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November 2021
The Dragoness of Efficiency

Brown Dragon is a fantastic Dragoness with many qualities.

Whenever she appears, she improves the relationship with our body - through healthier eating, the assimilation of nutrients by our body and helping us make better use of our bodies here on Earth.
Her message for November:
"You have been trained and conditioned to reject your body since birth. It grew up with many voices around it interfering or suggesting what it should be like, what was wrong with it and how you could improve it.

 What you don't know is that it was a gift from your Higher Self who knew exactly what type of body you needed while on Earth.

Gaia collaborated, suggesting some 'alterations' you would need to improve your journey here. These details were sent to the Team who coordinated your incarnation and worked on it with a lot of love and affection so you could not only fulfill your Mission on Earth, but also enjoy your time on the Planet. 

All your Soul needed to do was inhabit your body and care for it with all the attention it had received in the Spiritual realm. This would be like treating your body with the same love and affection that you might otherwise give your car, bicycle, motorcycle, horse, skateboard or other means of transportation!


Can you now see your body, the way it is, from the same perspective as your Higher Self sees it? Can you see how perfect it is - even with its imperfections? Can you love your body with the same care that it received in the Spiritual realm?

I come this month of November to remind you to take good care of your body as this is the month you start to accelerate your pace towards the end of the year. That's why it's the best time to nurture it even more, with lots of love and affection, so that it continues to be healthy.”
We wish all our Dragon Friends to stay healthy at this end of the year - and let all of us together continue to create Heaven on Earth for all inhabitants!

Antoinette, Ana, Raquel, Clare & the Dragonlight Team.


Tuesday 9th November 2021
8:00pm, London Time

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Replay from October Dragon of the Month
Live Session

:: Majestic Dragon ::

If you missed our live session last month with Majestic Dragon, we invite you to watch (or re-watch) now.
Watch to learn more about how to activate your Soul's purpose.
Watch Majestic Dragon Live Session Now!
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