Celebrate fall colours this year by planting trees
Forestry specialist says autumn is good time to plant trees as leaves turn colour and trees enter dormancy
As summer winds down we are often reminded of the seasonal change to come by an early splash of colour in the trees. The different colours, and the reason for the change, can be explained largely by seasonal changes in the compounds within a tree’s leaves, according to Ian Jean, Forestry and Land Stewardship Specialist with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA).
The green colour of leaves is due to a compound called chlorophyll in the leaves, he said. Chlorophyll is involved in photosynthesis, the process by which plants can use the sun’s energy to build sugars and other compounds from carbon dioxide and water. While trees are actively growing, leaves contain large amounts of chlorophyll which gives them various shades of green throughout the spring and summer.
When day length becomes shorter, trees stop producing chlorophyll. In the absence of chlorophyll, other pigments begin to surface. Carotenoids are responsible for the yellow, orange, and brown colours while vivid reds come from pigments called anthocyanins. While carotenoids are present all season and masked by the green chlorophyll in the spring and summer, anthocyanins are produce mainly in the fall.
Warm, sunny late summer and autumn days, followed by cool, crisp nights are thought to produce the most vibrant reds. Sun and warmth during the day leads to lots of sugar and anthocyanin production, while cool nights cause the leaf veins to begin to close off, trapping the red anthocyanin pigment in the leaves. This provides a partial explanation to the variability in colour from year to year, with other factors likely at play.
The start of autumn colours is an indication they are entering their seasonal dormant period which continues through fall, winter, and early spring. Fall and spring are the best time to transplant trees, according to Ian. “Both are good times to plant trees,” he said. “The weather is cooler and while trees are in dormancy in fall or spring, they are better able to handle the stress of transplanting.”
One common misconception is that trees planted in the fall do not need to be watered. Watering trees is important even when planting in the fall. “Trees benefit from watering during periods of heat or drought the following spring and summer,” Ian said.
Trees planted in autumn have a very short period of time for root growth before winter. Watering is very important until transplanted trees have recovered a root system, in balance with their top.
Ausable Bayfield Conservation has posted its tree order form for fall 2022.
The tree order form is available online at this link:
ABCA accepts faxed, mailed, and e-mailed orders until September 16, 2022. They accept orders accompanied by payment until September 30, 2022.
When planting trees in autumn, it’s important to consider winter conditions ahead. Certain trees, types of planting stock, and locations are better suited than others to fall planting.
“Frost heaving is a problem for fall planting of very small, bare-root seedlings,” Ian said. “In the fall, we handle only larger trees in pots or in root-ball-in-burlap format and we have good success planting those larger size trees.” (Smaller seedling trees are offered in the spring tree planting program.)
There is a cost to order trees through the fall tree planting program but there may be incentive grants available for some tree planting projects. Cost-share funding may be available for establishing field windbreaks, treed buffers, and other tree planting projects. Staff are available to help with project design and to help you apply for grants.
You are invited to contact staff through the website at abca.ca or to email Ian Jean at ijean@abca.ca or phone him at 519-235-2610 (or toll-free 1-888-286-2610), extension 238.
Order trees now:
Kirsten McIntosh is 2022 winner of $1,000 Student Environmental Award from Conservation Foundation
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation first presented $1,000 student prize in 2010; Bursary has furthered education for 11 recipients
Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF) has presented the $1,000 Student Environmental Award. Kirsten McIntosh, of the Seaforth area, is the 2022 winner. She is the eleventh local student to win this recognition since ABCF first began presenting the award in 2010. ABCF Chair Dave Frayne presented the award at a brief ceremony on August 9, 2022.
Kirsten is studying at Lambton College in Sarnia in the Environmental Technician Water and Wastewater System Operations program.
“I would like to thank Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation for presenting me with this award today and I am so grateful to receive this award,” she said. “It will help me with my education at Lambton College.”
Kirsten’s interest and experience in the environment has included helping out for three summers at Summer Nature Day Camps hosted by Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). “Working with staff and students made me want to learn more and do more to protect our local environment,” she said.
While a student at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton, Kirsten took part in a Co-op placement at Veolia Water in Goderich. She learned about testing water for E. coli bacteria; chlorine; fluoride levels; and water clarity. Kirsten also completed a Co-op placement with Municipality of Central Huron in the Water and Wastewater Department. She learned about water distribution and the wastewater treatment plant. She also enjoyed a Co-op placement, with Friends of Hullett, at Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area. She monitored wetlands, checked nesting areas for turtles, collected data on duck boxes, and maintained trails.
Kirsten also volunteered at the Lake Huron Coastal Centre. She learned about how sand dunes help to prevent erosion, plant identification, and the impact of harmful invasive species. She took part in a beach cleanup, studied species at risk, and learned about different types of wetlands.
Kirsten said her experience growing on a cash crop and poultry farm has taught her about the importance of protecting water and soil. Her family plants trees and uses cover crops to prevent soil erosion in the fields. They use a Nutrient Management Plan to properly handle manure and practise the Four R (4Rs)s: right source, right rate, right time, and right place.
For a video of the 2022 award presentation, visit the Ausable Bayfield Conservation YouTube channel for this video:
For a video about previous recipients of the prize, between 2010 and 2019, watch this video:
The entire amount of this award is raised through community fundraising and donations. Donors can get a charitable gift receipt, for income tax purposes, for their donations to the Foundation. People can also support the student award, and other Foundation charitable activities, through fundraising events such as the Conservation Dinner.
The Conservation Foundation awards this prize to the winner of an application process. The award is presented to a graduating secondary school student or student enrolled in university or college pursuing education in a conservation-related (environmental) course of study such as biology, ecology, geography, forestry, fish and wildlife, agriculture, or outdoor education. Students write a creative two-page essay on their personal involvement with a conservation or environment-based project or organization. Award winners are between the ages of 17 and 25, and have a permanent address in a municipality of the ABCA watershed. Those watershed municipalities are: Adelaide Metcalfe; Bluewater; Central Huron; Huron East; Lambton Shores; Lucan Biddulph; Perth South; Middlesex Centre; North Middlesex; South Huron; Warwick; and West Perth.
The Conservation Foundation recognized Ryan Finnie in 2010 with the first Student Environmental Award. Winners since then are: Raina Vingerhoeds (2011); Greg Urquhart (2012); Ryan Carlow (2013); Connor Devereaux (2014); Barb Alber (2015); Samantha Bycraft (2016); Marina Lather (2017); Ethan Quenneville (2018); Meghan Glavin (2019); and Kirsten McIntosh (2022).
To learn more about this award visit the abca.ca website and click on the Student Environmental Award web page.
PHOTO INFORMATION: KIRSTEN McINTOSH WINS $1,000 STUDENT ENVIRONMENTAL AWARD FOR 2022: Dave Frayne, Chair of Ausable Bayfield Conservation Foundation (ABCF), presents the $1,000 Student Environmental Award to Kirsten McIntosh, of the RR 4 Seaforth area. Kirsten is the eleventh local student, since 2010, to benefit from this award given to the winning candidate pursuing post-secondary studies in a conservation-related field. This award is possible thanks to the community people who donate to the Foundation and who support its charitable fundraising activities.
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Congratulations, Kirsten!
Ausable Bayfield Conservation offers Oaks and Acorns programs at two conservation areas in September and October 2022
Oaks and Acorns is outdoor program for children ages 18 months to 6 years old with their adult caregivers at Morrison Dam and Rock Glen conservation areas
Oaks and Acorns is an outdoor, play-based, inquiry-based program for children and their adult caregivers. Ausable Bayfield Conservation is offering the program at two conservation areas in 2022.
“We give children the tools with which they can explore nature,” said Nina Sampson, Conservation Educator at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA). “We strive to inspire a life-long love of nature and the outdoors,” she said. “The children taking part learn through observation, exploration, and play.”
The 2022 program at Morrison Dam Conservation Area (MDCA) east of Exeter takes place on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. There is a four-week session in September (September 6, 13, 20, and 27). There is a second session at MDCA in October (October 4, 11, 18, and 25).
The 2022 program at Rock Glen Conservation Area (RGCA) in Arkona takes place on Fridays from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The September four-week session at RGCA takes place Sept 9, 16, 23, and 30. The RGCA October session of Oaks and Acorns takes place October 7, 14, 21, and 28.
Oaks and Acorns is a chance to “connect with the natural environment and other families.” Organizers encourage participants to “wonder, learn, and discover.”
Oaks and Acorns is an outdoor program for adult caregivers and children ages 18 months to 6. Infants are welcome with older children. Infants can be carried/worn or pushed in a stroller. The program cost is $70 for four sessions. (There is a maximum of 15 families taking part and a minimum requirement of seven registrants to run the program).
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Huron Soil and Crop says planting cover crops this year can build soil health to benefit next year’s crops
Now is a great time to plant cover crops, according to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association (HSCIA). Alan Willits, HSCIA President, said cover crops planted this year can help to preserve and build soil health which can help with next year’s crops.
There are many good reasons to plant cover crops, according to the HSCIA President.
“Cover crops help to reduce the loss of topsoil and nutrients and increase organic matter and help to create conditions that are favourable for the next year’s crop,” he said. “Those are just some of the reasons to consider planting more cover crops.”
There may be funding available to support cover crops. One funding program is the Huron Clean Water Project which has supported a Cover Crop Incentive since 2015.
Ausable Bayfield and Maitland Valley conservation authorities deliver the program on behalf of the County of Huron.
Willits recommends people get in touch with their local conservation authority to find out more.
“Completing an application may be as simple as a short phone call,” he said.
Landowners interested in finding out more about cover crops, and available cover crop funds, may contact Brooklyn Rau, Stewardship Technician at Ausable Bayfield at (519) 235-2610 extension 261 or Ben Van Dieten, Stewardship Projects Lead at Maitland Valley at (519) 335-3557 extension 245.
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Annual turtle release event, on Thursday, September 1, 2022, educates about turtles and habitat they need to survive
The Huron Stewardship Council (HSC), in partnership with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA), is bringing back the turtle release event to return turtle hatchlings to the wild. The event returns to an in-person event in 2022.
The public is invited to the Annual Turtle Hatchling Release on Thursday, September 1, 2022 from 1 to 5 p.m. at Morrison Dam Conservation Area, 71108 Morrison Line, east of Exeter, Ontario.
Save the date, mark your calendars, and visit abca.ca and HuronStewardship.ca for details coming soon!
Local conservation groups hosted the turtle release event locally for four years, as an in-person event, between 2016 and 2019. Thousands of people attended in its first four years. The popular education event reached record attendance of 1,500 people in 2019. Organizers transformed the event in 2020 and 2021 to a virtual Local Turtle Week (#LocalTurtleWeek) with photos, videos, social media posts, and at-home activities.
The Turtle Release Event is a great way to educate about turtles and about the ways we can protect these important species.
People can protect turtles by helping them across the road the way they are headed, driving more slowly, protecting nests from predators, enhancing turtle habitat through local tree planting and wetland restoration programs, and supporting community turtle monitoring programs.
Turtles are very important to the local ecosystem. They help to control aquatic vegetation and help to clean creeks and wetlands by eating algae and dead and decaying fish and other organisms.
“We need to preserve and enhance our wetlands and plant native trees and shrubs and protect and grow the natural areas that sustain turtle species,” said Hope Brock, Healthy Watersheds Technician with Ausable Bayfield Conservation.
Ontario’s native freshwater turtles face many threats including habitat loss and road mortality (death by cars and other vehicles). Hundreds of turtles in Ontario are hit by cars each year in the spring, summer, and autumn. These could be gravid (pregnant) females looking for a place to lay eggs, or males and females looking for new ponds and mates. People can help turtles by creating nesting habitat on their properties, stopping to help turtles cross the road in the direction they are heading (when it is safe to do so), and working with their local municipalities and communities to erect turtle crossing signs and build safe passages.
People can also arrange for transport of injured turtles to the turtle hospital. People can also act to protect, create, and enhance the natural areas that provide the habitat for turtle hatchlings to eat, drink, reproduce, and grow and become the adult turtles of tomorrow.
The Turtle Release Event is a way for people to learn about protecting Ontario’s freshwater turtles. To learn more visit the Huron Stewardship Council website and the Ausable Bayfield Conservation turtles page.
- Annual Turtle Hatchling Release
- September 1, 2022 from 1-5 p.m.
- Morrison Dam Conservation Area, east of Exeter
- Free entry! Rain or shine.
- Donations are encouraged. All proceeds support Ontario turtle conservation.
- Morrison Dam Conservation Area, 71108 Morrison Line, RR 3 Exeter, Ontario
- Questions? Email mmaddalena@huroncounty.ca
Save the date, mark your calendars, and watch for more details, to be posted in the coming days, here:
Huron Clean Water Project allocates more funding for water quality project categories including woodlot enhancement
Project partners encourage Huron County residents to take advantage of increased support, apply for projects through Huron Clean Water Project
There are more grant funds available, in several grant categories of the Huron Clean Water Project, for projects by Huron County landowners. The Huron Clean Water Project (HCWP) project review committee has allocated more grant funds to the categories of Forest Management Plans and Woodlot Enhancement and Fragile Land Retirement.
“We encourage landowners in Huron County to apply for grants in these and other categories to further protect and improve local water quality,” said County of Huron Warden Glen McNeil.
The County of Huron increased funding by $50,000, in 2022, for water quality projects for a total of $500,000 in available funds. “Huron County Council continues to make it a priority to support water quality improvement by our county residents and community groups,” said Warden McNeil.
As well as the categories with increased funding allocations, there are more than a dozen other grant categories with grants available.
To learn more about the Huron Clean Water Project visit the County’s Clean Water Project page:
The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) and the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) deliver the Huron Clean Water Project program on behalf of the County of Huron. Nathan Schoelier is ABCA Stewardship and Lands Manager. He said the increased support for several grant categories implements recommendations from staff working on the ground with landowners.
“Tree planting projects, and good woodlot management practices are important stewardship projects to complete,” he said. “The Huron Clean Water Project grant review committee approved these priorities and now we want to let landowners know we can provide more support in these important categories.” He said, in many cases, grants through Huron Clean Water Project can be combined with grants from other programs to help support landowners’ projects as much as possible.
Ben Van Dieten is MVCA Stewardship Projects Lead. He said staff are also looking to build upon the success of the Cover Crop Incentive category, and the large number of acres it benefits across the County, by inviting landowners to contact the conservation authority about supporting other soil health improvement projects. This may help to kick-start new efforts to reduce tillage and improve the soil health upon which we all rely, he said.
To apply for funding, or to learn more, call Maitland Conservation at 519-335-3557, extension 245, or Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority at 519-235-2610, extension 263.
Staff can help you to apply for grants and to make the process really simple, according to project spokespersons.
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