Jennifer Ann's Group

Thank you for your interest in our innovative use of prosocial games to help young people. Register for our newsletter below.
About Jennifer Ann's Group
Jennifer Ann's GroupĀ® is a nonprofit public charity founded in 2006 to stop Teen Dating Violence through awareness, education, and advocacy. Since 2008 our primary program has been Gaming Against Violence, through which we produce prosocial video games intentionally designed to engage, educate, and empower young people and their communities.

We are proud that our Executive DIrector is a 2024 Changemaker for violence prevention. In 2022, our Gaming Against Violence program was recognized as a Top-50 nonprofit program in the United States.

As of 2024, we have produced more than seventy games about: consent, critical thinking, gaslighting, healthy relationships, resilience, and teen dating violence prevention. Our newest games about social connectedness are coming in late 2024.

Below are links to some of our online content. Please share this important information to help #stopTDV.

More info and Online Games
Jennifer Ann's Group (JAG):
Gaming Against Violence Program:
Our free prosocial games on
Our free prosocial games on GameJolt:

Select Games
A game about healthy relationships.

Critical Thinking Games
Games designed to show the importance of critical thinking
and to teach critical thinking skills.
Two published critical thinking games as of July 2024.

Resilience Games
Games designed to support resilience building skills.
Three published resilience games as of July 2024.


Culture Overlord
A game about media literacy and the impact of cultural attitudes on healthy relationships.

A game about consent featured at MOD. museum.
We have published six consent games, appropriate for a range of ages.


Lamplight Hollow
Where do your dreams take you?

Rispek Danis
A game about consent and respect in relationships created for ni-Vanuatu youth.


Thank you again for your interest in our innovative and evidence-based approach to violence prevention.

Jennifer Ann's Group does not share or sell any of your information.


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