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Dear Friend,

WHAT A YEAR, from the unending pandemic to a presidential election like no other. It’s been a time when we have all needed people we can count on and lean on. I am so grateful that CFR could count on you.

If you are able, please renew your support of CFR today, so our teams can continue working harder than ever, in and outside of court, to protect parents’ rights, to keep poor families together and to bolster their resilience.

We’re also working proactively to change the child welfare and juvenile justice system, so fewer families have to face the trauma we witness every day in our work.

With your compassionate, loyal and generous support, we will continue to be there for Black and Brown families, to lift them up during any parent’s nightmare – separation from their child.

Your support means the world to us, and the families we serve, especially now. 

Michele Cortese
Executive Director

P.S. There are many ways to support CFR! Give now at Donate stock or retirement assets or make a gift from your DAF. Make a matching gift. And help spread the word about CFR!

Stay tuned this month for a series of
storytelling video emails to watch and share!
Copyright © 2020 Center for Family Representation, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
40 Worth Street, Suite 605, New York, NY 10013 

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