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Parshas Behaalosecha - Shishi with Rashi

The Yidden start to travel, and the Erev Rav complain about the traveling and about the Mahn! Moshe Rabbeinu chooses 70 new Zekeinim to help lead the Yidden.

When the Yidden were about to travel, and the Kohanim who carried the Aron started to go, Moshe would ask Hashem to keep the Yidden safe. (We know this posuk, because we say it before we open the Aron Kodesh in Shul!) “Vayehi Binsoa HaAron...” And when the Kohanim put the Aron down where they were staying, Moshe would ask Hashem to rest among the Yidden.

Like we said yesterday, the Yidden went in one day what usually takes THREE days to go! The Yidden should have been very happy! But the Erev Rav weren’t happy about all of the mitzvos they had to do, and they were looking for a reason to kvetch so they could have an excuse not to do mitzvos. They said they were too tired from going so far.

Hashem was not happy about their complaining, and a fire came from Hashem to punish them. (The Shivim Zekeinim (70 older chachomim) also passed away then, for a different reason — because of something that happened at the time of Matan Torah.) Some of the Erev Rav asked Moshe to daven for them, and the fire stopped. Moshe called that place Taveira, which means a fire.

The rest of the Erev Rav didn’t learn their lesson, though — they also started complaining, and other Yidden complained with them too. They said they wanted meat (even though they had plenty of animals with them that they could have shechted). They complained that they miss eating fish in Mitzrayim without having any mitzvos to keep. They complained about the Mahn which tasted like almost every food, except foods that weren’t healthy for babies. They said that they wanted THOSE foods, and that they were bored of mahn!

Even though THEY complained about the mahn, the Torah tells us about how the mahn was really very special! What was the mahn like? It was like a round white ball, so it was easy to hold and easy to find. It tasted like a kind of danish, but if they wanted it could taste like (and feel like) any other kind of food! Hashem would make the man fall on the dew (like a very light rain that falls in the morning) so it would be clean.

Hashem heard the Yidden complaining about the mahn, and also complaining that Hashem didn’t let them marry whoever they wanted. Hashem was not happy about this complaining either!

Moshe was also upset. He said, “How can I take care of all of the Yidden by myself, without the Shivim Zekeinim (who passed away from the fire)? How am I supposed to give the Yidden meat?”

Hashem told Moshe that He would send the Yidden meat, but they would die if they ate it. Hashem also told Moshe to pick 70 new Zekeinim to help lead the Yidden.

So Moshe picked 70 new Zekeinim: He picked 6 people from each Shevet, and then did a goral to see which ones would be the Zekeinim. Hashem gave the Zekeinim the koach to say Nevuah!

Two of these Zekeinim, Eldad and Meidad, didn’t feel like they deserve the job, but Hashem gave them the Koach of Nevuah anyway. They said a nevuah that Moshe wouldn’t go into Eretz Yisroel, but that Yehoshua would do it instead.

Yehoshua was very upset when he heard this, but Moshe said that he wishes ALL the Yidden would be Neviim!



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In Kapitel Pey-Tes, we have another posuk (like yesterday) that we will soon learn about in Tanya!

The posuk says, “Ki Omarti Olam Chesed Yibaneh” — Hashem says, “I said that the world will be built with Chesed.”

What is chesed? We will soon learn in Tanya that there are two names of Hashem — the name Havaya GIVES us chayus. It is also called chesed, which is giving.

The other name of Hashem is Elokim. It HIDES the chayus. It is also called gevurah, which means to hold back.

We learn in Tanya that to have the world, we need BOTH — chesed (Havaya) to give us chayus, and gevurah (Elokim) to hide it so we can live.

But in this posuk, it says that Hashem made the world only with chesed!

We learn the answer to this in Tanya too. Even the way Hashem HIDES the chayus is for the reason of chesed — to GIVE us the world! Even the gevurah becomes part of chesed — even the hiding the chayus is just so Hashem can give us the chayus!

So even though the world is made with chesed AND gevurah, the Tehillim talks only about the chesed, because even the Gevurah is for the purpose of Chesed.



Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Vov

The two names of Hashem, Havaya and Elokim, work together: Hashem creates the world and gives us chayus with Sheim Havaya, and then hides the chayus using Sheim Elokim, so we can live in the world and choose to serve Hashem! These names of Hashem are describing two different midos of Hashem, but they are of course part of only ONE Hashem. Even though they might look different to us, we understand that by Hashem they are really one.

The Alter Rebbe shows us where Eliyahu Hanavi talks about this, in the part of the Zohar that starts Posach Eliyahu, which we say on Erev Shabbos before Mincha.

Moshe Rabbeinu told this to the Yidden before they went into Eretz Yisroel, and told them that they should remember this for always. He told them that when you think about this, you will understand that there is nothing that exists aside for Hashem!

We say this posuk every day in davening, at the end of Aleinu! “Veyadaata Hayom, Vehasheivosa El Levavecha, Ki Hashem Hu HoElokim BaShomayim Mimaal, Ve’al HaAretz Mitachas Ein Od”: “You should know today and take to heart that Hashem is Elokim (meaning that even the world where Hashem is hidden, ‘Elokim,’ is all part of Hashem) and then you’ll know that in Shomayim above and on earth below, there is nothing separate from Hashem at all!”



Yud-Ches Sivan

Before the Yidden left Mitzrayim, some of the Yidden didn’t believe that there would be a Geulah. They passed away during Makas Choshech, right before the Yidden left.

In this Geulah, we are promised that every Yid will do teshuvah in the end and leave the Golus! Since this is what will happen, every Yid needs to help the Yidden they know so they are ready for the Geulah. Like this, every Yid will be ready for Moshiach!



Shiur #30 - Mitzvas Asei #14

Today’s mitzvah (Mitzvas Asei #14) is to wear tzitzis! We need to attach special tzitzis strings to the corners of clothes that have four corners. One of those strings is supposed to be blue, called techeiles! But even if we don’t have the blue string, we still do the mitzvah with just white strings.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Shelach: וְעָשׂוּ לָהֶם צִיצִת וְגוֹ׳ וְנָתְנוּ עַל צִיצִת הַכָּנָף פְּתִיל תְּכֵלֶת

The details are explained in Mesechta Menachos perek Daled.



Hilchos Tzitzis

We learn the WHOLE Hilchos Tzitzis today. The Rambam explains all of the halachos in just three perakim!

In Perek Alef, we start to learn about tzitzis! Really, the tzitzis are supposed to have seven white strings, and one techeiles string. But since we don’t have techeiles, we can still do the mitzvah with just white strings.

Perek Beis: Even though there are other ways to make a color that LOOKS like techeiles, only real techeiles will stay the same color no matter what. So to check if a string was dyed with real techeiles, we soak it a strong liquid to see if the color fades! Only real techeiles is kosher for tzitzis.

Perek Gimmel: According to the Torah, only clothes made of wool or linen need tzitzis, but the Chachomim told us to put tzitzis on clothes made of ANY material with four corners.

Did you know that a kapote can have four corners? If you look at your Tatty’s kapote, you will see that one of the corners is rounded, so it doesn’t count as a corner. If it wasn’t round, you would need to put tzitzis on your kapote too!



Hilchos Keilim - Perek Chof-Gimmel

This perek tells us the rules of how big a piece of cloth needs to be in order to become tomei.

icon of clock



In today’s Hayom Yom, the Frierdiker Rebbe tells a chossid how he needs to help everyone around him get ready for Moshiach by acting like a Yid: Doing teshuvah, keeping Shabbos, putting on Tefillin, Taharas Hamishpacha, Chinuch, eating kosher...

In our time, the Rebbe added something new and very important for us to know: Since we are VERY close to the Geulah, now we have to start LEARNING about what the world will be like when Moshiach comes. When we learn the parts of Torah that talk about how things will be when Moshiach comes, the Torah has a koach to make us feel connected with that time. So even though there is Golus around us, we can live (and help other people live) in a way of Geulah now.

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Yud-Beis Pesukim - Review

We reviewed the four pesukim from Torah Shebichsav, and the four pesukim from Torah Shebaal Peh. Now let’s review the last four pesukim, from Chassidus!

Torah Shebichsav is the WHAT of the mitzvos, what mitzvos we need to do.

Torah Shebaal Peh is the HOW of the mitzvos, how to keep them.

Chassidus is the pnimius, the NESHAMA of the mitzvos.

Chassidus also shows us how to serve Hashem with our mind and our heart!

In the next four pesukim, we will see the neshama of what we learned in the first eight pesukim! We learned about how precious Torah and mitzvos are, and how we need to put our effort into it. We learned how to deal with other Yidden in the right way.

Now, in these last four pesukim, we will see the pnimius of all of this, and how to serve Hashem when we do this, with our mind and heart.



Hefsek BeTefillah

During davening, we are not allowed to interrupt for other things. This is called making a hefsek.

These halachos have many details, especially in a shul! In shul, there are many parts of davening that we are supposed to answer to, like Kaddish, Kedusha, Barchu, and amen to other brachos. If we are in the middle of some parts of davening, we are allowed to answer some of these things, but not in other parts.

Let’s learn a halacha about hefsek that we need to know about when we daven outside of a shul:

Usually, when we hear someone saying a bracha, we answer Amen, saying that what was said in the bracha was true. But what if we’re in the middle of davening?

It depends where we’re up to! If we are in the middle of Pesukei Dezimra, where we praise Hashem, we DO answer amen to someone else’s bracha. That’s because a bracha, and agreeing with a bracha by saying amen, are ALSO praising Hashem! So it’s not really an interruption at all!

(This is true wherever we are in Pesukei Dezimra, except for during the paragraphs of Boruch She’amar and Yishtabach, because they are brachos themselves, and have different halachos.)

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, siman Nun-Alef

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



Ki Vesimcha Seitzeiu #2

The Navi Yeshaya tells us in one of his nevuos about the Geulah, that “Ki Besimcha Seitzeiu,” we will go out of Golus with joy! In the farbrengen of Yud Shevat Tof-Shin-Yud-Alef, the Rebbe explained that this posuk shows us how to have shalom and achdus, and what happens when we have it:

כִּי בְשִׂמְחָה תֵצֵאוּ וּבְשָׁלוֹם תּוּבָלוּן הֶהָרִים וְהַגְּבָעוֹת יִפְצְחוּ לִפְנֵיכֶם רִנָּה וְכָל עֲצֵי הַשָּׂדֶה יִמְחֲאוּ כָף

1) First, a good eitza to have Shalom and Achdus is to have simcha! When we are besimcha, it is easier to have Shalom. This is hinted to in the posuk, because first we say “Besimcha Seitzeiu” (go out with simcha), and then “Uveshalom Tuvalun” (and you will be brought with shalom).

2) Sometimes things are hard for us. When we have shalom, these things not only won’t be in the way, but they will help us to do even more! We see this in the second part of the posuk, “Heharim Vehagva’os Yiftzechu Lifneichem Rina,” “the mountains and hills,” which usually block people, “will burst into song in front of you” — they will start to help you!

3) Finally, when we have shalom, the nevuos about Moshiach will come true! We hint to this in the end of the posuk, by saying “Vechol Atzei Hasadeh Yimcha’u Chof,” that all the trees of the field will clap hands. Rashi explains that this is because the trees will ALL give fruit, which is one of the nevuos which will take place in the times of the Geulah!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Beis page 503

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