Whānau News: 5 August

I've been pondering and meditating on a word this week. The word is "delight". We were delighted to babysit our 10-month old granddaughter last weekend and we're delighted that, from next week, all our children will be on the North Island again, close enough for a quick drive to visit. However, as the week progressed, I became aware of the fact that the feeling of delight has deserted me. How great to have the Word of God to remind us, "Blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law (His precepts and teachings) day and night." Psalm 1: 1a and 2.
On Sunday, Titus and I are delighted to share with you some insights from the Word, particularly on the Blessing of Marriage.
May you find your delight in the Lord today,

- Sandra
The Blessing of Marriage  |  Sandra Bruin
This week we conclude our mini-series on relationships. Titus and I will be sharing some of our insights after 33 years of marriage as we sit around tables and play a game together before the children head out to their programmes. There will be some snacks to go with your hot drink, which you can bring to the table to enjoy. The coffee machine will be operating from 9.30 am and tea/instant coffee/hot chocolate will be available in the auditorium.
Join us in person or follow this link for the live stream at 10am. We would love to see you there. This is a message for everyone, not just married couples.
For the Kids this Week...  
We have great children’s programs running during the service and we look forward to seeing your children there.  Pre-school room (0- 5 yrs), Discovery kids room (yrs 1-6) and FBI (yrs 7-8). Please remember to sign in your children as you enter the building. This Sunday the children will be joining us for the first part of the service sitting around the tables set up before their programs start.
Have you joined our Facebook page yet? Just look for FBC kids on Facebook. You will find information sharing and resources on this site. If you need any further information please contact Penny at
Treasurer position
Jan Day has served as the Treasurer of Franklin Baptist Church for many years but now feels to step down from this role. Thank you, Jan, for all your hard work and time you have invested into this role.
The church is now looking for someone to pick up this voluntary position of Treasurer. If you are interested and want to know more about this role, please contract
Covid Reminder
We are aware that there is a lot of covid and flu cases in the community at present. We would love to have you join us online for the service if you are unwell.
The Alpha courses started last week and it is not too late to join in the fun. If you have questions or you know someone that has questions. Next meeting is on Monday 8th Aug at 10am in the church cafe and Wednesday 10th Aug at 6.45pm in the church cafe. Light refreshments provided.
Please invite someone to come along. Register at the info centre. 
Oasis / Chapel Service
Songs, fellowship & the Word. Oasis is every Wednesday, 10am at the cafe area.
Chapel service is every first Wednesday of the month at 11 am followed by luncheon. A gold coin koha to assist with cost is appreciated. Contact Charlie Potter for more information, 0275298211 or
Last week the Krafters met up on a Thursday.  There were about 20 ladies who came and we had a great time of getting to know one another and were inspired to get crafting.
The following groups are planned:
Scrapbooking; Needlework; Book Club; Knitting/Crochet; Board Games; Patchwork.
Come along and join us for a fun morning. Bring your own craft stuff. Start time 9:45am (Morning Tea) Crafts from 10-12noon.  Bring a friend or come alone.  Everyone is welcome. Phone Sherrell 021 171 5538 or Maureen 021 203 4547 if you have any queries.
CAP Money Course
This is a free budgeting course and runs for 3 consecutive Mondays in August starting Monday August 22, with subsequent evenings on August 29 and Sep 5.
Learn more:  Please register at the Info Desk. For more information, contact Chris Caldwell on 021 818 376.
Fuel Focus
A two-monthly newsletter from the Global Action Team. Click here for the JUL-AUG newsletter. A printed copy is also available at the Info Centre.
Thank you from Anne Walsh
Anne Walsh and family would like to take this opportunity to thank Franklin Baptist Church family for the support we received over the difficult last two and a half years during which time our first born son Fraser battled courageously with cancer to stay alive longer for his family. Fraser passed away Thursday 30th June, (aged 48) peacefully at home. He has left behind his beloved wife Anna, and much loved children Charlotte, Aly Tom and (late) Nile. Much loved son of Anne and (late) Ian and loved brother of Darin. Thank you to the FBC office staff and Pastor's, my night life group, ladies day group,  knitting group, prayer chain and all those I met on a Sunday. You have loved, prayed, given words of encouragement, cards, flowers. Most of all you prayed for Fraser and his family, myself and Darin in Uganda  (who finally managed to get back home). Thank you also for the use of the church and all that entailed for Fraser's service.
Fraser you are now with son Nile and your dad Ian with your Heavenly Father.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7 NIV"
Prayer Chain
If you would like to submit a prayer request to the Prayer Chain, please email Arlene Hutcheon on or send a text to 0274726198. All prayer requests are treated as confidential.
Are you Isolating? 
We want to support you during this time, so if you are isolating please jump on the 'Church Center' app. Find the 'I'm Isolating' event in the events tab and follow the instructions to sign up your whānau for some practical and spiritual support during this time. 
You can give online, by automatic payment or direct debit. Our church bank account: 01 0403 0013842 00 or click here to donate now.
If you have a celebration you would like to share with everyone, please send it through to To make sure your birthday is given all the celebration it deserves, update your details in our Church Center app. 

As an encouragement to all of you while you're at home...check out some of the songs we're currently singing on Sundays and a few new ones we might sing in the future. If you have a Spotify account, this is the link to FBC Worship on Spotify

Franklin Baptist Church  128 Victoria Street West, PO Box 52, Pukekohe 2120
telephone: (09) 238 8544    email:    website:

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