Tehra Coles, CFR’s Litigation Supervisor for Policy and Government Affairs wrote a powerful Letter to the Editor that was published October 9th. It was in response to two articles in the NYTimes—one about parents drinking and smoking pot to deal with the “hellscape” of parenting in the pandemic, the other, a specific call from the Times to hear from Black parents about how they are coping raising their children during the pandemic.
We found it ironic that the Times would publish an article about parents coping with parenting during the pandemic by drinking and getting high – on the same day they asked Black parents to share their stories of parenting in the pandemic during the resurgence of BLM movement and the unending news cycle of violence against Black people. Our clients, overwhelmingly parents of color, would risk losing their children if they coped with the pandemic with marijuana or too many glasses of wine. We knew we had to speak out – and we did.
We wanted to share Tehra’s letter because we know you share our outrage at the way Black and Brown families are surveilled by the child welfare system, and are so often separated instead of supported when they need help. We are grateful for your partnership as we work to change the system while we advocate for parents who deserve the same respect we all deserve.
Thank you for all you do to support CFR.
Michele Cortese
Executive Director
Below is the text of our letter, and links to the two articles we were responding to.
To the Editor:
Re “Parents’ Little Helpers” (Sunday Styles, Oct. 4):
To be a Black mother is to be in a constant state of alertness when it comes to protecting your family from the government. As a Black woman, mother and lawyer, I am no different in that regard.
Most Black mothers wouldn’t publicly label themselves a “wine mom” or admit to smoking pot. No one remotely aware of the government’s racist practice of separating Black families for such behavior through the so-called child welfare system would.
You are correct that substance use has been “romanticized” for white parents. Your article proves that it still is. Smoking pot and drinking are seen as coping mechanisms for white families and grounds for separation for Black families. Black parents who admit to substance use are often labeled “addicts” and sent to treatment programs. Ninety percent of the parents we defend for alleged child neglect in New York City are Black, Indigenous or people of color.
You’ve asked for Black parents to share stories about parenting today: Here’s your story.
Tehra Coles
New York
The writer is litigation supervisor for government affairs and policy at the Center for Family Representation.