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Parshas Ki Seitzei - Shishi with Rashi

Moshe Rabbeinu is reviewing and explaining the mitzvos with the Yidden so that all of the 613 mitzvos will be clear for the Yidden going into Eretz Yisroel, and for all generations!

People that don’t have to take any part in a war: In last week’s parsha, we learned about the announcement of the Mashuach Milchama, the kohen who tells certain people not to fight in the war — like someone who got engaged, or bought a house and didn’t move in yet. But even though those people don’t fight, they still need to help the army in other ways.

But there are other people that should not help with the war at all! Someone who is in his first year of marriage needs to spend time with his new wife and make her happy. Someone who bought a new house and is still in his first year of living there, or planted a new vineyard and this is the first year he can eat the fruits, also shouldn’t take part in the war.

Not taking keilim needed to make food as a Mashkon: Sometimes a person borrows money, but cannot pay it back. The Beis Din can take some of his things as a Mashkon, to make sure the person will pay back the loan. But the Beis Din CANNOT take keilim used to make food with as a Mashkon.

Kidnaping: If someone kidnapped another person and uses him as a slave, after being warned not to, he is chayav misa in Beis Din.

Keep the halachos of Tzoraas: We learned the details of this mitzvah in Chumash Vayikra. Moshe Rabbeinu tells the Yidden to be very careful with Tzoraas, and not to try to take off the signs of Tzoraas — they should show them to the kohen. If they don’t want to get Tzoraas, they should not speak Lashon Hara! They can remember this from the story of Miriam, when she said Lashon Hara and got Tzoraas.

Taking a Mashkon: If someone borrows something from you, you might want him to give you something as a Mashkon, to show that he really will give back what he borrowed. But you can’t go into his house to take a Mashkon — he needs to bring it out to you.

If he is poor and you take his pajamas as a Mashkon, for example, you need to make sure that he has them back at night when he needs to go to sleep! He will thank you, and even if he doesn’t, Hashem will consider it a zechus that you are helping him give back what he borrowed and STILL making sure he has what he needs when he needs it.



69 - 71

Today’s shiur Tehillim is kapitelach Samach-Tes, Ayin, and Ayin-Alef. We also say three kapitelach for Elul: Lamed-Zayin, Lamed-Ches, and Lamed-Tes.

In today’s Tehillim, we say a posukYemalei Fi Tehilasecha.” “My mouth should be full of Your praises.”

The Gemara says that we learn from here that when we say a bracha, our mouth needs to be FULL of the bracha. That’s why we shouldn’t say a bracha with food in our mouth — our mouth should be full of Hashem’s bracha, not full of food!

In today’s shiur Tehillim, there are niggunim in EVERY kapitel! Can you find them? Do you know how to sing them all?



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Yud-Daled

The Alter Rebbe is telling Chassidim that they need to give tzedakah like they did when Colel Chabad just started and it was new and exciting — but now, they should give even more!


There is a special Ruchnius’dike Chayus from Hashem that shines into the world every year. At the end of the year, the mitzvos we did all year go up to Hashem, and through the blowing of the Shofar and the Tefillos of Rosh Hashana, a new and stronger chayus comes into the world. First it comes into Eretz Yisroel, and from there, it shines into the whole world!

This chayus is hidden, but if Yidden do teshuvah (especially during Aseres Yemei Teshuvah) and do what Hashem wants, we will be able to feel it and benefit from it!

Since there is a new chayus this year, we need to also give tzedakah with a new chayus! Even though we already heard about this tzedakah before, it should feel new and exciting, and we should want to give a lot.

This tzedakah we are giving will also be the zechus for us to FEEL the new chayus from Hashem that comes into the world in the new year!



Yud-Gimmel Elul

In today’s Hayom Yom, we learn what happens to a chossid the first time he goes into Yechidus.

We all know what a bris is.

A baby boy is born with an extra piece of skin called the Orlah, which needs to be taken off. This is the mitzvah of Bris Milah! Once a baby has a Bris Milah, his body becomes connected to Hashem.

There is also a Ruchnius’dike kind of Bris Milah!

We are born with ways of thinking that come from the Yetzer Hara. These ideas can cover over our Neshama, like an extra piece of skin, and make it harder for us to be connected to Hashem!

The Chossid R’ Chanoch Hendel said that all Chassidim knew that when a Chossid goes into Yechidus, he gets a “bris milah” for his Neshama! Once a chossid goes into Yechidus for the first time, that “Orlah,” the grobkeit and way of thinking of the Yetzer Hara, are taken away, and he can now think and feel like a Chossid!

It only takes one time for a Chossid to go to the Rebbe, and it changes him forever!



Shiur #114 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #202, #203, and #204

Today, we learn 3 mitzvos about a Nazir:

1) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #202) A Nazir can’t drink wine or any other drink that was made with grapes. He can’t even have wine vinegar!

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Naso: וְכָל מִשְׁרַת עֲנָבִים לֹא יִשְׁתֶּה

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #203) A Nazir can’t eat grapes

We learn this mitzvah from other words in the same posuk: וַעֲנָבִים לַחִים ... לֹא יֹאכֵל

3) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #204) A Nazir can’t eat raisins (because they are dried grapes!)

We also learn this mitzvah from the same posuk: וִיבֵשִׁים לֹא יֹאכֵל



Hilchos Nezirus

In today’s Rambam, we learn more halachos about the Nazir.

Perek Gimmel: How long is a person a Nazir for? It depends — he is allowed to decide how long he wants to be a Nazir for. But if he doesn’t say how long, he is a Nazir for 30 days.

Perek Daled: At the end of being a Nazir, the Nazir needs to shave all of his hair and bring certain korbanos. When does he do these things if he made a promise to be a Nazir more than one time in a row? In this perek, the Rambam answers this question too!

Perek Hey: In this perek we learn about the three things that are Asur for a Nazir:

1) He is not allowed to eat anything that comes from grapes
2) He is not allowed to cut his hair
3) He is not allowed to make himself Tamei from a dead person



Hilchos Mechirah - Perek Vov

The Rambam teaches us how to be koneh things that you usually use to buy other things, like money and documents.

icon of clock


Yud-Gimmel Elul

Today is the Yom HaChasunah of the Frierdiker Rebbe and Rebbetzin Nechama Dina!

The Frierdiker Rebbe was the only son of the Rebbe Rashab and Rebbetzin Shterna Sara. When he was seventeen, it was time to look for a shidduch. A few choices came up, but the Rebbe Rashab said that he wanted his son to get married to someone who was related to the family. They chose Rebbetzin Nechama Dina, who was also a great-granddaughter of the Tzemach Tzedek.

At the time of the Chasunah, the Rebbe Rashab said a very long maamar that starts with the words Samach Tesamach. This maamar talks about Simcha, and how Simcha is stronger than anything! It teaches what a person should think about when he does a mitzvah, so that he will have Simcha Shel Mitzvah!

During the Sheva Brachos, the Rebbe Rashab announced the beginning of Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim, and made the Frierdiker Rebbe the Menahel Poel, the one who will run the yeshivah!

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Tefillos of Yomim Noraim

We are a little more than two weeks away from Rosh Hashana! Let’s take the time to learn more about the upcoming Yomim Tovim.

It is important to understand the meaning of the special davening of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. We add many sections to davening, which speak about the meaning of these holy days. We speak about crowning Hashem as King, how Hashem judges the world, and asking for a good year.

Even though we might already know how to look inside of our Machzor and say the words clearly, it is also important to UNDERSTAND what we are saying.

The Rebbe told Baalei Tefillah that before davening on the Yomim Noraim, they should first spend time going over the meaning of the tefillos. This is especially important for someone who is being the Shliach Tzibur for a whole shul, but it is also important for everyone!

IY”H over the next two weeks we will look at the general meaning of the tefillos and piyutim (poems) that we say in the Machzor. We will also review some of the halachos of these special days.

See Shevach Hamoadim, Kitzur Hilchos Yomim Noraim siman yud




It is brought in halacha that a Yerei Shomayim should check his tefillin and mezuzos during Elul, and that all of the other mitzvos should also be “checked” and fixed if they need it.

We may be able to understand this halacha better by thinking about another Yom Tov!

About a month before Pesach, our Mommies start getting busy! They make lists and charts and calendars, to make sure that everything is taken care of, so we will have a kosher and happy Pesach.

They make sure all the drawers will get cleaned, the kitchen will get scrubbed, each room of the house will be checked, the car will get vacuumed, the Pesach food will get bought in time, and they will have recipes for everything we need to eat. They make sure we will have all of the pieces of our Seder plate, and not one bit of chometz will be found anywhere! This way we can keep all of the mitzvos of Pesach and feel like we are going out of Mitzrayim.

Preparing for Rosh Hashana is the same thing! A month before Rosh Hashana, we all need to start getting busy. We need to think about each part of our life as a Yid: How we dress, how we act, how we think, and how we feel.

We need to look at all of our mitzvos and make sure they are done right: We make sure our mezuzos are kosher, put up the right way, and are on every door they need to be on. We make sure we are bentching licht on time every week and giving tzedakah before. We make sure we have good Kibud Av Va’em, and that we are treating other people nicely. We make sure that all of our mitzvos are “clean” and just right!

This way, we’ll be ready for Rosh Hashana, when we are making Hashem our King. We tell Hashem that we are ready to use the new chayus from the new year to make our Yiddishkeit much better than ever before!

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Hashem Will Again Choose Yerushalayim!

Hashem showed the Navi Zechariah a malach who asked why Hashem is not helping the Yidden. Hashem told the malach not to worry, because the second Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt. The malach told Zechariah to tell this to the Yidden!

The malach also told the Navi that even though there will be another Churban, there will also be another Geulah. In the end, there will again be a Beis Hamikdash in Yerushalayim.

עוֹד קְרָא לֵאמֹר כֹּה אָמַר ה׳ צְבָאוֹת עוֹד תְּפוּצֶנָה עָרַי מִטּוֹב וְנִחַם ה׳ עוֹד אֶת צִיּוֹן וּבָחַר עוֹד בִּירוּשָׁלִָם

Od Kra Leimor — And you should say even more!

Ko Amar Hashem Tzeva’os — So says Hashem:

Od Tefutzena Arai Mitov — “My cities will be scattered, and sent away from the good land of Eretz Yisroel.

Venicham Hashem Od Es Tzion — But Hashem will again one day comfort Tzion,

U’vachar Od BiYerushalayim — And again choose Yerushalayim!”

See Zechariah perek Alef posuk Yud-Zayin

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