
An examination of criminal law matters in the news 
June 9, 2022

A secret trial for which there’s no publicly available record.  In fact most details in the original case are sealed and being kept from the public.  All of the following elements remain unknown: the nature of the alleged crime, the location where it was committed, the name of the police force involved, and the names of the lawyers, and the trial judge.  The case does not even have an official docket number.  Is this how justice is done in Québec in 2022.  Let's hope that the Court of Appeal can bring some much needed light to the situation.


Lawyers ask Quebec Court of Appeal to shed more light on secret trial

MONTREAL - Lawyers for the province’s attorney general, the chief justice of the Quebec court and several media organizations went before the Quebec Court of Appeal Monday to demand details about a secret trial for which there’s no publicly available record.


Steven G. Slimovitch, B.A., LL.B., provides legal counsel to individuals and corporations in the areas of criminal, penal and Charter of Rights litigation. With almost 30 years of experience as a criminal defence lawyer, he has successfully represented clients before all levels of courts including the Supreme Court of Canada.

He can be reached at 514-984-2309 or through one of the icons below.
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Steven Slimovitch, Bilingual Montréal Criminal Lawyer · 500 Place d'Armes, Suite 1800 · Montréal, Québec H2Y 2W2 · Canada

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