Integral Yoga® Magazine, Issue No. 258  “Eating for Energy”
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Eating for Energy

When you eat, you should think, I am eating to gather energy, to better serve others. Whatever you eat, see God in it because all food is God’s body.  

Guidance from a Higher Level
By Sri Swami Satchidananda

Over several decades, Swami Satchidananda spoke of his own Mahasamadhi (a realized saint’s conscious final exit from the physical body) and thus prepared his disciples for this eventuality. He left the physical body in August 2002 . Here are some of his words he shared over the years and an article about the events leading up the Mahasamadhi.
    When I leave my body I will continue to guide you from a higher level. When you are in the Guru’s physical presence you think that the guidance is coming from the physical side. No, spiritual help need not depend on the physical body. 


In this video, Avi Gordon interviews Swami Jyotirmayananda, who was initiated as a sannyasin (monastic) in 1986. She has served at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in various capacities, including designing and installing displays at the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine. She currently serves as the director of the LOTUS Center for All Faiths (LCAF). The podcast focuses on interfaith inspiration, her children's book Sparkling Together, the watercolor paintings and art she creates.

Raja Yoga Now: The Beginning
By Swami Karunananda

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali begins with a call that reverberates through the ages: atha yoganusasanam: Now the exposition of Yoga is being made. It is an invitation to seekers of truth everywhere, irrespective of place, time or circumstance. It offers a universal message: a guide to peace, freedom and happiness for one and all. The auspicious moment has arrived. We are beginning a journey of inner discovery, of refining, returning, and realizing who we are in truth.  MORE


Demystifying Tongue Scraping and Neti Pots
By Jeff Perlman

In Ayurveda, the accumulation of toxins in the body is called ama. It builds up as a result of the contaminants in our environment, improper eating habits, poor digestion, and/or a reflection of an imbalance in the gastrointestinal system. When these toxins are not properly digested and eliminated, they stagnate and can begin to compromise our health. Signs of this build-up include a coating on the tongue, foul-smelling breath or body odor, mental fog or confusion, weakness, body aches, diminished appetite...  MORE


In this short video documentary, Yoga teacher Laruga Glaser speaks about how Yoga transformed her life. Beautifully filmed, with Glaser going through a set of asanas with beauty and grace.

Integral Yoga's first scholarship-based BIPOC 200-hour Yoga teacher training is hosted by the San Francisco IYI. They would love to offer this training each year to share the teachings of Yoga with even more students in the US and around the world. Sangha members have been the primary source of financial support for the 2021 training. The IYI has not quite met their budget for this year and does not yet have any scholarship funds available for next year. Please help support the project here.

52 cards filled with wisdom from the Integral Yoga tradition. The front of each card contains an inspiring thought or affirmation by Swami Satchidananda to guide you on your spiritual journey. The quote is accompanied by an uplifting photo that conveys the spirit of the teaching through Yoga and meditation poses set amid the beauty of nature and the LOTUS. The reverse side holds an expanded quote with further reflection on the thought or affirmation appearing on the front. Now available here.
Inspiring Meme of the Week
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