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July 21, 2021
Conversation Corner

“It was overwhelming to see so many people of color on a Zoom call, I have not experienced this. To hear a language translated/interpreted that I was raised with and shared with those in attendance to discuss issues relating to our community struggles we have had trying to care for those we love or have lost, touched my heart.”

This is a quote from a statewide summit that was held this past spring. We started a conversation among People With Lived Experience to help us design a care coordination system that works for people who want to use it. I emphasized started because we have to continue hosting these discussions if we want to reduce disparities—something that is top of mind given that we are celebrating BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month.

I would encourage you to read the report generated from that work. One of the outcomes of which I am most proud is that—through partnerships with foundations and community-based organizations—we were able to reach people who don’t usually participate in these conversations. They were not the community representatives who typically wear nine hats and attend every meeting in town. They were everyday people who hadn’t been invited to this kind of conversation in the past, and they were thrilled to be part of it. They understood that what they shared with us—and what they will continue to share with us—will help us design a system that works for all Coloradans.

Let’s keep up that spirit of inclusion as we continue the hard work to reform Colorado’s behavioral health system.

Summer Gathercole
Senior Advisor for Behavioral Health Transformation

Weigh In

From your perspective, how does equity show up in behavioral health reform?

Share your thoughts!
Report Out


Last month, we asked, Which behavioral health activity would you like to learn more about? 

  • 30% said care coordination planning

  • 30% said long-term competency improvements

  • 20% said Co-Occurring Disability and Behavioral Health Workgroup recommendations

  • 10% said workforce development efforts

  • 10% said the Behavioral Health Administration draft model 

Implementation Update
CDHS and HCPF Release Proposal to Expand the Safety Net System

Per Senate Bill 19-222, CDHS worked with stakeholders to develop a comprehensive proposal to strengthen and expand the safety net system. This document outlines the key goals and steps required to close the gaps in the current delivery system and ensure that individuals with the most difficult-to-treat mental health disorders receive services. Read the executive summary and the full plan.

Read Report on Behavioral Health Care Coordination Vision

The state recently partnered with Civic Consulting Collaborative (CCC) to bring together about 70 everyday Coloradans to weigh in on care coordination. Participants belonged to nearly 10 cultural groups—including ethnic, age, disability and LGBTQIA+ identities—and have lived through diverse experiences. CCC summarized key takeaways and recommendations from the convening. Read the report.

Change Management Update
Project Update

HMA continues to work with the Behavioral Health Reform Executive Committee and the Governor’s Office on the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) model and their decision-making process. We know this process may feel long, but behind the scenes, the group is making great progress.

The BHA is starting to take shape and feel more tangible, and the Executive Committee is taking all the stakeholder feedback into consideration. They are focused on ensuring that they make the best decision for Coloradans.


Although the timeline for any announcement is not known at this time, we will provide as much information as we can, as soon as we can. The time invested in getting to the right solution ensures careful consideration of the robust state agency and stakeholder feedback collected. 

In addition to the BHA model decision-making process, the Behavioral Health Reform Executive Committee continues to work on many other elements of behavioral health reform, including the 19 priorities identified by the Behavioral Health Task Force that will ultimately connect to the BHA as part of the implementation process. 

Stay Engaged
HMA will reach out to state agency staff as appropriate to support implementation planning and will continue to share opportunities to engage and new information via the change management webpage. Please continue to share your thoughts, questions and ideas via the feedback form on the webpage, as well as check out the FAQs in English and Spanish that are updated weekly. 

Behavioral Health In the News

Pagosa Daily Post: Colorado Celebrates BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

CBS 4: Colorado State Legislature Makes Historic Investment In Behavioral Health Care

Colorado Springs Gazette: Polis signs bills on mental and behavioral health and substance abuse

Arvada Press: Forward Together a state tool for parents, youths

Colorado Community Media: Mental health crisis lingers from pandemic

Colorado Newsline: Report: Veteran suicides far outstrip combat deaths in post-9/11 wars

5280: Alternatives to Calling the Denver Police Department

Events, Webinars, Opportunities and More
July is BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

This July, the Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) and our partners are proud to celebrate Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Mental Health Awareness Month, also known as Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.

Led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the observance aims to improve access to mental health treatment and to break down stigma and other barriers to care. To learn more about BIPOC mental health, read this special edition of the OBH newsletter and follow CDHS on Facebook.

Take a Free E-Learning Program in CLAS Standards

The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) and partners offer a free and accredited OMH e-learning program, Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals. This program is part of OMH’s Think Cultural Health E-learning courses, which aims to assist health professionals in building and sustaining culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

Register for Summer Health Cabinet Summit 

The Department of Health Care Policy & Financing will host the Summer Health Cabinet Summit on Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Topics include behavioral health priorities and progress, solutions to improve health equity and state trends in hospital costs and solutions. Register for the webinar here

Social Spotlight

Throughout July, CDHS is sharing information, resources and stories for BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month. Consider sharing the post below to help us celebrate #BIPOCMentalHealth. 

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Where We're Headed
Behavioral health reform is underway! Keep track with our project timeline: 
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