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Parshas Emor - Chamishi with Rashi

Today we are learning about the Yomim Tovim of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur!

Hashem tells Moshe to tell the Yidden that the first day of Tishrei should be the Yom Tov of Rosh Hashana. On this day, they should say pesukim from the Torah to remember the Akeidas Yitzchak and how Avraham Avinu took a ram (the animal we take a shofar from) as a korban instead of Yitzchak. These pesukim are called Pesukei Zichronos and Pesukei Shofros.

On Rosh Hashana, we can’t do melacha, and we bring a Yom Tov korban in the Beis Hamikdash.

On the 10th day of Tishrei, it is Yom Kippur. Hashem will forgive the Yidden for the things they did wrong, if they fast and keep the inuyim of Yom Kippur. We aren’t allowed to do melacha on Yom Kippur! We make it holy by wearing clean clothes and davening the special Yom Kippur tefillos.



60 - 65

In Kapitel Samech-Alef (61), Dovid Hamelech asks Hashem for something very special: That “Yomim Al Yemei Melech Tosif” — “Hashem should add days to the days of the king.” Dovid Hamelech was asking Hashem that he should live for a long time.

The Zohar says that when a person is born, Hashem decides how long they will live. If they have a special zechus, Hashem will make them live even longer! This is what Dovid Hamelech was asking from Hashem — that he should have the zechus to live extra-long.

The Chachomim teach us that “Kol Yisroel Melachim Heim,” ALL Yidden are like kings. Dovid Hamelech was also asking for ALL Yidden that they should have a special zechus to live a long time!

See maamar Yud-Alef Nissan Tof-Shin-Chof-Beis



Likutei Amarim Perek Mem-Ches

When we think about how Hashem loves each one of us, it makes us want to love Him!

How do we show our love back to Hashem? The Alter Rebbe will teach us how, over the next two perakim. Just like Hashem put everything aside to make a world where we can do a mitzvah, we should put everything aside to serve Hashem!

In this perek, we will learn about how Hashem created the world through tzimtzum, and then about the ways Hashem gives chayus to the world (Memalei Kol Almin and Sovev Kol Almin). These things will help us understand how Hashem put everything aside to make a world where a Yid can be a part of making a comfortable place for Hashem!

In today’s Tanya, the Alter Rebbe starts to explain the idea of tzimtzum.

Hashem’s light is so strong, it needs to be hidden to make a world that we can see!

Like the light of the sun which shines SO strong that nobody can look at it, it would be too much for us to live in a world where Hashem’s light shines fully. Only through tzimtzum, with Hashem hiding part of this light, are we able to have a world.

Even in Olam Haba, and in Gan Eden, the neshamos and malochim can only appreciate the light of Hashem if it comes through a tzimtzum.

When we understand that Hashem even hides His own light to make a world where we can do Torah and mitzvos, we will also want to hide what we want for ourselves so we can do what Hashem wants.



Yud-Alef Iyar

Today is twenty-six days of the Omer!

In today’s Hayom Yom, the Rebbe tells us to make sure we read these words right when we daven. There are different nuschaos for these words, and the Rebbe shows us the way to read them in the Chabad nusach. In our siddurim, they are already printed this way.

In Korbanos: VeChein Shnei Chesuvim (not “VeChan” — tzeirei, not patach)

Before Baruch She’amar: Chiyisoni Miyardi Vor (not “Chiyisani” — komatz, not patach)

In Ashrei: Zecher Rav Tuvcha (not “Zeicher” — segol, not tzeirei)

In Halelukah: Mashlich Karcho Chefitim (not “Korcho” — patach, not komatz)

In Emes Veyatziv: Umalchuso Ve’emunaso Lo’ad Kayemes.



Shiur #333 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #167

Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #167) is that the Kohen Gadol has to be careful not to move or touch something that can give him Tumas Meis. (That sounds just like yesterday’s mitzvah, that a Kohen Gadol should not become Tomei, but the Rambam shows us how really they are two separate mitzvos — not to be in a place that can make him tomeiLo Yavo, and not to touch or move something that can make him tomeiLo Yitama!)

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Emor: וְעַל כָּל נַפְשֹׁת מֵת לֹא יָבֹא



Hilchos Aveil

Today’s Rambam (perakim Vov, Zayin, and Ches) talks about the halachos of a person who is mourning for someone who passed away.

Very soon when Moshiach will come, there will be no more reason for Hashem to take a person’s neshama away from their Guf. In fact, Hashem will return every neshama to their proper guf with Techiyas Hameisim!



Hilchos Tumas Ochalim - Perek Gimmel

In this perek we learn about how Kavana makes a difference with food becoming tomei. For example, if we DECIDED that something was going to be regular food, but changed our minds and decided to use it to feed animals instead, can it still become tomei?

icon of clock



In this week’s parsha, Parshas Emor, we learn mitzvos that are special for kohanim.

In the beginning of the parsha, Hashem says, “Emor El Hakohanim,” You should speak to the kohanim, “Ve’amarta Aleihem,” and you should say to them.

Rashi brings a reason why it needs to say (twice) “Emor” AND “Ve’amarta.” The Chachomim teach that it is “Lehazhir Hagedolim Al Haketanim,” that the kohanim need to warn their children to be careful to follow the mitzvos of the kohanim, just like the adults.

The word the Chachomim use is “Lehazhir,” to warn. Why don’t they use a word like “to teach” or “to tell”? The word “Lehazhir” can also mean light (like Zohar). It teaches us that if the adults will teach their children properly, it won’t only help their children — it will bring light to the adults too!

This is a lesson in chinuch for everyone, not just kohanim. When we are busy with chinuch, it lights us up too!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Zayin p. 151


Today (Thursday) is the second fast of Taanis BaHaB. “BaHaB” stands for Monday (beis), Thursday (hey), Monday (beis). Some have a minhag that they fast on Monday, Thursday and Monday in the month after Pesach and Sukkos, in case something not appropriate was done with the simcha of Yom Tov. (We first wait for the Shabbos after Rosh Chodesh before counting for BaHaB.)

The Rebbe himself would fast BaHaB, but most people do not. The Rebbe tells us that even though we don’t have to actually fast, it is still a special day. Every fast day is an Eis Ratzon, and is therefore a special time to increase in Yiddishkeit — in Torah and mitzvos.

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Kol Yisrael

The posuk Kol Yisrael speaks about how EVERY Yid will be part of Techiyas Hameisim, how every Yid has a part of Olam Haba.

But not every part of Olam Haba is the same!

Our part of Olam Haba will be a reward for the Avodah we do now! It is a very big reward, because it is “L’Olam Yirshu Aretz” — a place in Olam Haba that lasts forever!

The kind of place we get in Olam Haba depends on how we behave now.

When we think about this, we will realize that what we do makes a big difference!

By doing many mitzvos and learning lots of Torah, we will deserve for Hashem to give us a very SPECIAL part in Olam Haba!

See Der Rebbe Redt Tzu Kinder vol. 5, p. 251




There are some times when something that isn’t usually muktza WILL be muktza on Shabbos.


If when Shabbos started, something had muktza on top of it, that thing can become muktza, just like whatever was on top of it. This is called a Bosis Ledavar Ha’asur, “a base for something asur.”

For example, let’s say you have a table (which is not muktza), with a computer on top of it. That table becomes muktza, just like the computer, and you can’t move it on Shabbos! The same thing is true if you have a stool (not muktza) with a menorah burning on it. That stool becomes muktza just like the menorah!

But just having something muktza on top of it doesn’t mean that it HAS to become a bosis. IY”H we’ll learn more about when something becomes a bosis, and how to keep something from becoming a bosis.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Shin-Tes se’if daled

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Geulah in Davening

The Rebbe made a hora’ah that we should learn Inyonei Geulah U’Moshiach, starting from Torah Shebichsav, especially in Navi, and in Torah Shebaal Peh, the Gemara, Medrash, and Zohar, as well as Chassidus. Based on this, we have been learning pesukim from the Neviim who said Nevuos about the Geulah.

The Avudraham (Rabbeinu Dovid Avudraham) was one of the later Rishonim. He wrote a sefer explaining the davening. One of the things he shows is that when the Anshei Kneses Hagedolah made the nusach of davening, they took pesukim and changed them a little bit to be used as a Tefillah. In other words, we speak to Hashem based on the words of Hashem’s Torah!

In the second half of the brachos in Shemoneh Esrei where we ask for our needs, we ask Hashem mainly for the great need of Klal Yisroel, that Hashem should bring us the Geulah! The Avudraham shows that the words the Chachomim chose for these brachos are based on the Nevuos about the Geulah, like pesukim from Yeshaya and Yechezkel that we have been learning here!

So when we daven every day, we are asking that these nevuos we learn about the Geulah should come true, right away!

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