emotions, whether it is through the food we eat, social media, or even Yoga. But what effect does this have? In this short video, Dr. Lauren Tober talks about the importance of truly feeling and explains how to welcome our emotions, instead of blocking them.

Would you like to expand your online presence? Be listed in Integral Yoga's global directory? This webinar is open to all Integral Yoga teachers, sannyasis, and ministers. You do not need to be an IYTA member to be listed. The new Integral Yoga directory is hosted by the Integral Yoga Teachers Association (IYTA) in collaboration with Offering Tree. OfferingTree CEO Eddie Arpin will be presenting this IYTA exclusive webinar on March 19th, 2-3pm ET. During the webinar, participants will explore OfferingTree's platform as a tool that can help you stay organized, schedule your classes, receive online payments and better communicate with your students. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by technology, then this webinar is for you! You will be given step-by-step guidance on how you can tech less and focus on your Yoga teaching more. Eddie will also be answering live questions from participants. Pre-registration is required and you can register here.

IWD is s a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year's theme is: #EachforEqual. An equal world is an enabled world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions—all day, every day. We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world. Integral Yoga International is so proud that Nalanie Harilela Chellaram (founder and chairperson of the Integral Yoga Centers in Gibraltar and Spain) was a featured panelist during Gibraltar's IWD Conference 2020. The panel's theme was: "Why is Wellbeing Crucial For Us All?" You can watch an excerpt from the introduction to the panel discussion here.

Inside Yogaville

Did you know that of 350 seats in the courtroom at the United States Supreme Court, only 50 are reserved for the public to watch the proceedings? Yogaville Environmental Solutions members found that out when they were fortunate enough to made it into the courtroom to witness oral arguments between affected residents and Dominion Energy’s Atlantic Coast fracked gas pipeline (the Appalachian Trail is the crux of the case.) YES and Friends of Buckingham have been stalwart advocates on behalf of Yogaville and the Buckingham community. This includes opposition against the entire ACP and the proposed compressor station, which would be situated near Yogaville. Thrilling that the team got to go inside to witness the proceedings. Photo of Swami Dayananda (in orange) with Rev. Lakshmi Fjord next to her, and Dhivya Berthoud (kneeling) —as well as others from various organizations, including Sierra Club—holding their entry passes in front of the high court.
Informational Meme of the Week

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