In this enlightening 1976 interview, American TV host and journalist Bill Boggs spoke with Swami Satchidananda and Ram Dass in New York City. They discussed a range of topics from many paths to our goal, happiness, suffering, enlightenment, prison Yoga, and more.
Many people think that anything involving poses and stretches is Yoga, but Hatha Yoga is a far deeper practice with very specific goals. These goals include bringing health, wellbeing, ease and steadiness to the body so that we can function happily in the world and also to prepare the body for meditation. If our physical self is full of vitality and energy, or in yogic terms, filled with prana, then our mind and spirit are able to function with balance and steadiness of purpose. MORE
Regardless of my feelings about sleep, I’ve come to look at it as an opportunity to practice. Nights when I’m restless I may choose to wake up and sit in meditation. Or I may choose to remain lying down practicing Yoga Nidra. I explore how it is to sleep on the left verses the right side of my body. At times, I consider the Buddha, resting on his right side as he enters Nirvana. Sleep can be a part of our practice. We can become curious about it and take it, perhaps, more seriously than we have yet done. MORE
"One Day" is a song written and performed by American reggae singer Matisyahu and first released in 2008. The song was also included as a last-minute addition to Matisyahu's album Light. The song expresses the hope for an end to violence, and a prayer for a new era of peace and understanding. In 2018, Matiyashu gathered 3,000 Christians, Muslims and Jews together in Haifa, Israel to record the song in three languages: English, Arabic and Hebrew.
Andrew Holecek is leading "Graceful Exit," an online retreat via Yogaville Online September 4-7 on the Tibetan teachings on death and dying. He also just published a new book, Dreams of Light: The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming, which is a deep dive into the heart of all the nocturnal meditations, which includes dream yoga, sleep yoga, and bardo yoga. This book is a rigorous exploration of the daytime practice of Illusory Form, and why this practice is so important. MORE
Ever receive this birthday card? “My eyesight is gone, my hearing is bad, my joints are stiff, and I have trouble staying awake. Thank goodness I can still drive!” This may be a little ageist, but I think there’s some truth here too. I do ask myself these kinds of questions: How much longer will I be able to drive? What happens as I lose my mobility? The same lifelong lessons of Yoga are still there: detachment, acceptance, gratitude, kindness, loving and giving. Yoga is evenness of mind. MORE
Swami Murugananda, senior monk and founder of the Yogaville library and SASTRI database is also an avid gardener. During the pandemic he has been expanding the beautiful grounds around the fish pond across from the monastery entrance. He happily welcomed the photo op! (Report and photo by Jeff Ananda Kamen.)
Yoga Meme of the Week
One of our sharp-eyed readers spotted this in a promotional video for Joe Biden. It's Dr. Jill Biden jogging in her "Om" shirt! This media outlet highlighted how the shirt comes from the brand Peace Love Solve and how they educate consumers about autism as a method of promoting awareness and inclusion. A portion of the proceeds from every purchase is also donated to Autism Speaks, the largest autism advocacy organization. Go Jill and Autism Speaks!