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Parshas Acharei - Shvi'i with Rashi

We learned yesterday that a Yid’s marriage is very holy!

The Torah says that the goyim in Eretz Yisroel were not acting in a very holy way. This bothered Hashem so much, that they were pushed out of Eretz Yisroel! Now that the Yidden are about to go into Eretz Yisroel, they need to be extra careful that they are not acting the way the goyim were. They need to act differently, since they are Hashem’s special nation!

- Two men can’t get married to each other.
- People can’t get married to animals.

If someone does these aveiros, even if the Beis Din can’t punish them, Hashem gives them a kind of kareis, cutting off their chayus from Hashem so they will pass away young, without having children.

Keeping these mitzvos shows that we understand that Hashem is in charge of the world, and knows what is good for us. We understand that He will punish us if we chas veshalom do these aveiros, and we understand that Hashem will reward us for acting the way He asks us to!



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In today’s Tehillim, there is a posuk that says “Nachisa Katzon Avdecha BeYad Moshe VeAharon,” “You led Your nation like sheep, in the hands of Moshe and Aharon.”

Why does Dovid Hamelech say that Hashem led the Yidden with Moshe AND Aharon? Wasn’t MOSHE RABBEINU the Rebbe of the Yidden then? Why does Hashem say that Moshe AND Aharon were the leaders?

The Tzemach Tzedek explains this:

Hashem gave Yidden the Torah. He wants Yidden to live exactly like the Torah tells us. But Yidden aren’t born automatically living that way! Just like we need our parents to help us grow to be good Yidden, the Yidden also needed help when they left Mitzrayim. Yidden were just “born” from a hard Golus and became Hashem’s nation. All of the sudden, Hashem gave them a Torah that had so many rules! How could they be ready to do it all right away?

Hashem DIDN’T expect them to do it all right away! Hashem gave them a leader with one neshama that was split into two people, and both of them worked together to help the Yidden.

Moshe Rabbeinu had the shlichus to teach Yidden the proper way to live, whether they were ready for it or not. He told them the way things need to really be! Aharon’s shlichus was the other half of the job — to help Yidden be the way Hashem wants. He needed to take each Yid by the hand and help him become closer to the Torah. He showed each one what he was ready to start doing now, and what he should get ready to start later. He helped each individual Yid to become the best he could.



Likutei Amarim Perek Mem-Alef

The Alter Rebbe tells us that it’s not enough to do Avodas Hashem because we LOVE Hashem, we also have to have Yiras Shomayim — to be afraid to make Hashem upset, like a person who is standing in front of a king.

What happens if a person thinks about all the things it says in Tanya, but he still doesn’t feel different?

He shouldn’t worry about it!

1) Since he wants to do his Avodas Hashem like for a king, it’s still an Avodah Sheleimah, complete.

2) While he’s thinking about these things, he does feel a little bit of Yiras Shomayim, at least as much as a person who knows someone is watching him.

But we need to remember that a bird needs TWO wings to fly, a person needs Ahavas Hashem AND Yiras Hashem for his mitzvos to fly up to Hashem. That’s why even though we need to start with Yiras Shomayim, we also need to think about our love for Hashem and then our mitzvos will be able to fly.



Tes-Vov Nisan

- It is our minhag to put lettuce and horseradish for BOTH the Maror and Chazeres on the kaarah!
- We stand up when we say Kiddush.
- Some say “Ha Lachma Anya” (with a komatz) but it is our minhag to say “Hey Lachma Anya” (with a tzeirei)
- When we make the bracha “Al Achilas Maror,” we also think about the maror we will eat in our Korech sandwich.

At the first seder, the Rebbe Rashab would go quickly through the Haggadah, so he could finish the Afikoman before chatzos (midnight). But on the second night, it didn’t matter how late it went! He would explain everything in the Haggadah for a long time — the seder lasted for 6 or 7 hours! (They started before 9:00 at night and weren’t finished until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning!)

The Alter Rebbe said about matzah:

1) The matzah on the first night of Pesach is Michla Dimeheimenusa — food that makes us have Emunah.

2) The matzah on the second night is Michla De’asvasa — food that makes us healthy!

The Alter Rebbe explained that it is important that it is in this order — first Emunah, then Refuah. Because if a person first gets better and then has emunah, that shows that something bad happened, and he only has emunah after Hashem saves him. But if the emunah comes first, then he knows that everything is from Hashem, and then there is really nothing wrong to begin with!



Shiur #307 - Mitzvas Asei #246

We are learning the same mitzvah again in Sefer Hamitzvos, (Mitzvas Asei #246) that the Beis Din needs to pasken according to halacha when there is an argument between people about money.



Hilchos To'ein Venit'an

Perek Yud: Usually we say that whoever has something, we assume that it is his. If someone else says it isn’t, that other person needs to prove it, or else the Beis Din won’t take it away. (“Hamotzi Meichaveiro, Alav HaRaayah”) But in this perek, we learn that we don’t always say that about an animal, who might wander off, or a servant who can walk around on his own.

Perek Yud-Alef: If someone is living on property for at least three years with nobody else protesting, we assume that it belongs to him, even if he doesn’t have any papers to prove it. This is called a chazaka.

In Perek Yud-Beis we learn the details of how something becomes a chazaka. For example, a person has to live on property for three years STRAIGHT, or else we don’t assume it is his.



Hilchos Metamei Mishkav U'Moshav - Perek Yud

In today’s Rambam, we learn more about the kind of people who have a body Tumah, and how they make other things Tomei:

We learn about who we say is PROBABLY tomei, and who is PROBABLY Tahor: A Yid who doesn’t know so much Torah (an Am Ha’aretz) is probably Tomei, since he probably didn’t know all of the halachos, and might not have realized that he became tomei. But if a person wants to, he can become a “Chaver” — a person who is careful about staying tahor.

icon of clock



The Medrash explains the posukMagid Devarav LeYaakov, Chukav Umishpatav LeYisroel.” (“Hashem tells HIS words to Yaakov, HIS chukim and mishpatim to Yisroel.”) That means that whatever mitzvos Hashem tells us to do, He does too!

So when we are all sitting down at our Pesach seder, Hashem is saying the Haggadah with us!

Hashem also says, “Hey Lachma Anya” — “this is the bread of tzaros.” It is Hashem’s tzaros too, because as long as we are in Golus, Hashem’s Shechinah is in Golus too, and it has to be hidden in the world.

But, Hashem says, “Kol Dichfin Yeisei VeYeichol!” “Everyone who is hungry, come and eat!” If you really want to be connected to Hashem, even in Golus, Hashem promises you will be able to.

But next year, we are sure that we will be able to see Hashem clearly! “Leshana Haba BiYerushalayim!” By next year, we will be in Yerushalayim, when Hashem brings Moshiach and builds the Beis Hamikdash and doesn’t have to be hidden anymore in Golus!

See Likutei Sichos chelek Ches, Pesach

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In the Rebbe’s Haggadah, the Rebbe brings an explanation from Torah Ohr about what Hallel is all about. It says that Hallel is praise of Hashem, and revealing Hashem. The words of Hallel praise Hashem, but what does it mean “revealing Hashem?”

On days when we say Hallel (like the days of Pesach), these are days when the Emes of Hashem is revealed in the world.

Usually, when we look around at the world, that’s all we see — a world! We see all kinds of Gashmius, which seems to run by its own system. But the emes of Hashem is that the chayus of every part of the world is only Hashem, Who created it all!

On days we say Hallel, that emes is more felt and revealed.




On Musaf of the first day of Pesach, we start to say “Morid Hatal” in davening. Some of the halachos about this or if you forget are in your siddur, and in tomorrow’s shiur.

On every Yom Tov, and on special days like Rosh Chodesh, we say Hallel as part of davening, to praise Hashem for His special nisim.

On the first two days of Pesach, not only do we say Hallel in Shacharis like every Yom Tov, but we ALSO say Hallel during Maariv! After Shemoneh Esrei at night, we say Hallel, praising Hashem for the nisim that He did for us at the time of Yetziyas Mitzrayim.

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



How the Rebbeim Get Us Ready for the Geulah

When the Yidden left Mitzrayim, they had two leaders, Moshe and Aharon. They helped the Yidden get ready for Matan Torah, to be ready to accept the Torah and live the way the Torah teaches us to.

Moshe and Aharon worked together, like two halves of one neshama!

In later times, these two halves of one neshama came together in one Yiddishe leader. There is a posuk in Tehillim that says that this started in the times of Shmuel Hanavi, and the Rebbe teaches that with the Chabad Rebbeim it was the same way.

We need the koach of Moshe AND Aharon to get Yidden ready for the Geulah!

Using maamarim and sichos and being an example of how to live, the Rebbeim show us the truth of how Hashem wants Yidden to be. That’s the derech of Moshe Rabbeinu. Then, in Yechidus, with Igros, and by sending shluchim around the world, they help each person grow to be the best Yid he can be! That’s the derech of Aharon Hakohen.

With both of these kochos, all Yidden will be ready for the Geulah!

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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