March 2019 newsletter

Update from our teams

After slowing down before Christmas, the number of resource consent applications lodged with Council is steadily increasing again, which is keeping our Consents Team Busy.

Our Building Inspectors and Processing Officers have also been busy. Those that didn't have formal qualifications have recently completed the NZ Diploma in Building Surveying - Level 5. We are super proud of how quickly they completed the qualification and how well they did.

You can read more here.

Staff profile: Meet Wade Hill, our new Consents Team Leader

To better serve our communities, our Consents teams are now split into three areas: Northern, Central and Southern. Wade is Team Leader for our Central Team, which covers Raglan, Newcastle, Ngaruawahia, Taupiri and Huntly. This is a new position.

Wade has more than 20 years' experience in resource management and planning and he has worked for a range of local government organisations in the Waikato and Canterbury. You can read more here

Processing statistics 

Click here to see the latest numbers for resource consent and building consent applications, LIM applications and Duty Planner requests. 

What's happening: heavenly addition to Te Kowhai

Resource consent has been granted to establish and operate a café and gift shop in Te Kowhai using Hamilton’s oldest surviving church; the St Paul's Methodist Church. Read more.

Process focus: Swimming pool inspections 

We've received lots of enquiries about existing pool inspections and the fees associated with these inspections. You can read more here.

Changes to be aware of

  • Changes to our Duty Planner service
    To meet the growth in the northern areas of our district we are now offering our Duty Planner service in Tuakau.
    Duty Planners are available for appointments between 8.30am and 11.30am Monday –Thursday at our Ngaruawahia office, and 8.30am and 11.30am Fridays at our Tuakau office. Read more.   
  • You can book building inspections online
    We’re excited to announce that you can now book your building inspections online. Read more.
  • We've updated our building consents flyer
    We’ve updated our Building Consents flyer which tells you how to submit your building consent application electronically. You’ll find the flyer on our website. Read more

Helpful tips

You’ll find the following helpful tips here:
  • Pre-application duty service
    If you have an advanced proposal ready for lodgement, don't forget our pre-application duty service is available. 
  • Blueprints is now open for further consultation
    We’re going back to our communities to get feedback on Blueprints, our new approach to town master planning. Make sure you have your say. Read more.

We'd love to get your feedback

If you have any feedback about this e-newsletter, please provide it here.  

Free phone: 0800 492 452

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