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Thank you to everyone who joined us for JUSTICE FOR FAMILIES, our first ever virtual fundraising event, on Tuesday evening.

Our community gathered from all over the world for an hour of moving stories and testimonies that clearly engaged and inspired our audience. Our staff and our clients spoke so beautifully and so bravely about the joys and challenges of our work together.

If you missed the event, or want to re-view it,
I encourage you to click this link. You will be not be sorry.

It was a night of both generosity of spirit and giving. We raised nearly $250,000 to support our unique work ensuring justice for Black and Brown families who are at risk of losing their children to the foster care or teenage incarceration systems. 

Please consider making a gift to support our work keeping families together in these challenging times! It’s not too late to help.

With much appreciation for all of you! 

Michele Cortese
Executive Director

Our mission is to keep families together.
We provide families in crisis with free legal assistance and social work services to enable children to stay with their families safely. CFR works to keep children out of foster care entirely or keep their time in care to a minimum.

Every year, CFR serves more than 3,000 families in New York City.
We work in the courtroom and in the community to keep families together
and prevent children from entering foster care. Learn more here

Copyright © 2020 Center for Family Representation, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
40 Worth Street, Suite 605, New York, NY 10013 

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