Whānau News: 12 August
I had a two-week gap between submitting my thesis and getting to share this message, and it has been a journey. Within this time, I was confronted with great doubt, confusion, and general lack of direction with what God might want to highlight out of the multitudes of tangents I could have picked out of my research. However, amazingly, God also used this to clearly and abundantly highlight the very message I am speaking about by providing so many wonderful examples of how important interpersonal relationships are. This came in the form of people around me voicing their support, helping me by giving me gems of wisdom, praying for me, and so many other beautiful expressions of how we can embody the commandment to “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” (John 13:34). I pray in the days leading up to the service that you too become very aware of how doing life together as a church family is just better together, and I’m so very excited to be sharing more about this on Sunday!
- Nicole