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October 22, 2021

Transparency and Accountability: Those are the two biggest themes that have emerged in conversations with our partners over the past 10 months. And it is what we must expect from the Commissioner of our Behavioral Health Administration (BHA).

We are thrilled to announce that Governor Polis has launched a national search for the Commissioner of our BHA to join his cabinet. We need someone who will listen to understand, who will bring us together to identify solutions, and who will take action to produce outcomes. We need a leader who will inspire, and a person who will build trust while challenging us to collectively deliver better services to Coloradans. Governor Polis shared his expectations of the new Commissioner in this video

You can view the job description here. Please share this opportunity far and wide with your networks and colleagues. Post it on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Submit your suggestions to our search firm, Berkeley Search Consultants, at

Apply Here!

This is the start of a new era for our behavioral health system in Colorado. Join me in finding the right leader who can help us meet the vision of the Behavioral Health Task Force: a comprehensive, equitable, effective continuum of behavioral health services that meet the needs of all Coloradans in the right place, at the right time, to achieve whole person health and wellbeing.

Summer Gathercole
Senior Advisor for Behavioral Health Transformation

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