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Parshas Emor - Rishon with Rashi

In today’s Chumash we learn mitzvos that Hashem tells Moshe to tell the kohanim, mitzvos for a Kohen and a Kohen Gadol.

The first thing we learn about is about tumah that kohanim need to be careful with. The Torah tells us that the older kohanim need to make sure that the kohanim who are children also stay away from these kinds of tumah!

A kohen isn’t allowed to become tamei on purpose from someone who passed away (as long as someone else can take care of the Levayah and burying). This means that a kohen can’t go to a Levayah, or help bury someone, or go to a Beis Hachayim.

Only if it is someone in his very close family, he is allowed to go. Here are the relatives that he is allowed to become tomei for:

1) Wife
2) Mother
3) Father
4) Son
5) Daughter
6) Brother
7) Sister who isn’t married yet

Even though a kohen is allowed to become tomei if his wife passes away, this is only if he was allowed to marry her. If she was one of the kinds of women a kohen is not allowed to marry (like we will learn soon), he isn’t allowed to make himself tomei if she passes away.

Now the Torah tells us that a kohen needs to be careful with his body and not hurt it or make it look different like the goyim do. A kohen isn’t allowed to shave off his hair or beard, and he is not allowed to make himself bald or hurt himself to show that he is sad that someone passed away. Even though these are also mitzvos for all of the Yidden, the Torah says it again about Kohanim to teach us more about the mitzvah.

Now we learn that a kohen is holy, so he needs to be careful about who he marries. A kohen is not allowed to marry:

- A Zonah (someone who acted like she was married to somebody she’s not allowed to marry)
- A Chalalah (one kind of chalalah is a daughter of a kohen whose father married someone he’s not allowed to)
- A Gerusha (someone who got divorced)

The Beis Din needs to make sure that kohanim only marry who they are allowed to, and even if they already got married, the Beis Din forces the kohen to divorce the woman he wasn’t supposed to marry.

Here is a story about a kohen who wanted to marry a Gerusha, but was not allowed to:

Many years ago in Cracow, Poland, there lived a kohen named Shlomo Seligman. He was very rich and worked for the Polish prince in charge of Cracow.

Shlomo unfortunately was not interested in keeping the mitzvos, and called himself Sigmund instead of Shlomo.

Sigmund once met a Jewish woman who had gotten divorced. He decided that he liked her and wanted to get married to her.

Of course, the Rav of Cracow, Rabbi Yitzchak, told him that this is not allowed!

Sigmund got very upset about this, and told the prince that the Rabbi could have found a way in halacha to make a chasunah for him, but he was being stubborn.

The prince sent a group of soldiers to bring the Rav to the marketplace, so he would be FORCED to make the chasunah.

Standing in the marketplace, in front of a crowd of Jews and non-Jews, the Rav begged Sigmund and the woman not to do something asur like this, and warned them that whatever happened would be their fault.

But they ignored the Rav’s words, and told him to make the chasunah. The Rav looked up at Shomayim and asked Hashem to help!

Suddenly, a hole opened up in the ground, and swallowed up Sigmund and the woman, like Korach was swallowed up in the Midbar!

Then the hole closed back up again, as if nothing had happened. The soldiers, who had just seen this miracle, put their swords into the ground around the place where the hole had been to mark where it was.

After seeing the hand of Hashem, and that what he had done was wrong, the prince apologized to the Rav. The Rav asked him to build a wall around that spot, which had become a kever for those two Yidden, so that kohanim would be able to walk in the marketplace.

We give kohanim special kavod, like getting the first Aliyah to the Torah and leading the bentching.

Even the children of the kohanim are expected to be on a higher level. If the married daughter of a kohen became a Zonah, she gets a stricter punishment than a regular woman.

A Kohen Gadol has a higher level of kedusha, so there are more things he needs to be careful with. He is not allowed to let his hair grow long the way an avel does, even if someone in his family passes away. He is also not allowed to become tamei even for someone in his close family. He has to keep doing his Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash, and can’t stop even if someone in his family passes away.

The Torah is also more strict about who a Kohen Gadol is not allowed to marry. He is not allowed to marry anyone a regular kohen can’t marry, and he also can’t marry an almanah (a widow). He is only allowed to marry someone who has never been married before.

For story, see “Korach of Cracow”, The Storyteller vol. 3, p. 257



39 - 43

In Kapitel Mem (40) of Tehillim, we have a posuk that says “Nifle’osecha U’machshevosecha Eileinu, Ein Aroch Eilecha!” “Your nissim and Your thoughts are for us — no one is like You.”

Chassidus explains the meaning of this posuk: “Nifle’osecha U’machshevosecha Eileinu,” all of Hashem’s nissim are for US, meaning that they are incredible only to us. But to Hashem, “Ein Aroch Eilecha” — they are like nothing to You, Hashem!

When we think about the great nissim of Hashem, and how they are like nothing compared to the greatness of Hashem, it will make us feel very small. We will realize how important it is to do exactly what Hashem wants from us, and we will do it with simcha!



Likutei Amarim Perek Mem-Vov

The Alter Rebbe told us in the beginning of the perek that when a Yid thinks about how great Hashem is, and how Hashem has millions of malochim that are considered like nothing compared to Hashem, we realize how great Hashem is!

Even though Hashem has so many malochim, who did Hashem choose as HIS special nation?

Hashem chose the Yidden, who were sitting in a “garbage dump” called Mitzrayim! Hashem came Himself and took the Yidden out of Mitzrayim, brought us to Har Sinai, and gave us the Torah and mitzvos, which are like a big hug! Shouldn’t that make us love Hashem very much?

There is a hint for this in the bracha we say before we do a mitzvah: “Asher Kidishanu Bemitzvosav...” The simple meaning of these words are that Hashem makes us holy with His mitzvos, but the word “Kidishanu” can also be like the word “Kiddushin,” which we do by a Chasunah. According to this, the meaning of the bracha is that Hashem makes us His kallah with the mitzvos! A mitzvah makes us close to Hashem like a Chasuna makes a kallah close to her chosson!



Zayin Iyar

Today is twenty-two days of the Omer!

When a man puts on his Tallis, he first wraps himself up before putting it just on his head and shoulders. It is our minhag that he covers his face, just past his eyes, with the Tallis.

During Sefiras Haomer, it is our minhag to learn Gemara Mesechta Sotah, that has a page for each day of Sefiras Ha’omer! We learn one page every day.

In today’s page of Gemara Sotah, it talks about not showing off, and making sure that we are the same on the inside and the outside! That is what we work on during Sefiras Haomer — making sure that our inside and outside should be with good midos.



Shiur #329 - Mitzvas Asei #174, Lo Saasei #312, #313, #314

Today we start a new section in Rambam, about people who don’t listen to what the Torah teaches.

In today’s Sefer Hamitzvos, we learn four mitzvos:

1) (Mitzvas Asei #174) We need to listen to whatever the Sanhedrin paskens.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Shoftim: עַל פִּי הַתּוֹרָה אֲשֶׁר יוֹרוּךָ וְגוֹ׳

The details are explained in the end of Mesechta Sanhedrin.

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #312) We are not allowed to NOT listen to what the Chachomim teach us.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Shoftim: לֹא תָסוּר מִן הַדָּבָר אֲשֶׁר יַגִּידוּ לְךָ

The details are explained in the end of Mesechta Sanhedrin.

3) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #313) We can’t add anything to the Torah.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Re’eh: לֹא תֹסֵף עָלָיו

4) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #314) We can’t take anything away from the Torah.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Re’eh: וְלֹא תִגְרַע מִמֶּנּוּ



Hilchos Mamrim

We learn in today’s Rambam that even someone who is very smart, and knows so much Torah, still needs to follow what the Beis Din says, because Hashem wants only one place to be in charge and lead the Yidden.

In Perek Alef, we learn that we rely on the Sanhedrin to understand the Torah Shebaal Peh. We need to listen to what they tell us, because it is just as important as keeping the rest of the Torah!

In Perek Beis, we learn about making rules so that Yidden will keep the Torah better. A Beis Din should only make these kinds of rules if they are sure that most of the Yidden can keep them.

Perek Gimmel talks about people who don’t follow what the Sanhedrin says:

- If a person decides he doesn’t believe in the Torah Shebaal Peh, he isn’t just rebelling against the Chachomim, he is going against the whole Torah!

And now the Rambam talks about shlichus!

- If a person doesn’t believe in the Torah Shebaal Peh because that’s what his parents taught him, he shouldn’t be punished — it’s not his fault that he doesn’t know better! He’s like a little baby who was captured and grew up in a non-Jewish home, and didn’t learn the Torah. Instead of punishing him, we should try to teach him Torah in a loving way, so that he will learn the right way to act.

- A Zaken Mamrei — a Talmid Chochom who paskens differently than the Sanhedrin — is chayav misa, because he is making the Yidden not have achdus, he is making them act differently than everyone else!



Hilchos Shaar Avos HaTumos - Perek Yud-Tes

This perek has very interesting cases about a sofek.

For example, let’s say that there are two paths. One path is tomei, and one path is tahor. A person walks down one of the paths, but isn’t sure if he walked down the tahor path or the tomei path! Since he isn’t sure, he gets sprinkled with the ashes of the Parah Adumah and goes to the mikvah. Then he walks down the OTHER path, but he still isn’t sure which one is tomei and which one is tahor! The halacha is that we assume that this time he is still tahor.

icon of clock


Getting Used to Doing Mitzvos Right

When the Rebbe Rashab turned twelve, he asked his father (the Rebbe Maharash) how he should learn Torah so that he will BEHAVE according to what he is learning.

Based on what his father told him, he decided to learn the halachos of Orach Chayim, and to review each one not only with his mind, but with his body — he practiced DOING the mitzvos right! He wanted his body to get used to keeping each of these halachos.

The Rebbe Rashab told this story to the Friediker Rebbe once when they went together for a walk, and the Rebbe told us this story many times by farbrengens, with the lesson: We should get our bodies used to keeping the mitzvos!

Can you think of a halacha that you can get so used to doing until it becomes automatic? One idea: Making sure that you never go to sleep without negel vasser — just like you don’t forget to put on your pajamas or cover yourself with your blanket!

Printed in English in Yalkut Bar Mitzvah chapter 9

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The third posuk from the Twelve Pesukim starts with the word Bechol. It is a Maamar Chazal that comes from the Mishna. Here’s what it means:

Bechol Dor Vador — In every generation

Chayav Adam Liros Es Atzmo — A person needs to see himself

K’ilu Hu Yatza Mimitzrayim — As if he went out of Mitzrayim!

Why should we feel like we went out of Mitzrayim ourselves? The Haggadah explains why!

It tells us that if Hashem hadn’t taken the Yidden out of Mitzrayim so many years ago, we would still be slaves there. So we should feel the same thankfulness for Yetziyas Mitzrayim today!

Since we are NOT slaves, and we do NOT have to work for Paraoh, we are free to serve Hashem! When we think about this posuk, it should help us feel thankful for the chesed Hashem does for us, and help us feel excited to learn Torah and do mitzvos with chayus and simcha!



Picking Up Muktza by Mistake

What happens if you pick something up on Shabbos, and then realize that it is muktza? What should you do? Should you drop it right away, or can you put it back down where it belongs?

The halacha depends on what kind of muktza it is!

If it is the kind of muktza called Muktza Kal, the less strict kind of muktza, you can put it down where it belongs. So for example, if you picked up a pen by mistake, you can put it away in it’s proper place.

But if it is the strict kind of muktza, Muktza Chamur, you need to drop it right away! So for example, if you reach into your pocket and pull out a piece of paper, and realize it is a dollar bill, you have to drop it right away! If you need it to go into a safe place, you need to kick it or blow it away. (Of course, we should check our pockets before Shabbos so this kind of thing doesn’t happen!)

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Shin-Ches se’if yud-gimmel

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



There Will Be No More Wars

The Navi Yeshaya saw that the Yidden in his time wanted to copy the goyim and act the way they do. He told them nevuos about Moshiach, showing them that even the goyim will realize that the Torah is true. So it is very foolish to copy the goyim, when very soon the goyim will be trying to learn from Yidden and the Torah how to act! We should follow the Torah and mitzvos, which soon everyone will see is true!

This next posuk is a very famous nevuah about Moshiach!

וְשָׁפַט בֵּין הַגּוֹיִם וְהוֹכִיחַ לְעַמִּים רַבִּים וְכִתְּתוּ חַרְבוֹתָם לְאִתִּים וַחֲנִיתוֹתֵיהֶם לְמַזְמֵרוֹת לֹא יִשָּׂא גוֹי אֶל גּוֹי חֶרֶב וְלֹא יִלְמְדוּ עוֹד מִלְחָמָה

Veshafat Bein HagoyimMoshiach will judge any arguments between the nations of the world

Vehochiach Le’amim Rabim — And will tell many of them to change the way they are acting.

Now the nations won’t have any reason to fight with each other anymore, since Moshiach will have told them what is right and what is wrong! Now what will they do with their weapons?

Vechitsu Charvosam Le’itim — And they will bend their swords into plows for their fields

Vechanisoseihem Lemazmeiros — And they will bend their spears into pruning hooks (poles with a curved knife at the end, to cut off extra branches from trees so they will grow better)!

This means that instead of using their weapons for war, they will use their weapons to help things grow better!

Lo Yisa Goy El Goy Cherev — No nation will lift up their swords to fight with each other anymore,

Velo Yilmedu Od Milchama — And they won’t even learn about or practice fighting, since they will all know that there will NEVER be another war!

See Yeshayahu perek Beis posuk Daled

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