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Parshas Emor - Shlishi with Rashi

In today’s Chumash, we are learning about the animals used for a Korban:

To be kosher for a korban for Hashem, the animal can’t have a mum — anything wrong with it. For example, an animal with a broken leg, or a cut, or one leg longer than the other ones, all can’t be used for a korban. We can sell the animal and give the money to the Beis Hamikdash, but it can’t be brought on the Mizbeiach.

If a Goy wants to bring a korban as a present to Hashem, he also can’t bring an animal with a mum.

We also learn that we can’t bring a newborn baby animal as a korban, we have to wait until the eighth day after it is born. We’re also not allowed to bring a mommy and a baby animal as korbanos on the same day.

The Torah also reminds us that we need to eat the meat of the korban on the same day, and not leave it until the next day.

Hashem tells us to make sure to learn and keep the Torah, because that’s the whole reason Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim!



49 - 54

The beginning of Kapitel Nun, in today’s Tehillim, speaks about Le’asid Lavo, the time when Moshiach comes. At that time, Hashem will punish the goyim for hurting the Yidden during the times of Golus!

The posuk says that then Hashem will say, “Isfu Li Chasidoi,” “Gather to me My righteous ones,” “Korsei Brisi Alei Zovach,” “the ones who made a bris with Me and brought a korban.”

אִסְפוּ לִי חֲסִידָי כֹּרְתֵי בְרִיתִי עֲלֵי זָבַח

Who made a bris with Hashem?

This posuk is talking about the Yidden at the time of Matan Torah. Like it says at the end of Parshas Mishpatim, before the Torah was given, they brought korbanos and made a bris with Hashem. They promised that whatever happens, Hashem’s love for them and their love for Hashem will stay — they will always stay connected.

In Mesechta Sanhedrin, R’ Elazar brings this posuk as a proof about Techiyas Hameisim. R’ Elazar says that we see from here that the Dor Hamidbar, the Yidden who wandered through the Midbar, have a chelek in Olam Haba. It shows that EVERYONE from that dor, even the Meraglim and Korach and his group, who also made this bris at the time of Matan Torah, will all have Techiyas Hameisim and have a part in Olam Haba! There is an argument in the Gemara about this, but what R’ Elazar said became the halacha.

The Rebbe tells us that we can learn a very important lesson from this in our Ahavas Yisroel! Even if we see someone who looks as low as Korach, making machlokes with others, we need to remember that EVERY Yid, even Korach, has a part in Olam Haba! Hashem gives each Yid a chelek in Olam Haba because they are all “Neitzer Mata’ai, Maasei Yadai Lehispa’er” — Hashem is proud of every Yid! This will help us have Ahavas Yisroel for every Yid and help bring them closer to Hashem!

See Farbrengen Yud-Beis Tammuz and Tes-Vov Tammuz Tof-Shin-Lamed-Tes



Likutei Amarim Perek Mem-Vov

We are learning now how a Yid can come to love Hashem by thinking about the love that Hashem has for us! Hashem took us out of Mitzrayim, and brought us close to Him by giving us the Torah and the mitzvos.

When we do a mitzvah, we are very close to Hashem — but we don’t always feel it.

In Tehillim, Asaf says: “Va’ani Vaar Velo Eida, Beheimos Hayisi Imach, Va’ani Tomid Imach.” — “I am foolish, I don’t feel You, Hashem. I am like an animal in front of You — but I am always with You.”

Asaf was saying these words for all of the Yidden who live after the time of the Churban Beis Hamikdash, when we don’t feel Hashem. Even though a mitzvah should make us feel Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem because of how special it is, during Golus we don’t feel it.

We are like a fool or an animal, who don’t understand what is happening.

Still, “Va’ani Tomid Imach” — “I am always with You, Hashem!” Even though the BODY doesn’t always understand how close it is to Hashem when it does a mitzvah, the neshama does feel it!

This closeness to Hashem is the same by EVERY kind of Yid, from the biggest tzadik to the simplest person. Any time a Yid does an aveira, he is breaking this tremendous closeness to Hashem, which is the same for everyone. That is why every Yid gets the same punishment if he chas veshalom does an aveira.

When we think about how Hashem makes us so close to Him when we do a mitzvah, we will love Hashem and want to do His mitzvos!



Tes Iyar

Today is twenty-four days of the Omer!

The Baal Shem Tov said:

Everything we see or hear can help us in our Avodas Hashem!

This is what Avodah is all about — to get used to trying to understand how each thing that comes into our life will help our Avodas Hashem.

In a sicha to the girls of Camp Emunah after they came back from camp, the Rebbe explained one of the horaos we can learn from playing! The Rebbe pointed out that we see that when little girls play, one of their main games is playing house and with dolls.

Even though they are very young and don’t really think about their shlichus in the world, they are already practicing for it! When they get older, Hashem will IY”H give them a home and children to take care of. Now, with the game they like to play, they are already learning how to do their shlichus in the future, and make their home a home that will be the way Hashem wants!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Yud-Daled p. 196



Shiur #331 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #195, Asei #37

We learn two mitzvos in today’s Sefer Hamitzvos. The first mitzvah is from the end of Hilchos Mamrim:

1) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #195) This is the aveira of a Ben Sorer Umoreh, that a young man should not behave in a grubbe way in his eating and drinking. If someone does, according to all of the conditions we learn in Perek Zayin of today’s Rambam, he is chayav misa.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Kedoshim: לֹא תֹאכְלוּ עַל הַדָּם

The details are explained in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Ches.

We also learn a mitzvah from the new set of halachos we are learning, Hilchos Aveil:

2) (Mitzvas Asei #37) Even though a Kohen is not allowed to become tomei by going near someone who passed away, like to a levayah or a cemetery, he is supposed to become tomei for the levayah of someone very close in his family.

This mitzvah is also where we learn that any person has the mitzvah to mourn (aveilus) for a close family member.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Emor: לָהּ יִטַּמָּא

The details are explained in Mesechta Mashkin (Moed Katan), and places in Mesechta Brachos, Kesubos, Yevamos, and Avodah Zarah.



Hilchos Mamrim - Aveil

In today’s Rambam, we are finishing Hilchos Mamrim and starting Hilchos Aveil. “Mamrim” means those who rebel. We learned about the Zakein Mamrei, the Rabbi that rebels against the Sanhedrin. We also learned about Kibud Av Va’eim, not rebelling against parents, and now we learn about a boy of a certain age who rebels in a specific way, called Ben Sorer Umoreh.

Perek Zayin: This perek teaches us the details of the Ben Sorer Umoreh. He is a boy (not a girl) who is between the age of 13 and 13 and three months, who steals money from his father, buys a certain measurement of meat and wine, and eats the meat partially raw like robbers do, together with a group of not nice people. There are also many more details in this perek that make it very unlikely for it to actually happen.

There is an opinion in the Gemara that there never WAS a Ben Sorer Umoreh, and this is one part of Torah that we learn even if we can never actually do it —“Drosh Vekabel Schar.”

We finish learning the halachos of Mamrim, and we learn the first two perakim about Aveilus, mourning.

Perek Alef: We start learning about the mitzvah of Aveilus, mourning after someone passes away.

Many of the halachos are not kept until the person who passed away was buried.

Perek Beis: This perek explains which relatives a person has a mitzvah to mourn for.



Hilchos Tumas Ochalim - Perek Alef

In today’s Rambam, we learn about how food and drinks become Tomei.

Only a food that once got wet with certain kinds of liquids can become Tomei:

1) Water
2) Dew
3) Oil
4) Wine
5) Milk
6) Blood
7) Honey

The Rambam teaches us what kinds of things aren’t counted as a food or a drink, and can’t become tomei — like spices.

icon of clock


Sefiras Haomer

During this week in Sefiras Haomer, we are working on the midah of Netzach.

What is Netzach?

Sometimes a person can be very excited about davening! He may have gotten a new siddur, or won a prize for davening nicely.

A person may be very excited about giving tzedakah, after hearing a story about how special the mitzvah of tzedakah is.

A person can feel very close to his parents, like after not seeing them for a long time, and want to do something to make them happy.

When we do something because we feel a love and excitement for what we are doing, we are using the midah of Chesed and Ahava.

But what happens after we use the new siddur for a month, or forget the beautiful story about tzedakah, or we see our parents every day? We don’t feel as excited about what we are doing, and we don’t enjoy doing it as much. But we know that these mitzvos are what we SHOULD do. We should be davening, we should be giving tzedakah, and we should be having Kibud Av Va’em — and so we do it.

That’s using our midah of Netzach! We do the same things as when we were able to do it with our Chesed (when we were excited to do it) even when we aren’t interested anymore. We have Netzach, victory! Even though we may want to read a book or play a game, we do what we know is right… we have victory over the Yetzer Hara.

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The third posuk of the Twelve Pesukim is Bechol Dor Vador.

In this posuk, we say that we need to imagine that we came out of Mitzrayim!

But how can we feel that we came out of Mitzrayim, if we are still in Golus?

The Rebbe tells us that there IS a Mitzrayim that Hashem frees us from every day! It is the Ruchnius Mitzrayim inside of us.

We all have a Paraoh, a Yetzer Hara, that tries to tell us what to do. Our Yetzer Hara tells us to stop doing mitzvos, to do things that aren’t good for our neshama, or that could hurt another person.

But when we remember the words of Bechol Dor Vador, we will know what to answer our Paraoh!

Bechol Dor Vador — In every generation, even today

Chayav Adam Liros Es Atzmo — We need to see ourselves

Ke’ilu Yatza MiMitzrayim — Like a person who already left Mitzrayim!

We need to know that we are not slaves in Mitzrayim! Paraoh is not in charge of us!

When our Yetzer Hara tells us what to do, we can answer that we are not his slave! We only need to listen to Hashem.

See Der Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder vol. 5, p. 271



Exceptions to Muktza

Things that are not meant to be used on Shabbos are muktza, and we are not allowed to move them.

There are some times when the Chachomim took away their gezeira of muktza. One time is when leaving the muktza where it is will be a sakana for people.

For example, broken glass is muktza, since it usually can’t be used for anything.

But if glass breaks on the table or where people walk, someone could get hurt! Because of this, the Chachomim didn’t make it counted as muktza, and we are allowed to clean it up in the regular way.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Shin-Ches se’if Chof-Ches

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



The End of Avodah Zarah

The Navi Yeshaya said many nevuos about what will happen in the times of the Geulah!

One of the nevuos is about people who have lots of gaavah, who serve Avodah Zarah. When the days of Moshiach will come, they won’t feel proud anymore — they will be very embarrassed! They will throw away all of their Avodah Zarah and run to hide from the glory of Hashem that will be seen in the world.

The posuk says:

לָבוֹא בְּנִקְרוֹת הַצֻּרִים וּבִסְעִפֵי הַסְּלָעִים מִפְּנֵי פַּחַד ה׳ וּמֵהֲדַר גְּאוֹנוֹ בְּקוּמוֹ לַעֲרֹץ הָאָרֶץ

The posuk before tells us that everybody who has Avodah Zarah will throw it away when they run to hide!

Lavo Benikros Hatzurim — They will run to hide in the holes of the rocks

Uv’se’ifei Hasela’im — And in the caves of the cliffs

Mipnei Pachad Hashem — From the fear of Hashem

Umeihadar Ge’ono — And from Hashem’s great glory

Bekumo La’arotz Ha’aretz — When Hashem gets up to punish the Resha’im in the world.

See Yeshayahu perek Beis, posuk Chof-Alef

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