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Parshas Shelach - Chamishi with Rashi

We are learning about what Yidden will bring together with a korban when they come to Eretz Yisroel.

Hashem is telling the Yidden some of the mitzvos that are kept in Eretz Yisrael, which they will be happy to hear about, since their children are going there. One of the mitzvos is about korbanos: When we bring a korban, it’s not just an animal — we also bring a Korban Mincha (flour and oil) and nesech (wine).

Today we finish learning about how much flour, oil, and wine to bring with every korban. A lamb or goat needs the least amount, the ram needs an in-between amount, and a bull, ox or cow need the most!

(Can you find exactly how much flour, oil, and wine we need for each of these groups of animals in the Chumash?)



113 - 118

Today’s kapitelach are Kuf-Yud-Gimmel to Kuf-Yud-Ches — the kapitelach of Hallel.

There is a posuk in today’s Tehillim, in Kapitel Kuf-Yud-Ches that says “Hashem Li Be’ozroi, Va’ani Ereh Ve’Son’ai.” “Hashem is with me, with my helpers, and I will see my enemies fall.”

How can Dovid Hamelech say that Hashem is WITH his helpers? Can there be a helper except for Hashem?

Chassidus explains that the “helpers” are the Gashmius things in the world. Hashem put a piece of Kedusha into the Gashmius things, and when we use them, we get this koach to help us! So together with davening and asking Hashem to help us, we also need to use the spark of Hashem that’s in the Gashmius which will be our helper too!



Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Zayin

Today the Alter Rebbe explains from the Zohar how we can say that Hashem is EVERYWHERE, even in not kavodike places.

Where is Hashem?

Everyone knows the answer to that question — Hashem is everywhere!

But in the time of the Alter Rebbe, some people (and even some big Talmidei Chachomim) were trying to learn about Hashem from what it says in Kisvei HoArizal, and they made a mistake. They were learning about tzimtzum, how Hashem has to “make Himself smaller” and hide in the world, and they thought it meant that Hashem is too holy to be in dirty, disgusting places.

Since it isn’t kavodik to say that Hashem is in such yucky places, they thought tzimtzum meant that Hashem goes away from there, and watches carefully, but from far away.

Of course, we know that can’t be true! The Alter Rebbe told us yesterday that the emunah we have inside us tells us that it can’t be. We know that Hashem knows everything, and Hashem is one, and we know that no place in the world can be separate from Hashem!

Today and for the next few days, the Alter Rebbe will prove this to us from what it says in Zohar.

Hashem isn’t like a regular person.

We don’t like to be in a disgusting place. Why? Because it makes us feel yucky too. Why don’t we like to be in a dangerous place? Because we are scared we will hurt ourselves. But that’s not how it works for Hashem!

The Zohar explains that Hashem gives chayus to the whole world and isn’t bothered or pained by anything that is inside. Hashem gives us chayus in the winter and summer — but Hashem doesn’t get cold or hot! Hashem makes day and night — but Hashem doesn’t feel that it’s dark!

So it doesn’t matter that we say that Hashem is in a bathroom or in a not nice place! Even though Hashem gives it chayus, it doesn’t affect Him like it does to a person.



Chof-Daled Sivan

A Chossid once wrote to the Frierdiker Rebbe, asking how he can have hiskashrus since the Rebbe never saw him.

The Frierdiker Rebbe answered: Real hiskashrus comes from learning the Rebbe’s Torah!

Learning the Rebbe’s Maamorim and Sichos, learning and farbrenging together with Anash and Temimim, saying Tehillim after davening (the Frierdiker Rebbe’s takana), keeping the set times you have to study Torah — that’s Hiskashrus!



Shiur #36 - Nusach Birchos HaTefillah

Today’s Rambam and Sefer Hamitzvos are exactly the same! We read through the Rambam’s nusach for Shmoneh Esrei and Vidui. It is very interesting to see what is the same and what is different in the Rambam’s nusach and the nusach we daven!



Nusach Birchos HaTefillah

In today’s Rambam, we read through the nusach of every possible Shemoneh Esrei! We see Shemoneh Esrei the way it is said during the week, and the changes we make on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim. This way, we see every different type of Shemoneh Esrei there could be.



Hilchos Mikvaos - Perek Alef

Now that we learned all about how people and things become tomei, let’s learn how to make them tahor!

This perek explains the general rules about a mikvah — like that a person doesn’t become tahor until nighttime, even if they went to the Mikvah during the day, and that a person can’t have anything between them and the mikvah water (for example, a band-aid) — this is called a chatzitzah.

icon of clock


Hachana L'Gimmel Tammuz

The Achdus of chassidim will bring the Geulah!

The Rebbe told this story:

The Tzemach Tzedek once had to go to Petersburg (the capital) for many meetings. The government wanted to make rules about the kind of Chinuch the Yidden can have!

The Tzemach Tzedek wouldn’t say yes EVER to making any change in pure Yiddishe chinuch, and they were very mad at him! It was very dangerous for the Tzemach Tzedek to act this way.

One of the Rabbonim who was there asked the Tzemach Tzedek how he could do this! There are so many Yidden who NEED the Tzemach Tzedek, so how can he do something which puts his life in danger? Without him, many Yidden won’t know how to live how a Yid should!

The Tzemach Tzedek said he needs to do what he is doing, and if something would happen to him chas veshalom, there are two other ways to help all of these Yidden know how to act:

1) The Tzemach Tzedek’s children can take over and teach and guide the chassidim.

2) The achdus of Chassidim will carry them until Moshiach.

The Rebbe told this story 100 years after the histalkus of the Tzemach Tzedek. He said, “Now the first reason isn’t there anymore — only the second. We need to know that when Chassidim work together, we have the koach to bring Moshiach!”

See farbrengen Yud-Gimmel Nissan 5726

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Our Morning Midbar

In this week’s parsha, Parshas Shelach, we learn about the Meraglim, and the terrible mistake that they made.

They wanted to stay in the Midbar where they could learn and daven all day, and they didn’t have to worry about Gashmius. They said that it was not a good idea to go into Eretz Yisroel, where they would need to deal with parnasa and would have less time to learn. They didn’t understand that even though their Avodah in the Midbar was good, Hashem’s goal was for them to use the koach from that to go out into the world, into Eretz Yisroel!

In fact, being first in the Midbar and then going into Eretz Yisroel is something we are supposed to do every day! We spend our morning in the “Midbar,” getting ready to daven, davening Shacharis, and learning Torah afterwards.

Then we take that koach and use it in the world, in “Eretz Yisroel!” We spend our day dealing with Gashmius. We do mitzvos with Gashmius, we bring kedusha in the Gashmius, and we make sure that the way we use the Gashmius is the way we learned to in the “Midbar!” We go out of our “Midbar” to find other Yidden too and help them do mitzvos and grow in Yiddishkeit.

This is how we fulfill Hashem’s kavana every day!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Daled, Parshas Shelach



Higher Than Teva

In this week’s parsha, we learn about the Meraglim. They were great leaders of their Shevatim. They were special people who had Yiras Shomayim and understood Torah very well. These men were chosen by Moshe Rabbeinu himself to go to Eretz Yisroel and spy it out!

Together with all of the other Yidden, they had seen the nissim of Mitzrayim, of Kriyas Yam Suf, and the daily miracles in the Midbar. So how could they say that it was impossible to win over the nations that lived in Eretz Yisroel, even if they were many and strong? Didn’t the Meraglim just see that Hashem could do anything?

In a sicha on this week’s parsha, the Rebbe explains that OF COURSE the Meraglim knew that Hashem could do anything!

They made just one mistake.

They knew that in the Midbar, Hashem was doing things in a way of nissim! Their food came from Shomayim, their water came from a rock, their clothes were washed by the clouds and grew with them, and the road was made smooth in front of them. In the Midbar, the way things are in teva (nature) didn’t matter!

They also knew that in Eretz Yisroel, these nissim would stop. They would need to start doing things in a way of teva, the natural way Hashem runs the world. They would need to work in the fields for food, dig wells for water, and use regular clothes. They would need to travel on bumpy roads, and daven for rain to fall at the right times.

But they thought that if they had to start to do things in the natural way, that they could ONLY use teva. And the way they could see it, if they had to fight the wars to capture Eretz Yisroel only in the natural way, then they didn’t think they could win!

So what was the problem?

Even though they needed to conquer Eretz Yisroel with teva, it didn’t need to ONLY be with teva. Hashem’s nissim wouldn’t stop, but they would need to be hidden in a way of teva!

The Yidden only needed to START in a way of teva, and Hashem would make things have hatzlacha, even if it doesn’t make sense! That was the mistake that the Meraglim made.

This is actually the way we need to keep mitzvos every day:

Sometimes it might not seem to make sense to give tzedakah, since we think we might need the money for ourselves. It might not sound like a good idea to have a big family, because we think that they will be too hard to take care of.

But that’s only if we’re going into the world the way it looks on the outside. But we are going with the shlichus of Hashem! We do the best we can in teva, but then we know that Hashem will make things work out with hatzlacha in a way that is HIGHER than teva!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Daled, Parshas Shelach

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Shining a Light to the World

The Navi Yeshaya tells us that at the end of Golus, it will be very dark and hard — but Hashem will shine His light on the Yidden and save them!

In the posuk we will learn today, the Navi continues that in the times of the Geulah, the goyim will learn from the Yidden. They will also want to live with the light of Torah!

וְהָלְכוּ גוֹיִם לְאוֹרֵךְ וּמְלָכִים לְנֹגַהּ זַרְחֵךְ

Vehalchu Goyim Le’orech — The nations will learn from you and go in the way of your light (the light of Torah)

Umelachim Lenogah Zarcheich — And kings will follow your shining example.

The Yidden will be a light for the world, and show them all how to act in the way of Hashem!

See Yeshaya perek Samach posuk Gimmel

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נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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