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Dear Friend,

2020 tested the resilience of our clients and the innovation of our staff in new ways. Yet, because of your support, we’ve pivoted and we have hope. Please take a moment  to watch this video featuring our staff who’ve been on the frontlines, adapting and adjusting every day. In the video, Litigation Supervisor Anatasia Riveria-Bonilla shares,
"Most of our clients didn’t have the technology to use a video phone, a google hang-out. Trying to get creative about how to help our clients has been a work of art.”
In this unprecedented time, there are many ways to promote justice and make change. We hope that you will renew your support of CFR and with us, stand in solidarity with the Black and Brown youth and families we serve. 

If you haven’t already, please make a donation as you are able at today. 

With gratitude,

Michele Cortese
Executive Director

P.S. There are many ways to support CFR! Give now at Donate stock or retirement assets or make a gift from your DAF. Make a matching gift. And help spread the word about CFR!

Stay tuned this month for a series of
storytelling video emails to watch and share!
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40 Worth Street, Suite 605, New York, NY 10013 

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